Comments by "Niall O\x27Neill" (@nialloneill5097) on "Poorest Native American Reservation - What It Really Looks Like 🇺🇸" video.
@dharialurie2195 Yes. He is known to the natives as the Great Spirit, and to the white man as the Holy Spirit. He is also known as the Spirit of Truth, for it is He Who brings Truth to this world; a world that has been denying Truth through the spirit of denial and falsehood. Soon, very very soon, great storms come, and these are the last acts of the Judgment-the Apocalypse! Many will die, but it is not physical death we should be so concerned about, but spiritual life, for all were given the chance to return to their one true home, an eternal and blessed spiritual plane that is ever-lasting. First though, man must make his way back there, through good thoughts and works. Thus, these deeds must stand in the laws of creation, which have been embedded here by the Great Spirit, so that we can live aright, and at times be reminded when we have strayed too far from these Laws. Thus, these storms show us the way back to the spiritual paths that we need, if we are to return home. In this sense then, karma is a blessing, and part of the Lord's Law of Mercy, for so as a man sows, so must he reap.
@LarvaeLightening The beauty first has to come from within, before it can pervade the earthly realm. The race of humans that lived there when the white men first came are not the same as the current peoples. It is the spiritual aspects that matter most of all, and these tribes were mostly noble peoples at one time. Some maybe still are, I have not been there, but certainly any human being deserves a minimum standard of living, for we are all part of this same world, interconnected. Treat others like scum, and they begin to behave like scum. The US has much to account for, as have many European nations, such as the UK, where I live. In fact, I live less than a half mile away from where the first Pilgrim Fathers sailed, on their way to US, or as some call it, Turtle Island.