Comments by "" (@Mawyou) on "Why Hillary Clinton 2020 is a terrible idea | With Chris Cillizza" video.

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  6. BonzoDog67 Lizardking You're right. The Democratic Party could focus more on bread and butter issues. Now I would argue that by realizing that is how they made a larger than usual comeback in these past midterms. First, the vast majority of people do not work in manufacturing in our service-oriented economy. And contrary to popular belief, the economy was doing quite well before Trump got into office...though Obama rarely bragged about it (maybe he should have) Now since you've said that the racism is overblown, I must mention that study, after study, after study, after study shows that the biggest predictor of an Obama voter switching to being a Trump voter was "cultural and ethnic anxieties". As you know, we've never suffered a terrorist attack by anyone from the countries affected by Trump's travel ban (Muslim ban). Illegal immigrants actually do "less" crime and the vast majority of them come by overstaying their visas, not by crossing the border. And black countries are not shitholes that we should block people from coming from. Not to mention white nationalist (supremacist) Steve Bannon, bringing more people here from "Sweden", praising Confederate flags, all the racists the White House finally decided to fire because of "bad optics". Calling black lawmakers names that always have to do with their intelligence. Suggesting that being anti-police brutality against blacks must be anti-police. Etc, etc etc. He is a racist. I always found it ironic that the people least affected by racism and least likely notice patterns like this are the ones calling it "overblown". Your President is a racist, was a racist 30 years ago, and always will be a racist--if that's not too PC for you. And people suffering from "cultural anxieties" voted for him.
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