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The Sun
Comments by "" (@Mawyou) on "The Sun" channel.
Well given who he was running against. You have early stages of dementia vs sociopath. Mr. Rogers vs Jason (who for some reason happens to have the support of all the nation's white supremacist groups) I'll pick the nice guy
Anti-vaxers like yourself were designed to infect us all with preventable diseases like smallpox and measles.
@brians.2392 The government hasn't tried to take away ANY of the 27 amendments. Also, most countries haven't been invaded since the 1800s. In the US we are separed from most of world by oceans, and we have a strong military. It has nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Your gun is not stopping Russia or China, it's our military and nuclear weapons. It's just conservatives think that any kind of gun control (background checks, banning extended magazines) means they are coming after your Second Amendment. You have this highly emotionally charged response to common sense gun policies because conservatives online and on TV tell you that you NEED to be upset because they are "Coming for your guns!"
@leocopper37 Thinking for myself means realizing when someone else probably has better knowledge and specialization than I do in a field of study. It means having common sense. Americans: "God why won't you help us move on from this virus." God: "I gave you guys doctors, scientists, and a vaccine that's 95 percent effective" Americans: "Well we don't want to use the vaccine. We don't trust doctors and scientists and globalists. We want to think for ourselves." God: "These idiots! I literally gave them everything they needed, but they used their brains and TURNED IT DOWN ..... Where did I go wrong?"
@leocopper37 So basically "globalists" the Illuminati, right? All the world's rich people are apparently teaming up to control us and keep you down. They're all out to get you so they can control the world. Just like the bad guy in a cartoon. Lmao You see, I'm in control of my own life. That's why I dont believe in all this conspiracy theory nonsense about the scary "globalists" controlling the world. It's quite dumb really. It's not worth my time worrying about such things. But you're free to play the victim all you want. Or you can work hard, make some money, get some influence, and you'll automatically become one of these so-called "globalists" yourself.
I'm pretty sure Trump bombed Syria too. More than once.
@leocopper37 Could you define for me what it means to be a "globalist"? Because I'll be honest. Most people who use that word apply it to basically everyone who is not in lockstep with whatever party they support.
@hazelnut975 The immune system is already in danger of massively overreacting even without a vaccinatuon. Thats literally how most people typically die from Covid. Either pneumonia or organ failure from an immune system overreaction. Thats why they are now giving patients steroids like dexamethasone to prevent that from happening. And as far as testing for 5-10 years, I guess you would prefer us all to stay in quarantine for another 5 years and for more businesses to fail 🤷🏾♂️
@hazelnut975 So was it designed for depopulation or is it just not tested enough? How long would you like to see it tested for?
Funny how Donald Trump is like "I created the vaccine".... but all half his supporters think vaccines are a government plot. What a great success Mr. President.
Can't get impeached if Dems control the House. Also, you have to commit a <high crime> like when Trump used military aid to blackmail a foreign country into destroying his opponent (who he still lost to).
@Steve Marquez Oh yea, because it's totally not normal to be against having a sociopath in the White House.
@korybaku The new strain has already been detected in the US. A guy who hasn't even traveled anywhere caught it. That means other people already have it. But they don't think it has any effect on the vaccine (so far). This is why we need to vaccinate quickly. The more the virus spreads, the higher potential for deadly mutations.
@benscampers1818 Following court decisions and the constitution does not make me "mentally and spiritually asleep." It makes me a patriotic American. You are the one who is holding onto the belief that the election "unfair" even after the courts, elections officials, and the Trump DOJ have spoken. It's like you trust Trump and no one else. There's a word we traditionally use for that....... ..... ...... CULT
@mistxfusion Basically, Republicans have decided they don't care so much for democracy anymore since election after election, more people are supporting Democrats. So rather than adjust their platform (which is now basically do whatever Trump wants to do), they are doing what they can to limit which citizens can vote. Democrats want to make sure ALL citizens can vote. Republicans label "all citizens voting" as fraud, even though the courts, state elections officials, and the DOJ all shot them down.
@vanillasky4221 A country split in two.
@jrbleau Courts aren't supposed to listen to the people. They are supposed to listen to the legal arguments. And besides, "the people" wanted Biden more than they wanted Trump. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. And he never even hit 50% approval in his entire presidency (his average was 43%). He got impeached twice, then lost the popular vote AGAIN. Now Biden is at 53% approval (10 points higher than Trump). Trump was a fluke (AKA a mistake).
@songwriterscove4515 Like I said, an emotionally charged response. You have this constant idea in your mind that "evil government is coming to get you." I don't know if it's your pastor or your family or something you read on social media, but you have got to stop living in fear. It's going to stress you out to much. Not good for your health.
@msmadtea8427 Notoce that the Biden Presidency is boring, not chaotic. Notice that Biden takes Covid seriously. I think you have trouble realizing that most people don't want a chaotic game show host with no empathy as president. And unlike Trump, most people do not hate immigrants. And unlike Trump, most people would like to actually keep their health insurance.
@brians.2392 If I'm just brainwashed, then why did Biden win by 7 million votes? (And please don't start with that "stolen election nonsense). I think you are not really getting it. Most people do not like how Trump conducted his presidency. Most people didn't want him to be president in the first place, yet he won his first term on a technicality since his voters live in swing states.
@mistxfusion His foreign policy record is "perfect", yet all our allies no longer trust us. The only country that trusts us now is Israel. His foreign policy was "perfect" yet a record number of farmers went out of business because of his trade war. And he failed to get a single concession out of North Korea even after all the bragging. Obama was actually able to stop Iran's nuclear program, which has now started up again since Trump tore up the deal. And Trump's domestic policies turned him into a one-term president. Unfortunately, he is a white nationalist in a hugely diverse country. And then he held his death cult rallies during a pandemic, showing a tremendous display of narcissism and disregard for public safety. He even caught the disease himself and ended up in the hospital on oxygen and getting experimental drugs to keep him alive. Then of course he secretly got the vaccine in January because he didn't want to get caught on camera doing the right thing.
@benscampers1818 Trump supporters have been harassing Biden voters for years. Luckily you are outnumbered. Most of the country is Biden supporters. That's why Republicans want to make it harder for Democrats to vote. If you can't win people's hearts, rig the system through gerrymandering and Jim Crow voter suppression.
@benscampers1818 Yea well I'm just following the constitution. You don't get to ignore it and then call me "mentally and spiritually asleep". Usually we call people that do that conspiracy theorists.
@benscampers1818 Where's your evidence? Post the link or forever hold your peace. You think China released a "bioweapon" on themselves just to get Trump out of office. Show me evidence or forever hold your peace.
@benscampers1818 I think it is unlikely that a country would release a bioweapon on itself to hurt a president on the other side of the planet a year later. There is no way China could predict that Trump would mishandle the response by pretending the virus didn't exist. Other presidents around the world won reelection. Most Republicans even won reelection. Only Trump lost. Voters lost confidence in his ability to manage a crisis.
@benscampers1818 It's called split ticket voting. There are thousands of Republicans who were done with Trump, but still voted Republican down-ballot. Also there is no such thing as "statistically not possible." That's an oxymoron since anything is possible in statistics. What you meant to say is "unlikely." This is what I mean by conspiracy theorist. The logical explanation is that Trump lost because he was strongly disliked in the suburbs and he mismanaged the pandemic. But you prefer to go with the fraud explanation that every Republican election official said was not true.
@benscampers1818 Sure, Trump won 95 percent of primary support from primary voters (who else were they going to choose?) But unfortunately for Trump, it was not 95 percent of all Republicans that voted for him in the general election. Also, a lot of Independents split their vote. Plus there are simply more Democrats than there are Republicans in this country. Republicans keep trying to push minority rule on us and get mad when it doesn't work out. How about instead coming up with some policies that the majority of Americans actually like?
@mistxfusion I researched it already. Republicans are going all in on Jim Crow voter suppression since they lost the last election. They don't want black and brown people to vote. Democrats are trying to stop that from happening and want to make it easier to vote. Basically: If more people vote....Democrats win because they get young and minority voters to vote. If less people vote.....Republicans win since most of the voters are old white people. So, Republicans want less people to vote. Democrats want more people to vote. Republicans have failed to prove fraud and we actually do live in a democracy, so I think I will support the Democrats in this fight to expand the vote. For hundreds of years, conservatives have tried to make it harder for black and brown people to vote. I'm sick and tired of it.
@mistxfusion The point I'm trying to make is that Republican voters were not anti-war until Trump came along. Democrats have always been anti-war. That's why we supported peace deals with Syria and Iran that Trump tore up. I will admit though that it was probably unnecessary for Obama to get us involved in new conflicts in Libya.
@benscampers1818 Have you ever studied statistics in school? Because it you have, you will know that there is literally no such thing as "statistically impossibe". The phrase doesn't even make sense. You will NEVER hear any person or book with knowledge of statistics utter the words "statistically impossible." You're getting those words from whatever media you consume. The correct phrase is "statistically improbable." Because anything is possible in statistics. Anyway, state elections officials, the courts, and Trump's DOJ all say your are mistaken. The only people who agree with you are the politicians and Trump. The Republican Party has turned into a grievance party.
@benscampers1818 Yea, yea, yea. Thanks for the insults, but conservatives have been saying the country was just a few years from doom for YEARS. It's like the boy who cried wolf. Always something new to be angry or afraid about.
DC Homeboy Take it to court. Let the legal system decide. That's how we settle disputes in a democracy......unless you're against democracy that is 🧐
@enochpowellslibrarian5595 Take it to courts ....just like the election lawsuits. We will let the law decide.
@mistxfusion And Republicans are now ANTI-WAR after they got us in the Middle-East in the first place. Funny how people will throw out their beliefs if it means being pro-Trump.
@russellupsumgrub9633 You know what above all, the funniest part about what you said is that a "fair" election should not include (AKA erase) millions of votes from NY and California just because of where they happen to live. If you don't like democracy, just say it. Common sense tells us that in a "fair" election, the person who wins the most votes wins the election....just like when you vote for mayor, governor, congressman, and senator. Just like when you vote for student council president. All those accomplishments, but none of it mattered because Trump told people to ignore science once Covid came along. He was too focused on the stock market and his own ego instead of people's lives. The American people got to see how Trump would handle a was not a good look (him ending up in the hospital after holding a maskless event). So he lost. If you don't like democracy, just say it.
@Steve Marquez You were over the election right away? Yea I dont believe that. Something like 80 percent of Trump voters think the elextion was "stolen" from him. You telling me you're one of the 20 percent that doesn't live in a fantasy world?
@equipman811 You know as well as I do that Donald Trump is not the most admired man in America. That title goes to Barack Obama. Trump is number 2. But Trump does get the title for most hated man in America.
@equipman811 It seems I was mistaken. Trump is in fact the most admire man in America in 2020. He got 18 percent to Obama's 15 percent. However Obama was most admired for 12 years.....all throughout Trump's presidency. At best Trump will get 1 or 2 years being most admired. Because he will no longer be president. Trump's greatest goal in life was to outdo Obama. He finally did it in his last year. Congrats. Now he can go away.
@TheSilentWalkerz Don't even try that. Republicans were the pro-war party up until about 4 years ago. The fact that you changed your morals over the course of 4 years (just because of Trump) is more a reflection on you than Democrats. You weren't complaining when Trump was threatening to start a nuclear war with North Korea, so you don't get to complain now. You weren't complaining when he bombed Syria. You weren't complaining when he separated thousands of kids from their parents to scare away immigrants. Conservatives have a HUGE credibility problem after 4 years of defending Trump. Anyway, Biden will continue conducting necessary strikes, just as Trump did. Just as Obama did, just as Bush did, and just as Clinton did. Enjoy your day.
@JohnSmithyy365 Most peaceful? The level of chaos this nation endured under Trump rivals the Civil War. How can you call someone like that "peaceful"? I think you should look up the definition of peace.
@TheSilentWalkerz I notice you haven't responded? I guess being confronted with your blatant hypocrisy was too much.
@brownie4326 Turns out Biden is a moderate. He does some liberal things and some conservative things. Somehow all of it bothers Republicans. Lol
@eg6278 Says the guy watching bbc
@russellupsumgrub9633 The American people did NOT refuse a third Obama term. I will remind you that Clinton got 3 MILLION more votes. Trump won on a technicality and was dislike by a majority of Americans his entire term. Most Americans NEVER wanted Trump in the White House, yet his supporters feel he somehow "deserves" to be there.
Well at least this downgrade is not a sociopath
@mistxfusion Trump did in Afghanistan exactly what Obama did in Iraq (pulling out too early). Republicans blamed Obama for doing it, but you don't want to blame Trump for doing the same exact thing.
@mistxfusion Yet here you are literally blaming Biden for one of Trump's disasters.
@mistxfusion Oh so now you want to put the onus on Biden to "restart negotiations" when Trump purposely put us in this situation to embarrass Biden.
@hazelnut975 Pence took the vaccine too.
@mistxfusion After the election, Trump started pulling troops out before a peace deal was even reached and the Taliban immediately started taking over. Trump purposely set Biden up to fail: either Biden has to make the unpopular choice to send troops back to stop Afghanistan from falling, or he continues the early departure and Afghanistan falls.