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Joe Blow
Fox News
Comments by "Joe Blow" (@joeblow1942) on "Yang: Amazon needs to pay their fair share" video.
OneHung Low Taxation is theft so there is no fair share.
Tucker has many democrats on his show - both sane ones (which is rare) and the insane ones.
Edward You and these other idiots don’t understand that amazon has offset their gross income by spending BILLIONS on R & D and infrastructure.
Fredo Gee As did Tulsi Gabbard for saying years ago that she believed in conversion therapy. Plus, establishment dems hate her because she’s anti war.
@patrick3952 Yang wants UBI which has proven to be a dismal failure everywhere it has been tried. Go to his "policies" page and you'll see he's for the same authoritarian garbage that all the other dems want. He just doesn't appear INSANE like the rest of the 2+2=5 moral relativist idiots.
A Mouse You voted for Trump but if Yang takes it you’d vote for Yang. WTF?! Yang appears sane, but his policies are all socialist insanity.
akadeepsea Yang is “sensible” ONLY compared to all the other moral relativist 2+2=5 lunatics running. That ain’t saying much, dude.
It's not ridiculous at all. Amazon spent BILLIONS last year on expansion and infrastructure, etc. The fact that Yang didn't talk about this (or Tucker) makes me very suspicious of Yang.
@Syrup & Pancakes What I like about Tulsi is that she's the most outspoken antiwar human running since Ron Paul. What I don't like about Tulsi is that her domestic stuff is the same lefty father/mother god government garbage. Also, the fact that she is a member of the CFR is extremely alarming and doesn't at all jive with being antiwar.
@thomasreno4613 Sorry, but you are extremely ignorant to believe that corporations don't pay taxes. Even if a business doesn't pay income tax (because of expenses that offset their gross income), they still pay BILLIONS every year into payroll taxes, local and state taxes, etc., etc.
@Gotwired "Moral hazard dilemma"?? What a bunch of commie/collectivist gobbleygook. TAXATION IS THEFT and the "moral hazard" is that humans have allowed what is basically an extortion racket to have their money STOLEN at gunpoint in the first place.
john smith The tax system is set up to encourage business expansion and hiring employees so it IS smart to legally avoid taxes.
@tangy8213 What have dems been talking about? A big fat VAT on top of all the other taxes?
Abraham Shekelbergstien THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT! Finally someone that understands business and how the tax code works!
Ottsel King Tulsi Gabbard is a dem congress woman from Hawaii. She’s great on foreign policy. Unfortunately she is a dem on domestic policy and is a member of the CFR which conflicts with her anti war stance.
@THEOO7NIGHTFIRE I'm conflicted about Amazon because I love being able to order anything on Prime plus the videos. Bezos though, I wish he and his fake new Washington Post would go to hell.
@hansdampf232 The US could return to the way it was funded at the beginning - tariffs with no central bank pumping trillions of phony fiat dollars.
Courts Griner Photography Sure, I pay income taxes so I won’t end up in prison. What a wonderful transformation to this country if the US fed gov returned to getting all of its revenue from tariffs.
@patrickbeishir8737 You CAN "make the tax laws work in your favor" but you have to start a business to do that.
@C B Taxation is theft so you are right to say "stealing is stealing."
Tom Devine I like Tulsi because she’s real and on foreign policy she’s antiwar, but like all the dems, her domestic policy will be disastrous.
Tulsi Gabbard is the only other sane democrat running too.
@purevibes2035 I like Tulsi. She is the only other sane democrat running. I really like that she is anti-war. The one thing sketchy about her is that she is a member of the CFR - and THAT is a big deal because it totally conflicts with her non-interventionist and anti-war beliefs.
I can’t believe all the morons commenting here that are welcoming Yangs VAT. Insane.
@humblepie2307 The US is not a democracy and never was. It is a Constitutional Republic. Big difference. Most poor in the world are still wiping their asses with the hand that they don't eat with. Point is, there will always be poor people (I've been poor) and the poor in the US don't wipe their asses with their fingers and live far far better than the poor in any country in the world. Is it true that Yang wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment?