Comments by "blazednlovinit" (@blazednlovinit) on "Jeremy Corbyn: Jo Cox attack is 'attack on us all' - BBC News" video.
TomRiddle88 "I just don't think that selection should be on the basis of money. You think that's a smart way of doing it, I disagree"
^ nope, more based on skills we need to fill the jobs that urgently need filling. So you must have misunderstood that
"I take issue with your unlimited point, because it implies they all migrate here, they don't. And the leave voters caused more damage to our economy than migrants ever have."
^ free movement of people has no upper limit.
"Also I hate to do this because it's always so cringeworthy when people do it but I should probably disclose that I am a doctor and things like central line infections are massive problems that go ignored, people spend so much time caring about a few sensational deaths that tens of thousands of people are dying in this country every year because of them, and frankly hospitals just see them as a risk of doing business, when that is wrong, hospitals in the US that have actively sought to deal with the problem have done extremely well in reducing the incidence, at times to zero. The number of people dying from these infections is greater than the number of people dying from AIDs and breast cancer. We are absolutely not doing enough."
^ cool, my father is too, what do you specialise in? Your logic is along the lines of "well, we shouldnt arrest murderers, because we should be researching cures", which I think is rather simplistic and flawed way of thinking, personally.
"And it is not helped by the right wing using the NHS like a weapon. Nigel Farage has blood on his hands. So your point about active measures is just plain wrong, we have spent billions on fighting terrorism, we spend next to nothing on preventable infections and tens of thousands die each year silently."
^ How does Nigel Farage have blood on his hands? You've just kind of insisted that without saying why you think that is and why others should believe you. We will have to spend even more money on fighting terrorism if you let in countless people from Islamic countries because of free movement of people and Merkel's decision to welcome anyone who can succeed in illegally entering Europe. Considering the amount of terror attack recently in Germany and France (another one today, a suicide bomber, i think the 5th in 7 days), I'd say Merkel has more blood on her hands.
"1) The fact that people can come from abroad and gain employment means there was a gap in the market for that person. Migrants do jobs that nationals are either unwilling, unable or noncompetitively able to do."
^ Markets are fluid, you're never going to have a situation where every job vacancy in the country is filled, there are so many jobs in total that people are always getting hired, always getting fired, always retiring, always getting made redundant, and new jobs always being made. From what you said it seems you don't understand that 'doc'.
"2) It has no limit, but you must draw a distinction between 'possible' and 'probable', as in, it is 'possible' for an entire population to leave a country, however it is extremely improbable."
^ It still has no upper limit, you're comparing practice with theory here. Can you show me a caveat in the free movement of people which puts any upper limit on the amount of people that can move to a country under free movement of people?
"3) I'm an F2 junior doctor, going in to neurology; I'm not saying that, I'm saying that if we held hospitals/governments half as accountable for preventable infections, as we hold airlines accountable for accidents, we would save a vastly greater number lives."
^ thing is, the average person is affected by immigration, but not everyone is affected by superbugs, also superbugs cannot realistically take any blame for lack of employment, or housing, or stretched public services, or changes in the culture of the nation. Also your logic is, "if you oppose A, then you cannot oppose anything else, when you should oppose those things", how do you know I'm not actively campaigning for more money to be sank into research for combating superbugs for instance? You seem to be assuming to suit your own narrative a little.
"4) You're right, I should have qualified that statement, my bad. Nigel Farage has blood on his hands after being a leader in a campaign promising 350 million pounds to the NHS and then resigning like a coward."
^ His bus didn't have that figure on the side of it I believe and he started using the "net" figure later on and saying it was a possible use for said money, really you should blame the EU for their less than transparent bureaucracy on that part.
"5) 'We will have to spend even more money on fighting terrorism if you let in countless people from Islamic countries' - I think you'd find that we have spent far more money going into other people's countries and meddling in their affairs. "
^ How do you know I support that? Again you seem to be assuming in order to protect your narrative.
"Also there were no Islamic countries in the EU, so there has never been free movement from an Islamic country. Unlike, the UK's love of rich Arabs with no skills that we invited to come and buy up half of London."
^ Migrant crisis, have you heard of it?