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Comments by "" (@gcart7675) on "A Swarm of Angry Bees: The American 180 .22LR Submachine Gun" video.
PurpleNoodleFace alot of people are serious when they say crap like that they dont understand what logic is or what would realistically happen cause they learn from other people who dont know or intentionally lie to them or from stuff they see on movies dont assume everything you see that sounds stupid but you think is a joke is a joke ive literally seen people who legitimately argue with this crap
nah recreational tanks etc that we should be able to own without any infringements like taxes that we have to pay to the government etc
usbiv223 fighting the government thatd try to take it or regulate it in any way cause of the second amendment cause theyll have that and alot more so its be best to have the same weaponry as them to fight back with
@Strawberry92fs all gun control "laws" are infringements including the stuff you said you support and they do no good cause actual bad guys wont go by them and will just steal or buy off the black market or make their own circumventing the so called "laws" so all it does is put a burden to have to wait to get a gun/weapon and in that time they could be killed/raped etc if someone is stalking them what are they supposed to do in that time they have to wait? just hope? that doesnt fly with any sane person or anyone thats actually pro second amendment and actually knows what it means to actually be pro second amendment it says "arms" (weapons and not just certain ones or just certain guns etc or having to have background checks etc to buy them or licenses for certain ones or taxes for certain ones) and "shall not be infringed."(limited if you dont know what infringed means) period. no ifs ands or buts to make it changeable for any reason or after any amount of time etc like that and all of what you said would be a limit to the second amendment therefore cant be an actual law amd should be fought against physically
Subversive Control thats not a deal at all you used to be able to buy this kinda stuff and alot more with nothing but the money it took to buy it no tax or anything and walk out with it
Ben Siener all machineguns/weapons should be "recreational" until we need them to fight tyranny like we do now and shouldve been fighting for a long time now but too many people are too scared or brainwashed to fight back against them and just keep caving to the more and more "laws" they "pass" so we just keep losing more and more freedoms until we have none left and nothing left to fight back physically with to get them back its a slow boiling frog type situation they know they cant take it all at once cause then too many people would see their true plan so they just keep brainwashing people into believing theyre not losing any rights and are being made safer when in reality they are losing rights and freedoms and are becoming less safe in every way
Caboose 92m classic liberal "im a liberal but im all for the second amendment (but dont want this or that that goes against the constitution)"give me a break dude background checks dont stop jack squat or any "laws" for that matter criminals dont follow them so a few years in jail then getting right back out does nothing the chance of being killed by a good person with equal or more firepower makes them think twice about committing crimes or even if it doesnt and they have to use them thats less chance of anyone committing a crime cause theres less criminals to commit crimes thats how you lower the crime rate criminals arent scared of a little jail time
@BuggaBoy69 they cant make anyone look like fools but to other fools that know no better its exactly what the government does they pander to stupid people who know no better so theyll just believe it "cause they said so" as facts unfiltered
Nunya Biz thats not even funny or smart as a joke
Hunter Drone47 26 youre a complete idiot to even joke about that
if you put a bumpfire stock on it then you could probly make it go pretty fast
@Iyamdisgustipated its cause they know thats the "flaw" the "legal" gun/weapon owners or good people that wont go by the fake "laws" are the ones they want them taken from though cause they themselves are the bad guys thats why they dont actually care about the bad guys having them and want the good people that will fight their tyranny disarmed and the people going by their fake "laws" will be the ones that are disarmed because theyre going by them only cause of fear or brainwashing the good people that will fight their fake "laws" theyll call criminals and will make them look bad they brainwash "criminal" and "bad guy" to be synonmous with each other when thats just not true when they "pass" fake "laws" so people say "well if youre breaking "laws" then youre a bad guy and deserve what you get for going against them"
Brittany Mullins its not all their fault they only have the power we give them if we fought back back in the day when they first started trying to make these lies they call "laws" we wouldnt be worrying about this crap right now
@Iyamdisgustipated i see i was just pointing out the corruptness and pointlessness of having to have licenses cause that doesnt guarantee that that person wont do bad things with the gun/weapon or wont forget all that training etc it just means that the government knows who carries so they can take your stuff away (if you get a license to carry and register your guns etc that they say you "have to do for it to be "legal"")
Rory lol funny that you gotta ask permission from the government we literally have it written in our framework that theyre not supposed to be able to tell you what you can and cant own in any way the only reason we go by them is cause we got people in office who believe they can make these infringements they call "laws" cause they got paid goons to enforce them and the people believe they have to go by them and are too afraid to fight back its not cause theyre real "laws"
RUFIORUFIO government criminal issues yeah
@ozymandias9549 it actually brings alot more death and unsafety just look at history with all the countries that had communism and had "gun/weapon control" it starts with registration then confiscation (of those who registered them not actual bad guys or people who didnt and bought privately or stole them or made their own) then when all the people who gave up their guns gave them up they killed them by the millions and thats whats going to happen here if we keep caving and going by their so called "laws" they keep "passing" that if we go by them take more and more of our rights slowly until we have none left and nothing left to fight back physically to get them back with
@charlesangell_bulmtl i know that thats the whole point of the second amendment to keep them in check physically if needed like we do now and should have been for a long time now with whatever weapons we please without anything they say you need for it to be legal cause tyrants dont care about us or our freedoms or our rights etc unless made to by force
@Iyamdisgustipated not just "a trained person with a ccw" will stop that plenty of people would be willing without a "ccw "license"" but no the people in charge have to get their money and have their complete control over us and we just let it happen cause we're either too scared or brainwashed to fight back like the whole point of the second amendment is in the first place they know good and well what theyre doing is bad they just dont care because like i said they just want to make their living and control everything everyone does and they cant do that if everyones armed and willing to use all the weapons we should have because of the second amendment so they threaten death or jailtime to make us comply and they get their way because we just cave and do it instead of fighting physically like we should so its more our fault for letting it happen than it is theres for "making the "laws""
robert feeley youre crazy
@Strawberry92fs it is a witch hunt cause if they can just call anyone crazy and have the police take your guns/weapons and take away your right to own them again then everyone will just start doing that then no one will have guns/weapons but the bad guys or the good guys that go by the actual laws cause the bad guys they definately wont give them up and the good people that know theyre innocent definately wont give them up without a fight also they dont even really care if someone says theyre crazy their end goal is total disarmament so they can control everythig everyone does without any resistance and kill millions of innocents just like what happened in nazi germany and in communist countries like russia and china and alot of other communist countries
@erikcrouch7881 all they do is abuse their power and they pander to stupid people who cant see that its not a gun/weapon availability problem its a mental health problem with the person behind the gun thats killing people for no good reason the people "in charge" know exactly what theyre doing and their end goal is total disarmament so they can control everything everyone does without any resistance and can kill millions just like in nazi germany or alot of communist countries have before i used to wonder why we learn history but now i know why its so we dont repeat the bad parts of it if we listen to it and do what we should to fight it from happening again kinda why the second amendment exists in the first place to fight bad governement with whatever weapons we please but it only works if we actually use it as intended to do that cause tyrants dont care about their limits of power unless forced to
@lizgayle14 it doesnt and thats why millions of innocent people have died by it cause they gave up their guns/weapons and didnt fight back against the tyranny like we shouldve been doing for a long time now but we just keep caving cause we dont want to physically fight it for fear of jailtime or death or because we're brainwashed into believing they can make these so called "laws" against the constitution and we that we have to go by them just "cause theyre the government"
@glimpyrimpy6258 they dont care about that though they just want to be right so they ignore meanings of words or leave out certain parts so theyd be right thats how they work they decieve people into thinking theyre right when they arent
@glimpyrimpy6258 uh what?
all gun/weapon "laws" are infringements except the second amendment to be honest cause it says "arms" (weapons and not just certain ones etc like that) and "shall not be infringed." period. no ifs ands or buts to make it changeable in any way or after any amount of time or for any reason etc
@justarandomtechpriest1578 no the problem is they dont care if anyone says youre crazy or not their end goal is total disarmament anyway so they can enslave and kill millions of innocents without any resistance cause theyre pure evil just like what happened with all the other countries governments that disarmed all their people then killed millions of innocents like nazi germany and alot of communist countries like russia and china etc and thats whatll happen here if people just keep caving to the so called "laws" they "pass" slowly taking more and more of our rights until we have none and nothing to fight back for them with
@tricky2055 the nra isnt on our side anymore and you shouldnt have to be in the nra or some other association or whatever to be able to own a gun just notve committed any actual crimes that are violent or like rape or something like that in reality because of the second amendment just being born in america gives you that right and the fact that its written in our laws that they arent allowed to "ban" any type of weapon for any reason or after any amount of time etc like that
@austinknox5217 all submachineguns and machineguns etc are "fully transferrable" because of the second amendment but the government tells us otherwise and threatens jailtime or death if we fight back agajnst it physically like we shouldve been doing for a long time now so we just cave and go with it instead of physically fighting against it like the whole point of the second amendment is in the first place so the government cant have too much power but it only works if we use it as intended cause tyrants dont care about the actual law or their limits of power unless made to by force
@mjnyc8655 wow🤦🏻♂️
@Emira_75 literally none have happened because of that you just sound stupid whether thats a joke or not and if we had our own and were willing to use them for self defense and the defense of others without fear of jailtime or death if we did from the corrupt police/government that we shouldve been fighting physically like the second amendment intends (we as in the good guys) we could stop it from happening all together before they even kill one innocent person but the corrupt government/police know this but they dont care their power over you and their own self is all they care about they know full well its bad what theyre doing but dont care cause we dont make them care by force like the whole point of the second amendment is in the first place
@ryanlorenzo5003 since its america you dont have to register or anything the government says in reality cause of the second amendment but the so called "laws" they "pass" are the whole point of the second amendment is to be able to fight them physically and effectively with any weapon you please without anything they say you ""need" for it to be llegal"
Caboose 92m wow defending the bad guys you must be one then
@jasonfeek6284 you could just make or buy one off the black market and then not tell anyone about it you know or if someone does fond out fight for your right to have it second amendment or not tyranny shouldnt be tolerated anywhere cause its always bad no matter where it is or when it happens
@knifedance2402 duh cause actual bad guys or actual second amendment supporters arent gonna have those guns and the actual good people wouldnt use them for that purpose
@n16161 guns/weapons* and we wont have them for long if we dont fight back physically against the so called "laws" they "pass" and just keep caving when they "pass" more new "laws" against the constitution/second amendment cause we keep letting them with not fighting back against it
Ben Siener i know all about the fake stuff making people paranoid and all that and what are you talking about with loading something?
@Strawberry92fs ok bud whatever you say 🤦🏻♂️😑😒
Ben Siener ah i see i think it should be a winder that takes the spring tension off and im thinking its 180 not 200 like the name says i could be wrong on the capacity and id have to rewatch the video to see if he said how much they hold or if they had diffferentcapacities maybe he said they had two different types cant remember though
Ben Siener i watched it again its 177 for the lowest capacity
@glimpyrimpy6258 (sacasm) yeah cause they definately dont steal them or make their own or buy them from a private seller that isnt an ffl that circumvents all the so called "laws" they "pass" yep its definately unlikely 🤦🏻♂️😑😒 give me a break
Jeffrey Smith youre the idiot that should delete your comment cause its not funny to joke about unless youre insane cause this is real life and people really do believe that way or believe theyre being serious so we dont need those idiots making other idiots believe this crap
@glimpyrimpy6258 wow 🤦🏻♂️
@glimpyrimpy6258 or make your own or buy privately instead of a "legal" gunstore or anything else they wouldnt even know about and circumvents the so called "laws" they "pass"
@glimpyrimpy6258 they literally make guns/ammo that are supposed to be non lethal its if you want to stop someone without killing them i agree that its kinda pointless unless its a gun that instanly knocks them out no matter what to stop them but eh people have to learn one way or the other that thats kinda pointless and some people will learn it the hard way cause thats the only way they can cause theyre that stupid
Jason Dubya-DEEZNUTS because the second amendment and being able to fight the government and other evil people*
The Gaming Kitsune everywhere is becoming like that because of idiots like them but also idiots that say theyre for the second amendment but wont fight (physically) the people who enforce these lies they call "laws"
@glimpyrimpy6258 maybe because people dont want to take the time or effort to make or steal or find someone who will sell them it without a background check or whatever else the government says "you "need" for it to be "legal"" and its just easier to get the regular guns ever think about that?
@glimpyrimpy6258 not "no one" its just not as common as the "legal" weapons
@charlesangell_bulmtl some people are im not one that can just be told something and expected to just go with it like the bullcrap that gun/weapon control worls cause its obvious that it doesnt and only puts a strain on the good people or people who will actually go by the so called "laws" they "pass" that are against the constitution
@Face2theScr33n have you discovered no one likes grammar nazis? and i can do it i just dont care cause im not a grammar nazi like you 😒😑🤦🏻♂️
Hunter Drone47 26 cant trade freedom for safety period
@A_real_brick wow 🤦🏻♂️