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Comments by "" (@Mawyou) on "Warren vows to be the last president elected by the Electoral College" video.
@Andre Calvit is right. Right now, our current elections are still decided by 3 to 5 random swing states. If we get rid of the Electoral College, elections will be decided the people. Why should millions of voters in some big populated states have their voices silenced to help voters in swing states like Florida have a bigger say?
s w No it’s NOT unusual for the losing party to be upset that the other side won because of an unfair advantage. When you count the votes, Republicans lost 6 of the last 7 presidential elections...but somehow we still ended up with Bush and Trump. Republicans literally have lost the vote for president in every election since 1988 (except for the 2004 election). No matter how you look at it, it is UNJUST. It’s no surprise that you guys want to keep it. It lets you go against the will of the people to push your policies.
How about letting the people choose rather than some clunky system. It funny how Republican support for the electoral college went from mid 30s to mid 60s right after Trump got elected. What changed???
John McSween California has 55 million real Americans. They matter just as much as you. By the way, there are 320 million people in the country. California doesn’t even make up 20%. Basically you want the voices of tens of millions of people to count less so swing states like Florida can have a bigger voice... because it help Republicans.
John McSween It’s not about “states” choosing presidents. It’s about “people” choosing presidents. You know, like common sense. You don’t see state governments setting up their own “electoral colleges” do you? No. The electoral college is broken in the 21st century. Republicans have lost EVERY presidential election since 1988 (except for 2004) yet we still ended up with Bush and Trump. Which is obviously why ONLY REPUBLICANS want to keep it. YES California and New York have more people and every one of those Americans is just as important as you. More people should have a bigger voice because more people’s lives are affected. You would rather cancel out their voices so because “the states they live in are too big.” Again, don’t leave your common sense at home.
Dean Hazelwood But almost everyone on Fox brings in their opinion. It's just the opinion you agree with. That's why their ratings are so high. That and the fact that they drill into you head that you can't trust the mainstream media so you have to keep coming back.
Yandy Castillo Good point. I might actually be wasting my time
Countries change their constitutions ALL THE TIME. We have already made 28 Amendments to ours. What’s wrong with a new one to guarantee fairness? ...1 person, 1 vote.
Funny how no one wants to talk about how unfair the electoral college is. You would rather bash Warren for wanting to make things fair.
@Thundertrain Actually your facts are off. Obama didn't purposefully leave the seats open, McConnell blocked them after Republicans won the Senate and held the seats open until a Republican won. ALSO, a president has only won with less votes than his opponent 5 times in U.S. history, not 15. And either way you look at it, it's unfair.
Tennessee PATRIOT Where do they have illegal voting? Do you have evidence of this or is it just something you heard somewhere and decided to bring it up? Where can I find this evidence?
Mister Irrelevant Exactly...we do want to change the function and the structure of the country. Just like the 28 other constitutional amendments we passed to make the country better and more fair. Republicans only decided they cared about the unfair electoral college after Trump won. Tell me I’m wrong.
Dave Ripp Democrats did not only care after the 2016 election. Did you forget that Bush lost the popular vote in 2000. We have been talking about veering rid of the electoral college for YEARS. But Republicans just now decided the electoral college is all-important since it helped elect a historically unpopular president. And they’ve been generating a million different excuses for why we should keep it
DanielT 25 There are tons of countries that have states/provinces....including Canada, Mexico (The United Mexican States), and Russia, etc, etc. But you don’t see any of them making some votes count more than others to “even things out.” Once again it’s Republicans generating millions of excuses for why we should keep the electoral college...even if they make no sense. Even if the whole world thinks it is stupid. Same with denying climate change. Same with invading Iraq. Same with ripping up the nuclear deal. It’s always Republicans thinking they’re smarter than the entire world.
mpotokar7 There is a very big difference between “protecting the minority” and “minority rule.” I honestly don’t think you can tell the difference. Trump represents minority rule. And you guys are SHOCKED when a guy most people didn’t want faces strong resistance for doing things most people don’t like. Oh and I have to correct you. New York and California would not control the election. A popular vote is a TOTOL of the ENTIRE COUNTRY. I’m sure you learned what “total” means in math class.
mpotokar7 No I’m comfortable in my skin. I don’t have to convince you. I just want you to understand both sides of the issue.
DanielT 25 No I’m not going to move to a new country. Did I tell conservatives to just move out when Obama was President? No I didn’t. It’s called RESPECT. And actually just realistically speaking, leftists tend to have more education than conservatives. We tend to be open to more ideas and change. Conservative literally means “follows tradition—closed to new ideas and intelligence.” No offense to you
mpotokar7 Okay Ill just say it out loud then. On average, liberals tend to be more intelligent than conservatives. That’s on average. If you think I’m wrong, please provide me with the evidence.
mpotokar7 Prove me wrong bro
mpotokar7 Prove that liberals are not more intelligent. There is plenty of scientific evidence that they are. Prove me wrong.
@danielt2547 I can see that we are simply not going to agree. There's no point in arguing this further. I just want to ask you something though. Why does Trump call more than half the country that voted against him and support his impeachment the "enemy of the people"? If you think about it, it's actually impossible for more than half the people in a country to be the "enemy of the people." It's just not logical.
@midwestbmw1292 Th
Autism Playlist Yea that would be an insult...except for the fact that California is literally the richest state. Guess who runs all the poorest states...
@halcyon1030 You discriminate against women for their voice?? That's an intelligent way to choose a president. I guess they weren't wrong about misogyny contributing to Clinton's loss. Aren't you displaying it now??
@podjun80 Okay Clinton was a bad candidate. I'll accept that. And Trump got impeached because he tried to cheat in the election. Not because Democrats are "partisan" and had it out for him. The victimhood trick runs both ways.
Dave Ripp Me and you have very different ideas of fair. My idea of fair is "one person, one vote." Your idea of fair is "areas with less population should have a bigger voice." In practice, that means Republicans keep winning even when more people want Democratic policies. Your idea has some merit, but not when Republicans win multiple elections with less votes in the span of 16 years. It has gone from balancing the field to being totally unfair. But I guess I wouldn't care either if it were my side that was benefiting.
@Rob Merrill No, did you not hear the professor? The electoral college doesn't help "less populated states." It helps "swing states” like Florida. Hawaii and Idaho are small states but you don't see presidential candidates even mention those places. There is no legitimate defense of the electoral college.
Susan Pelsue But she wants to make the system fair. One person, one vote. What’s so wrong with that? Do you prefer always win because you have an unfair advantage?
@robmerrill3460 California and New York would not have an "unfair advantage." It would be the very definition of fair, because that's where all the people live. Assuming you live in Florida or some other swing state, why should New Yorkers and Californians be disenfranchised to help you.
@susanpelsue2756 California and New York would not have an "unfair advantage." It would be the very definition of fair, because that's most of the people live. "Flyover states" are not swing states...except for Iowa and Nevada, so the electoral college doesn't help them. Why should New Yorkers and Californians have their vote count less than someone in Iowa or Nevada?
@robmerrill3460 No that's not true. Small states have more power because the number of Electoral College seats is based on the total number of House and Senate seats combined. Every state gets 2 Senate seats regardless of population, so a person's vote Wyoming counts more than 40x more than a person in California. Swing states like Florida and Nevada have the most power of all, whether or not they are big or small. People in Illinois, Alabama, and Tennessee do not matter at all. I wonder if Republicans will still like the electoral college if Texas turns blue???? I think I might move there now just to speed it along.
@susannerobbins What is the value of the electoral college? From what I see, all it does is give the power of the people to about 10 swing states. Republicans say it helps small states, but I haven't seen any presidential candidates reaching out to Hawaii, Idaho, or Wyoming, or Connecticut. They always go to places like Florida and Michigan.
Dave Ripp No everyone doesn't live in California and New York. But that's the argument you guys are making for why they should have their voices weakened by the Electoral College...that California and New York are too big and powerful.
She got elected on a message to hold the financial sector accountable for what they did in 2008. She wants to help the little guy. Unlike Trump who "says" he wants to help the little guy then passes the biggest tax cuts for billionaires in memory. Do you approve of those tax cuts for billionaires??
Stuart Coker What are you talking about? Bush was in power during the crash? Also, at the time, Warren was a professor.
@electraglide9357 And yet most professors are smarter than you or I. So I wouldn't be judging.
@electraglide9357 But professors are experts in their field. You are an expert at arguing with people on youtube. You don't have a leg to stand on.
Jack Mehoff The rolls are purged of people who haven't voted in the last two or three elections. Which is hundreds of thousands of people who are still living in the state. Many of those people will go to vote in 2020 an will be turned away. Republican lawmakers are well aware of that. Btw I just wanted to re-educate you that illegal aliens cannot register to vote. We have to be on the same page with the facts to have an intelligent conversation.
@nancyayers6355 Actually, Democrats could win. Hillary got MILLIONS more votes than Trump in 2016, and Democrats got MILLIONS more votes than Republicans in 2018. Apparently, people like what the Democrats have to offer.
Jack Mehoff So is your point that people in California should not count as much as other people?? I could just as easily say that Trump only lost the popular vote by 3 million votes because of Texas.
Making elections fair just like every state election and every other republic in the world is "trashing the constitution"??
@electraglide9357 Huh??
@electraglide9357 It is constitutional, yes. But it is NOT "fair." We must make a 29th Amendment to make all votes count equally.
@brosephh7130 If the Electoral College is good and prevents tyranny of the mob, why is it that all the countries that copied our Constitution decided not to include an Electoral College. Common sense...use it.
Nervanian News Network [Triple N] No, I’m not being passive aggressive. I’m simply asking a question. We have one of the oldest Constitutions in the world. If the electoral college is so good, why is it no other country on earth has copied it? Do you have an answer?
A traitor to the republic for wanting to make elections fair? What about the guy who tried to cheat in an election to win power.
@vickishack5139 Yes, it is fair for CA and NY to decide who is president. Because that's where all the people are. That's the literal definition of "fairness."
Michael Madden EVERY city is run by Democrats. Not every city is a ghetto. You're just listing off the big cities with high black populations and calling them ghettos....yet Republicans get mad when we call them the r-word.
But "fairness" is a good idea.
Tennessee PATRIOT You want the 66 million people, from all over the country, who voted for someone else to not count right! 66 is bigger than 63 last time I checked