Comments by "paul truong" (@paultruong6390) on "White House in damage control after Biden's 'catastrophically bad' presser" video.

  1. DOJ & FBI covered up Biden family's corruption and ended up going to jail together, Democrats impeached Trump for more than 7 years and were removed from office 3 times related to Russia Hillary conspiracy theory, Pelosi played games January 6, 2021 40,000 Now the video has exposed the truth that Pelosi was kicked out of the Speaker's office by Henry McPartrick. The Communist Democratic Party accused Trump of tax evasion, but there is no evidence for the American people to believe that Trump is guilty. Because Joe Biden instructed the DOJ &FBI to put Trump in prison, Merrick Garland's political weapon took advantage of the DOJ's authority to appoint outside prosecutor Jack Smith without going through Congress. Jach Smith was not appointed by President Joe Biden, but let the DOJ call Jack Smith to take orders to go to Florida without any evidence or witnesses and charge 37 counts of violating the law under the constitution. Because President Trump has the right to declassify documents, and President Trump is not a spy or the cause of the 1918 war, the name Jach Smith is transferred to the January 6 rebellion instigated by Pelosi. The communist democratic party does not want Trump to run for President in 2024. Now everything has become clear, prosecutor Jack Smith probably graduated from jungle law school and has no way to resolve the slander against President Trump. Jack Smith will lose his lawyer's license forever, only the President has the right to appoint a prosecutor to investigate and approve the president of the National Assembly. DOJ Merrick Garland arbitrarily appointed Jack Smith to investigate former President Trump for wrongdoing in principle according to government executive agency regulations, and was prosecuted before the law for perceived wrongdoing in political games, When people asked Jack Smith, when Joe Biden was Vice President, why did he bring secret documents home and keep them for more than 7 years and did not hand them over to the National Documents Archives Committee before January 20, 2017? Joe Biden said he forgot. In the Garage, don't forget to hand over the Delaware University Library to the National Archives Commission. Joe Biden was discovered to have hidden documents in his house, full evidence. Joe Biden spoke in a childish manner, when Only when a baby cries, the mother breastfeeds, the political game of the Communist Democratic Party is shamefully exposed. Vice President Biden has no right to reveal secrets and keep secret documents in the Garage or library, if Joe Biden is convicted of a crime Revealing national secret information is a crime of treason. Jack Smith has no way to answer but only listens to the American people criticizing prosecutor Jack Smith for declaring his determination to prosecute President Trump without evidence. Jack Smith is now in turmoil when Congress asked Jack Smith to hand over documents indicting Trump. He didn't know what he was doing, but only received orders from DOJ Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith asked DC judge Chutkan Tanya to prosecute Trump. is slander, Jack Smith applied false constitutional and legal charges when Trump filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court regarding freedom of speech under Article 1 of the Constitutional Amendment, the Court asked the judge Chutkan Tanya drops charges against Trump. Chutkan Tanya violated the US Constitution. She had to withdraw her accusation. It was so embarrassing
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