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Geoff Challis
Channel 4 News
Comments by "Geoff Challis" (@Geffo555) on "Boris Johnson rules out election before Brexit deadline" video.
How is the EU going to takeover the world. The clue is in the title. EUROPEAN UNION.
@lesigh1749 . Why should the Republic of Ireland be forced to leave the EU? They are a sovereign state after all. And it is not the EUs problem. It's ours. I think they have genuinely tried to offer a compromise in the backstop. I understand that Brexiters only see this as a means to thwart their will, but it is about the only way forward, and if a workable solution to the Irish border can be found then you're nearly home. I believe there is provision in the withdrawal agreement for a dispute settlement. Could this not be tried in an international court? I can't see any other solution. Apart from revoke.
Kevin Feeney . That's why I presented my argument in 6 scenarios that cover the available options. If there is a 7th or 8th then please tell me. I'm genuinely interested. And my original point was that something has to give. Not that it was impossible for Boris to deliver Brexit is some form. A no -deal is not an automatic inevitability though. Options 2 and 3 deal with that. Boris does not control parliament. He only has a hairline majority. And the odds are against him.
Amir Totekova . I'm really good at thinking things out. Keep the exchange going and I may even take a guess at where you're from. Trolls have tells.
Amir Totekova . At least I have something between my ears. Are you getting paid for this or are you a real believer. What turned you to the dark side?
Something still has to give somewhere. What will he do if the EU offer him nout and parliament blocks him from proroguing? This just doesn't make sense.
Kevin Feeney . Parliament will do everything to block it. You're a lap behind.
@19thewanderer . You're forgetting that parliament still has a say. There would be no need to prorogue if that wasn't the case.
Kevin Feeney . You seem to be under the impression that you know what you're talking about. You don't.
Amir Totekova . LOL. Your name is like something generated by a computer. You should have stuck with Trolly MctrollFace. It would have been a bit less obvious.
@lesigh1749 . I've tried looking at this several ways but it just ties me in knots. I think the same is true for parliament. This makes Scylla and Charybdis look like a fart in a bath with the plug out. Forgive the imagery but I'm a council estate lad. Perhaps they should have gone for May's deal, flawed as it was. All they needed was a viable solution for the Irish border and job done. How hard can it be? (Heavy sarcasm here) "Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray." Though I'm more of a Stanley these days. Oh for simpler times.
@lesigh1749 . I'm pretty sure we've been here before. The whole point of the backstop was to allow the customs union to continue whist a workable solution was found. Admittedly this was at the discretion of the EU but all that was required was a legal definition. So if the Irish border was easy then the backstop would be largely irrelevant.
@lesigh1749 . The EU would say that we can't be trusted with the Irish border. And considering the amount of BS still being spouted by the likes of IDS I think they have a point. I'm not knowledgeable enough to say whether the backstop is a fair arrangement, but it's clear that some provision is required. And this mess is our own. The EU did not make the GFA and neither did they trigger A50 to force us into this dilemma. There are really two separate issues. The first is whether Brexit is actually desirable. The second is how to do it. And the truth is that we are all still clueless on both.
@lesigh1749 . As a general rule, no nation should instigate something as momentous as Brexit without first having a clear plan and a grasp of the actual consequences. And the no-deal exit is not an option or a plan. It is just a hole we fall into because our government has failed to achieve anything worthwhile. Neither is it something that anyone voted for. Nor something any sane person should enthuse about. It will almost certainly result in the end of the United Kingdom and come with dire consequences for all. The referendum was not a mandate to inflict misery.
@lesigh1749 . That is only your interpretation. One of the fundamental Brexit arguments was for strong borders, so how can you argue against the EU protecting its own? The customs union and single market come with a commonality of standards. And if we choose to step outside that framework it comes with consequences. This was all inevitable once May set her red line before the 2017 election. It is not the EUs fault that we are leaving the customs union. It is not the EUs fault that we have the GFA. Neither is the their fault that David Davis had no grasp of this.
@lesigh1749 . And the EU suggested a compromise early on. That being a border in the Irish sea. Again it wasn't a perfect solution, but it was still a better one than anything proposed by the chief Brexiters. This is a mess of our own making. You can't just blame the EU for everything. Or is that the plan now?
Amir Totekova . Oh you're another one. Where are the death camps? How come unions are still legal? Have you read the Charter of Fundamental Rights? It's the reverse of Mein Kampf . So you is crazy!
Kevin Feeney . To clarify then. This could play out a few ways but you can pin it down with logic. 1. Boris could get an improved deal at the 11th hour. (Highly unlikely) 2. He could try to prorogue parliament. (But there are a number of challenges to this and even the Queen herself could be summoned to bring order.) 3. Boris could force a no-deal by simply not asking for an extension. (But then his miniscule majority comes into play and a GE could be called. 4. Boris could call a GE himself and gamble on Tories and Brexit Party getting enough seats for a majority. (But this seem even more fragile based upon current polls. 5. He could ask for an extension. (EU could say no but again unlikely.) 6. Revoke. Feel free to add your own options. Or you can just come back with yet another thoughtless and juvenile comment. I'd put my money on the latter. Come on, surprise me with something intelligent.
@lesigh1749 . Revoke is unacceptable to you. But it must be done if it is in the country's best interests. Though a compromise would perhaps be more palatable to 17 odd million give or take. I have to point out that democracy was made a joke of in 2016. Vote Leave's marketing campaign was at best disingenuous and at worst downright deceitful. Then tag on being fined twice for breaking electoral rules. Cambridge Analytica and Facebook mind games. Arron Banks' convoluted money trail. It was all just rotten boroughs for the 21st century. The referendum was not good democracy.
@lesigh1749 . I know very little about the remain side being fined so you'll have to explain that to me. The reference to the pamphlets is silly though. They had to present the case for remain, and then factor in some recent statement made by both Matt Warman and Andrea Leadsom. Both of them reminding us that we were warned that Brexit would be costly in the very pamphlets you mention.
@lesigh1749 . The biggest betrayal will be to those who voted Leave in desperation. The ones that actually believed Vote Leave's promises. Thousands of new jobs. New schools. New hospitals. New roads and trains. Wages would rise. Council tax would go down. Prescription charges would be abolished. Reverse tax credit legislation. Cut VAT. Is any of that on your list? These were all press releases pushed on Facebook.
@lesigh1749 . "The only option that wont end in civil unrest and worse, is leaving the EU." That is laughably naïve. Operation Yellowhammer? Hello! How do you think people will react if there isn't enough food? Crikey, the police were called out last year because KFC ran out of chicken.
@lesigh1749 . By "Planning for a no deal." Are you referring to Grayling's virtual ferries? Or is it the big lorry park near Dover? (it's called the M20) The French and Belgians have been hiring hundreds of new customs officers and upgrading their infrastructure. How many new customs officers do we have? Point out the new infrastructure. Or is it all just as virtual as Grayling's ferries?
@lesigh1749 . Are we all going to be dipping into bins for our dinner? 30% of our food comes from the EU. You are in no position to give assurance regarding anything. You're no more of an expert than I am. And isn't it amazing how Brexit was supposed to aid farmers yet the government has already set aside money to help them stay afloat. Odd that. I'm a veggie by the way, so chicken isn't my thing. It's not the chlorination that's the problem though. It's the listeria it fails to kill. How many die in the US of food poisoning?
@UCVrcJVguZXGa4pPR_E1F3Dw. As for the electoral spending I still don't get your point. Are you saying that one type of cheating justifies another? Hardly democratic still, and really only another argument for a rerun. Countries that use referend as the norm would never have allowed such a tainted vote to stand.
@lesigh1749 . Comical? Did you see how much Facebook were fined in regard to Cambridge Analytica? What transgressions by the remain campaign? How did people know what they were voting for? The referendum was just a question, and people made their choice based upon the arguments at the time. Some thought we could be like Norway. Others thought that the NHS would get £350 million a week. many were scared that we were about to be inundated with Turks. None of that was true though. So what did they vote for. What did you vote for. Canada or Norway?
Kevin Feeney . Let's recap. Brexit enthusiasts believed Farage's fairy tale, that we could be like Norway. That Brexit would be a success. They believed that the EU were weak and would cave in, that they needed us more that we needed them, that a deal would be easy. They also believed that we would be out on March 31st. All just blind belief. Now you believe that we'll be out on Halloween. All you have is belief.
@lesigh1749 . The modelling of economic models is not an exact science. And it only becomes more complex as more variables are added to the equation. But our economy has suffered nonetheless. The pound has gone way south and investment stifled. what forecast would you make now? realistically. And do factor in that Liam Fox has not made 40 trade arrangements. Canada will not rollover. And GATT 24 isn't a given.
@lesigh1749 . " I voted remain because I was told the Eu were not planning an army and the sky would fall." Man that is feeble. Who are you trying to kid Shadow? Micky Moose?
Kevin Feeney . I said "Parliament will do everything to block it." And they will. Whether Boris has some unseen scheme is another matter. I certainly can't see it. Can you? But something certainly has to give. Either Boris will find a way of circumventing parliament (how?) or Boris will do something that suits Boris. My guess is the latter.
Kevin Feeney . I believe that the Tilbrook challenge has already been rejected, but if you have more recent information then please tell.
Kevin Feeney . When you say biased, are you just saying that he didn't give the verdict you wanted? It does qualify as an option though. So 7. Tilbrook gambit. (Extremely unlikely) Tilbrook isn't really a premiership lawyer after all. So I wouldn't hold your breath.
Kevin Feeney . You just sound like you're desperate to believe your own bullshit.
@lesigh1749 . The point is that parliament will try to block proroguing. As they should. It's undemocratic. "Yo Way Yo, Home Va-Ray."