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Forbes Breaking News
Comments by "" (@Mawyou) on "Forbes Breaking News" channel.
It's not that he doesn't want to be misunderstood about his legal views. He doesn't want to be seen in the history books as an anti-vaxxer or a conspiracy theorist.
Doesn't really matter what you think. What matters is what you can prove in court.
Actually it's the opposite. He flat refused to comply with demands to present evidence. So he lost by default.
RogerWilco99 Violating that law absolutely is free speech if they are not actively causing a threat to the justices. If the DOJ prosecuted someone not actively causing a threat, you can be 100% certain they would fight it in court and that part of the law would be struck down as unconstitutional. At least as far as it concerns non-violent protesters. Ted Cruz knows that, but he needs to be loud so he can be on TV.
Well seeing as the vote count gave Biden 51 percent, and his approval rating from most polls today is around 51-52 percent, I think that should answer your question. I'm guessing that's not the answer you want to hear. But maybe after enough repetition it will sink in.
@Thekoryosmenstribepodcast Nobody cares about Soros. Why is he always the boogeyman conservatives go to when they need to explain something? Maybe I should start blaming everything bad that happens in the world on conservative billionaires. Just to balance it out. No evidence required.
Free speech. The people have a right to "peaceably assemble." You arrest someone non-violent, that will get taken straight up the courts and struck down as unconstitutional. Stuck down by the same justices Republicans say are being harrassed.
Ted Cruz knows very well that the law about not protesting near the homes of Justices as unconstutitional. As long as they are peaceful and not actively posing a threat.
Without brining up conspiracy theories or bending the truth, please explain what he did that was unethical? I encourage you to fact check yourself using Google before you answer
Why are you rooting for crime?
Why are you for helping Palestine but not Ukraine? They are literally facing the same problem, just a different part of the world.
Why are people so convinced Congress doesn't work? Just because they aren't "in session" 60 hours per week doesn't mean they aren't getting work done for their constituents.
Dominon will probably end up buying Fox News and shutting it down after this lawsuit. Fox just keeps looking for every way possible to be the villain in this story.
I'm a Democrat, and to me I could care less about leverage. To me it's about accountability. If you lie about someone in public, you should pay. Just that simple. I presume Fox will be much more careful the next time they are reporting on an election.
@Al-gv5uw There is nothing unusual about her hypothetical questions. This is what appeals court and Supreme Court judges do. The judges are trying to better understand the arguments the lawyers already made on paper. If you listen to the other judges, they ask very similar-sounding questions. Not that you care. You came here specifically to hate on Judge Jackson.
Mark is right. Easy money is largely due to the Federal Reserve Bank and it's fight to keep the economy humming during Covid. Yes, the Covid bills passed by Congress also contributed. But easy money did NOT crash the economy. Yes, easy money plus supply chain constraints increased prices. Yes, price increases hurt the average consumer, but by almost every metric, the economy is VERY strong. And wages for lower earners have increased FASTER than inflation. The main fear is that by taking actions to quickly stop inflation, the Federal Reserve will damage the actual economy. But that hasn't acyually happened yet.
@zaktilzer5130 You stated three things that are not quite correct. 1. Supply chains are not "wary of expanding." It just takes time to build and develop the new infrastructure around the world. Years in some cases. But in the end, it will make things MORE efficient for companies, saving them (and you) money. 2. Higher inflation is NOT leading to less buying and investing. Buying and investing is as high as it's ever been, even with higher prices. 3. Currently, there is no problem of slow wage growth causing income inequality. In fact, the opposite is happening. At the moment, people at the lower end of the wage spectrum are seeing their wages increase MUCH FASTER than inflation. This is a very good thing for lowering the inequality you talked about.
@7thswansong152 The EPA actually was there within hours of the derailment. They were there at 2AM in the morning the day after the crash.
@autojohn-pu1vf Every statistic is "fake" unless it says something good about Donald Trump. That's how your mind works.
@robertroetter5317 Why do you want Garland to take responsibility for Trump's hire?
A lot of these questions have in fact been answered already. But the answers were stuff you didn't want to hear. So you're waiting for some alternative facts to come out.
The ingredients are not "secret". I was able to find them out in a google search 6 months ago. Which means you could have too. Now if you don't "understand" the ingredients, that probably because you are not a chemist or a microbiologist.
@Taime88 A regulation is a mandate OSHA isn't surrendering its authority to the government. It is a part of the government. It's inside the Labor Department. No it does not violate the patient's consent, since you are allowed to take a weekly covid test instead of the vaccine. You have options. Finally, no Biden is not a doctor. But obviously he has epidemiologists (public health doctors) working for him that recommended this. The law says OSHA (part of the government) SHALL pass regulations that protect workers. Undergo a weekly test or get the vaccine.
@ericw9702 Okay then. What do you think we should do to make colleges charge less money? Because it's obvious what we're doing now is not sustainable. And we are the only major country that has this problem. So what are we doing wrong? How do we solve it?
@ericw9702 Strange how other advanced nations have government involvement in higher education and they DON'T have this student debt problem. There are many highly educated countries, but it really is just the United States that dealing with this particular problem. Why is that?
Nope. Tucker is going to lie to you. Remember, Fox News lies to you on purpose to keep you viewers happy. None of the executives or hosts actually believed the election was stolen, but they told you it was. Fox is just a few months from trial for knowingly lying about Dominion just to keep you from going to Newsmax and OAN. They tell you conspiracy theories for profit. You will get more dumb by watching Fox, just like all the Jan 6 rioters sitting in prison.
@salex9482 Grown ups don't throw temper tantrums, engage in deadly insurrections, and try to invent their own reality because they disagree with the diverse majority of America.
@broadkast477 Was it her first amendment right to climb through that broken window?
Hunter is a private citizen.
It appears Presidents and Vice Presidents are not required to keep everything in a SCIF. Kind of makes sense given they are ALWAYS dealing with classified information. But at least don't lose them in your home and forget to give them back. Or in Trump's case refuse to give them back.
Biden only has 2 properties. FBI already searched both. I think you should be asking that question about Trump instead, seeing as he has many properties and only 1 of them got searched. It's only fair.
What do you mean? Joe took responsibility the exact same way Pence did. Their lawyers found classified documents and reported them. Then they both gave the FBI permission to search their homes without needing a warrant. Stark contrast to Trump. He defied a subpoena then lied to the FBI in writing. It showed INTENT. So legally speaking, Trump is still the most at risk for going to prison.
@Frankiarmz It is so odd to hear you say that Trump kept Putin in line. Perhaps. But everyone knows Trump admired Putin and the absolute power he holds in Russia. He made it very clear he wanted to be friends with the bully while he constantly attacked our actual allies.
Well damn unvaccinated people are taking away the freedoms of the 7 in 10 Americans who already got the shot. You have no right. We should not all have to wear a mask AGAIN and have our events CANCELLED to protect unvaccinated people from getting sick. What about MY freedoms?
@MarginalCoyote Oops. I didn't realize the law is only "corrupted" when it hurts white conservatives. Just like drug addiction is only a "health crisis" when it hurts white people. Sorry the hypocrisy is not helping you out this time.
@zaktilzer5130 Sometimes I wonder if Republicans are rooting for the economy to fail just so they can kick Democrats out of office. That wouldn't be true would it?
The judge was appointed by Trump. When are conservatives going to stop accusing everyone else of being corrupt when they face consequences for their actions?
@alexp.keaton3195 But he was murdered. That is illegal. Are you not pro-life?
@robbythecuban Yeah, we mustn't be fair and balanced! Only right wing views allowed.
What are some moves you would like Jim Jordan to make if he becomes speaker?
Wow. They're getting sued into the ground for trying to please you in 2020 and you still call them a Rino Network. Ungrateful extremist. Its almost like a drug addiction. But you'll still watch the Rino Network. You'll have nowhere else to go. Puny Newsmax and OAN will forced into bankruptcy when their own gargantuan lawsuits go to trial over the next year.
@standdown4929 All 50 of them. You can be sure to find them standing behind him at his rallies wearing those cringeworthy "Blacks for Trump" shirts.
@devilghostface8798 Funny how Trump supporters are trying to act like they care about students at Howard University.
@jailyn1243 The autopsy does not say he died of a drug overdose. Given that it's public information, I find it strange that you can so easily make stuff up when others can so easily debunk it.
@jobenmcquaid6842 Do you have a source for those numbers? Because they sound made up. Also, the point of being convicted for murder is that it was not accidental. 9 minutes with a knee on his neck.
US CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE I, SECTION IV Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations...
Funny how Forbes always does this when it's news that shows conservatives in a negative light.
It wasn't necessarily secret. Apparently it's a very common app among journalists used to transcribe interviews.
Would you plead guilty to a felony if you were being paid off? He's likely going to lose his law license because of this.