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Comments by "" (@gcart7675) on "Trejo Model 1 Machine Pistol: Shooting and History" video.
it doesnt help anyone but the people trying to control us by disarming us
Not Pulverman it actually could be "normal civilian guns" cause technically the constitution says right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed not just certain guns
planescaped they dint care what it would solve or not they inly care that you be disarmed so they can do whatever they please with you
TheWayabo having a permit from the government is exactly the reason the second amendment was written you dont have to have permission from the government to own anything the only reason people go by it is threat of death or jail time also self defense from two legged menaces are also a valid reason to own a gun regaurdless of what the government says
2spooky 4me its not even really restricted people have just been breainwashed and probly not taught the second amendment (at least if youre in america or in other places that are supposed to be able to own weapons (of any kind too cause it says "arms" not firearms and its not short for it arms means weapons)
basil tozer they dont trust anyone or they wouldnt make it to where we need their permission to own a firearm or have to register it or give it up theres a saying and thats when the government fears the people there is freedom and when they dont there isnt
Komodo Gaming too many people dont know or care about if they do the constitution and even in countries where they dont have that they should still fight governments that are that way taking or trying to take peoples guns and self defense from the bad people of the world
Not Pulverman better than killing good innocent people
DreamingFlurry the whole point of constitutions is to lay out what the government cab and cant do the only time it becomes not useful pr effective is when the people let it happen to take away your rights imagine what its be like today if we all didnt comply with anything thats unconstitutional we wouldnt have any unconstitutional laws cause even if they brought in the full military with all their weapons wed have the same ones cause we didnt give them them an inch for them to take a mile
Alberto Jimenez and against the government that would try to stop you from it
Lucky Ted only cause the people who fully believe in how the constitution arent comingg together and fighting for it well in the places they have that right as written in a constitution
Charles Huse not only not possible it doesnt work cause people would be able to make it anyway cause theres people who sell the guns/equipment/materials to make them reguardless of laws
luise cobian you dont have the right if you dont use it and fight back like we already shouldve been since the first "law" was even proposed cause of the shall not be infringed part
Ivory Devil true if theyre enforcing disarmament
Strong Entertainment lol wouldnt be confiscated from me itd be taken from my cold dead hands first cause id fight it
MosinDisciple not technically even "legally" own cause the constitution says you can own any weapon you want without the governments permission
hjp14 its stupididty of the government and people who enforce the unconstitutional laws they pass if the law is unconstitutional like any and all laws that have been passed that dont say you can own/use any weapon you want is null and void according to the second amendnent cause it says arms not firearms and its not short for firearms and it says that right shall not be infringed no ifs ands or buts about it or any other ways around it
BigSwede7403 if people truly believed and fought for the second amendment the way its written you dont have to be rich to own fully auto or any weapons you please even if you have to make them
neverknows best not really its supply and demand because of unconstitutional laws which arent even really valid laws
Dylan Noll unconstitutional therefore bot valid laws but some reason we still go by them as if they were real laws cause people are scared of what will happen if they dont go by them
kazuma neetking not with the constitution and the way its written in the second amendment