Comments by "paul truong" (@paultruong6390) on "Tudor Dixon: The media is in complete defense of a radical" video.

  1. Justice in everyone's heart is not Judge Merchan silencing accusations against the United States. It is not just a district court in New York Judge Merchan, there is also the Court of Appeals, Federal Court Merchan violated federal procedural law. According to the US Constitution, it is unconstitutional for any judge to use a kangaroo court to silence impeachment, because former President Trump does not belong to the state of NY. America does not accept a Merchan judge using a kangaroo court. The US Constitution is a rule-of-law democracy divided into 3 branches: Legislative, Executive, Judicial, not a communist dictatorship. If there are no physical witnesses, the trial must stop immediately. If there is a witness, Michael Cohen, who lied to Congress 6 times and went to prison for 3 years for tax evasion in the past, Trump's lawyer asked Judge Merchan to see. Immediately deal with witnesses if Michael Cohen has lied and is not legally qualified to continue testifying in court. The Federal Bar Council will revoke his license to practice law. Michael Cohen will lose his civil rights due to lying. . Michael Cohen slandered President Trump, asking Judge Merchan to judge in accordance with the law according to the US Constitution. The judge shielding a criminal is tantamount to complicity if Judge Merchan commits the first crime of abrogating his authority. At trial, if Merchan continues to misbehave, he will be forced to resign. Michael Cohen has committed a criminal offense of giving false testimony and slander and must pay compensation for Trump's lawyer fees. Afterwards, Michael Cohen will be tried for stealing $100,000 from Trump. organization must go to jail.
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  6. Kamala claimed to be BLM Kamla had to remember to apply black paint on her face. If she can't win against President Trump, then Kamala will become the leader of Black Live Matter because her skin is the color of milk coffee. Her father is South American and Jamaican. Her mother is Indian. If so, then her ethnicity is black, white, red. . brown, yellow, apply black paint to become BLM would shoplift if under 900 USD don't go to jail Kamala humiliates the black community, Joe Biden has Parkinson's disease 90% of the time then Kamala Harris is paranoid 95 % of traffickers down the border commit terrorism into the United States thinking that they will replace Joe Biden is a daydream. If Kamala really had the ability to be President, Joe Biden would have resigned nearly 2 years ago, Kamala. When she became President, Kamala went on CNN and cried to Jen Psaki that she was black and no one would choose her as President. Shame on Obama and Nancy Pelosi that they have no one capable of replacing Joe Biden. Obama & Pelosi elevated Kamala to the position of vice president to become President. Kamala Harris continues to act as a puppet. Obama has replaced all of Kamala's advisors to avoid future disasters. Why didn't Obama put Mitchell Obama in place of Biden? The reason Obama failed the Obamacars program. He sold the copyright to the Obamacare complex for 20 million USD and eventually went bankrupt. Biden is now under house arrest in the White House. Hope Kamala share amnesty for . Hunter and Biden's family Joe Biden does not have the right to pardon the President because Biden has not completed his 4-year term. Hunter will be convicted of corruption, money laundering, tax evasion, illegal use of weapons while using cocaine and will be sentenced to 25 years in prison.
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  10. Everywhere Joe Biden goes, he praises Joe Biden's son, Beau Biden, a hero who died in IRAQ and has a bronze medal because Joe Biden likes to explode so much that when interviewing the council, Joe Biden has poor memory and is actually bragging about Joe's son. Biden died of brain cancer. He had a brain tumor removed at Houston Hospital in 2014, then the condition recurred and was transferred to Walter Reef Hospital. Maryland passed away in 2015 at the age of 46. Joe Biden attended the Forum. The Tokyo economy continues to brag that his son is a lawyer who joined the army and died in IRAQ because Joe Biden keeps talking, so people think Joe Biden is actually mentally ill, then Joe Biden has a mental disorder when it comes to relationships. The second son, Hunter, is a corrupt broker who launders money to establish companies in foreign countries, gets kicked out of the army for doing cocaine, uses illegal weapons since 2018, and commits tax evasion since 2018. -2023 is under investigation related to Joe Biden, so Joe Biden kept confidential documents for more than 7 years and did not deliver when being investigated. Joe Biden has a mental disorder, leading to memory loss, Joe Biden is done with corruption planning to lie, when he knew he was being investigated, he became insane, mumbled, sometimes remembered, sometimes not, and didn't remember anything. Joe Biden speaks like a child when his baby cries. His mother just breastfed him. When he discovered secret documents left in the garage, Vice President Biden did not have the right to bring home confidential documents of more than 7 years and reveal the secrets in the documents. related to Tik Tok spying for China. Joe Biden losing his memory is the best way to avoid being deposed and sent to prison. Joe Biden extended Hunter's pardon until the end of his term for tax evasion and illegal use of weapons. Joe Biden pretended to say the wrong things and mumbled continuously to avoid being interviewed. Joe Biden bowed his head, looked down, raised his hands to feel his way down to the stands, turned 180 degrees to find the exit, so he called Jill Biden and pulled Joe Biden's hand down to the basement. nursing because Joe Biden said his poor memory was too humiliating. for Joe Biden to bring his son Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer in Maryland, to Water Reef Hospital to ask for votes from veteran soldiers
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  12. President Trump just made fun of Joe Biden standing on stage. An old man with dementia attending the graduation ceremony of the US military academy fell and could not stand up. Two guards helped Joe Biden stand up. Biden pointed with his hand down the stairs. Trump teased Joe Biden looked at the ground and pointed down the steps, wanting to miss a ball, Trump doesn't need to debate on June 27, 2024 with Joe Biden. Joe Biden mumbled and said where am I going to find a way to go home, and Joe Biden was forced to withdraw from the debate. Joe Biden fell into a serious state of insanity. So Jill Biden has to go and take care of Joe Biden every day, Trump just needs to say that the exercise lesson Dr. Jill Biden taught Joe Biden to reduce stress, exercise when appropriate. Joe Biden mumbled the news, then Joe Biden no longer knew anything to continue the debate. Joe Biden was even worse than a 5-year-old child who had just learned how to read. When Joe Biden read the teleprompter, he said the wrong thing and mumbled reading the excerpt. lead. Jill Biden said the first exercise is to raise your arms above your head and turn around 180 degrees, then turn around to greet the audience. The second move is to put your arms straight out in front, walk back and forth, stand at attention, and greet the audience. The third move is Returning to the stage to greet the audience, Joe Biden concentrated his memory behind and walked down the stage with both hands out in front, leading the way to the tunnel. Joe Biden's memory loss is so severe that there is no cure
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