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john zuijdveld
Comments by "john zuijdveld" (@johnzuijdveld9585) on "Dutch proposal to dam the North Sea" video.
For Gods' sake! don't tell the Chinese that, they'll claim all the oceans!
Wouldn't that be a better idea for the Mediterranean? Definitely would get them the shorter straw!
I recon the Dutch probably inhabited most of 'Doggerland' but had to retreat as the waters came in from the Nth. So we've probably been saying that for centuries! WE COULD'VE BEEN A GREAT POWER! . . . But ALL washed up!
@Bahumut5 I agree this is a strategy for a worst case scenario, but these things cannot be left until the last minute! The proposal would not only benefit and safe-guard the Dutch, but many Nth. Sea coastlines. This project would require the whole Eurozone to contribute and it would still take decades that we do NOT have to spare! We are currently at 1 degree average. global temp. increase and plan/hope for a 1.5 - 2.0 degree average in global warming around 2050 and yet we are predicted to be at least at a 3 degree average global warming by then. If you imagine that we will change our trajectory drastically in the near future then I think you are naïve., and I suspect we will see global temps in excess of 5 degrees by 2050 (BTW I am NOT a scientist, just so you know) But with corporate greed and ppls' general lethargy, I worry we will NOT do enough! The UNPCC. has calculated that if we cannot hold global temps to below I think it was 1.5 degrees at 2030 then the Siberian tundra would defrost producing HUGE quantities of methane gas which is a gas 25 x more dangerous for global warming. (at the moment 2020 Russia is trying it's hardest to find markets for it's natural gas ie: methane reserves because it cannot keep up with all the new sites where methane is being expelled in Siberia! it hasn't the capacity NOR the resources to be able to 'cap and tap' as fast as new sites are being found) This will mean that unless we can slow the process, then by 2100 the oceans will have warmed to the point that they no longer will be able to hold the vast amounts of CO 2 that currently is dissolved in the oceans. If this happens, then more CO 2 will be expelled into the atmosphere/yr. than man has produced in a lifetime, this would raise temps. to the point that the oceans would start to evaporate and at THIS point there is NO future for Humanity or its other life forms as we are headed towards a Venus type planet! 500-600 DEGREE CENTIGRADE here we come! Doesn't matter in another 5 million (or was that billion yrs.?) Our beloved Sun will expand and show us what global warming is REALLY all about!
@Tiger-Baby Well . . while were at it, I don't think I do things in tiny bits. China is a modern country but nothing like benevolent, and they are essentially Buddhists I think. Is there really more Muslims than the Chin? . . . bOY COULD THEY USE A nTH, sEA FLOOD! wtf?
@Tiger-Baby Ha Ha! Nth sea sunny weather? Your dreaming! Volcanic activity? . . there? . . . What are you smoking?
@Tiger-Baby ? @ who? 🙄 But joints didn't happen until the Spanish decimated the Sth. American civilizations, and no-one would grab a beer and sit by a carpentry joint! What are you thinking? 😕
@Tiger-Baby Leave me alone sweetie! I'm just a guy who was in school, way back in another lifetime it seems! I have no need for any kind of aires! 🤣
@Tiger-Baby So am I to assume that that thing we are somewhat discussing is spelt: billionaires? I can't even find where I said anything of the sort! 😧 🙄 . . . 🤪
@Tiger-Baby 😁While I think you have a lovely face I have to say "is this not borderline piffle?" 😀 I've scanned the vastness of the 15 replies above and can find NO discrepancies on my part. 😘
@YataTheFifteenth Weeell ! actually it's more like Doggerland was a part of Dutch territory before the Nth. Sea invaded! We are simply resisting it's unwanted advances!
@gravelydon7072 I get it! ? I think I do ! 🙂 your not using the depression to store water and allowing any of it to seep into the ground, and using a plastic or glass covering you collect the condensate and also end up with salt on the surface. An advanced idea on an ancient technology not so far removed. I was wondering how you would construct a huge glass dome covering miles, but of course it wouldn't be in a single piece (silly me) As for a hole in the desert sand covered with plastic or such + container in the center, apparently this works even if you don't have a liquid in the hole but it's slow and doesn't result in much, better to pee in that hole. In AU. we also have extensive greenhouses covered in plastic, this is a cheap way to do it but it requires replacing the plastic sheeting regularly, the labour cost makes this expensive. Glass panels are cheaper in the long run, they last much longer unless they're damaged due to storms etc. Will check those links, thank you.
@fabioartoscassone9305 I'm sorry I missed your post! YES! we will deliver the sea back to where it came from ! 🤣
@larsebbers5214 I think they may have taken a leaf out of Mosses' book, but were not willing to wait for the 'divine intervention' that the bible promises in these circumstances! Very pragmatic are we Dutch! 😀
@fabioartoscassone9305 But it's the abominable Nth. Sea monster that constantly seeks to overwhelm us! We are but pressing back. 😣 I totally blame those asteroids that delivered more water to Earth than the Dutch want to deal with! 😅
A huge engineering project! Daunting for some! but with the Dutch and Germans behind it what could be easier? Costs shared by all the European beneficiaries including England would not be insurmountable. Sure it would be cheaper, easier, safer and wiser to aggressively tackle the climate policy but heaven forbid we upset the mining and fossil fuel industries! they are the Gods of the world are they not?
@LoneWolfRanging BUT its true! the world, in a worst case scenario (and we are WAY off from preventing it!) could see sea level rises of up to 60 mtrs. That's s/where around 2000 ft. if ye're a 'Yank' That would put about a third of the USA under salt water. A few fish in the sea lost in the Nth. Sea would not be an environmental catastrophe as you might like to project as the powers that be would ensure that the fish stocks would be protected and ensured of continuum. THAT is the difference between European values and USA. Capitalism . . . Truly sorry if that hurts!
I love the comment! . . . Hup Nederland! But tell me dose the Dutch Govt have a battle plan for this? They've been so good at controlling the Nth. Sea so far but can they avert the dangers of rising sea levels? . . . I hope so! 🤗
@taharqakingofkings8832 Ooh look! an ignorant Afro' child making stupid comments about a whole. silly joke! 😂😂 Do you REALLY have to turn everything into a black V white racist bit of b/shit? YOU are the racist here!
Yeah! . . OH . . poor Russia!, . . . but do not despair! as I have word that in this scenario the ice that inhibits Russia from having naval or other ports in their northern coasts will have melted, freeing her from her constraints and enabling her to PUT PUTIN POWER everywhere! I'm sure that SHIT will still be around even then!
@kevinlove4356 Now for the next step and dam them in then they will not need any nth. Sea ports. 😉
@krim7 Greenland, Siberia, Nth Canada, Alaska and the Antarctic will be 'prime real estate. Many areas between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn will become deserts. That's If we don't do enough before 2030 and by 2050.
Rayhan Hossain If air temps rise enough water vapor will not condense and it doesn't rain! That's what's happening in many places already, where rainfall is low it actually dries up before it hits the ground, I have a 7000 ltr. rain tank and it used to fill up about 3 times in the past, for the last 2yrs. only 1/2 tank/winter. even when the sky is almost black with rainclouds. Also where rain has always been more generous it will now come down much heavier and the result is floods and landslides.
@taharqakingofkings8832 I don't know why you think you have to react so aggressively . . it was a JOKE! do you really think we are ignorant enough to not know that there is drinking water in AFRICA , but s;.times there are severe droughts when there is not enough ! but it was a Joke and you need to get over yourself ! stop being so oversensitive . . . or maybe you're just a racist!
@maartenvandecraats23 Thanks for the info. I was 4.5 yrs. when I was taken away from Holland, and I always felt I would've been more stable if I'd had my extended fam. near. Is inland water inundation due to actual flooding as a consequence of rising water tables? I live in Sth. Aust. and I've heard that in the future our ancient 'inland sea' could re-emerge not because of sea intrusions, but because of water tables rising due to rising sea levels. Surprising how that works, not only are sea levels rising but that forces water tables to rise also.
i heard a third of the worlds pop. is at risk, not sure about this tho' needs research.
It DAM well works!
@gravelydon7072 Sounds like a case of 'all the best laid plans' I haven't been a fan of plastics since Hawkins warned that they ALL were carcinogenic, regardless of "oven safe and microwave safe' assurances. Plastic leaches carcinogens into anything liquid, and recently we learn that it is well established into all our food sources. It turns out that ALL fossil fuel resources are carcinogenic, glass is clean but doesn't have the power of the F/Fuel industries, who btw. could give a s**t about the planet or it's ppl.
@gravelydon7072 I have to tell you that I'm an older guy and I'm probably (apparently) not up with the latest even tho' I watch lots of doco's. I always thought that a salt pan was just any large shallow area that was flooded with sea water and left for the H2O to evaporate over time resulting in a crystalline formation on the surface that would be scraped off the top as sea salt and then further refined as 'table salt' I'm 99.95% sure this is how salt was always historically recovered. 🙂 Now your saying we place a glass structure above the water to capture the evaporated H2O? Cool if it is viable on a grand scale! The glass would have to be at the optimum height above the water and critically, at the optimum angle to allow the condensate to 'run' to a storage point. But is this method feasible on large scales or only in controlled circumstances? "Salt pans only need a impervious layer under them to work." don't know what you mean by this, like the lake bed? Getting back to Africa (or elsewhere for that matter), do you really see huge sq. mile dried up lake areas being flooded and covered in glass or plastic sheeting?
@gravelydon7072 🙂 is there a shortage of salt in Africa? it's not a bad idea IF you can find markets for your salt, but you wouldn't need to pump ocean water from the Nth. Sea as you are surrounded by seas yourself! A really good benefit of pumping ANY water to these dried up lakes and waterholes is that it promotes evaporation and thus increases humidity and even rainfall in the area! But getting the salt from the sea water does NOT leave you with fresh water you will still need more desalination and processing of the water to make it usable, even for agriculture, remember if there is any salt in the water you use for this it will eventually make the land unusable! unless there are rains to make the salt go deep under the top soils. The cheapest way to make fresh water is to process sewerage waste water, I know! you say "YUK!" but the water you get from this is purer than any tap or spring water in the world. EVEN cleaner than rainwater from many urban regions, it's a very valuable resource we should at least be using for farming if not for human consumption.
@jzk3919 They forgot to bring their galoshes?
@joyxcore2 wouldn't last that long and you couldn't sustainably establish it in the first place. It will die before it's there!
⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ TRY as you might BUT (in Dutch) "We will fight you on the beaches! we will fight you in the oceans, we will fight you from the air, BUT the Dutch will NEVER be defeated! WE WILL PREVAIL!" 🙄
@fabioartoscassone9305 I'm just replying from the 'notifications window' and can't see what your comment is referring to. . sorry. But you are welcome to surrender to us at your pleasure, we are very accommodating! 😁
@Tiger-Baby They'd better work it out because central America IS going down, if climate change has its way!
LOL But the only dams that fail are the ones that the mining companies build isn't it?
@scratchy996 I like that! 🤣 I think they would too!
Yeah it's worked pretty well so far, we do like a challenge . . . . well maybe not so much!
@intothelabyrinth01 Now if you actually knew s/thing instead of reading/believing all the nonsense written and repeatedly stated by ppl. you do NOT have the credentials to even comment on it, then I would consider you to have made a valid comment, and not the idiot you expose y/self as! There is plenty of evidence that we DO have a big problem! 1) Glaciers that have been very stable for 1,000 s yrs retreating at a pace never before seen in our history in Antarctica/ Greenland also more well known places! 2) Ask the ppl. that run the ski resorts around the world why they are only NOW having to supplement the slopes with man made ice. 3) In 1990 NASA. started monitoring the Arctic ice taking satellite photos 2/ the end of each Nth.Summer and winter periods, YOU should look them up! They show that the end of each period the ice cap is less than the yr, before, apart from a very few yrs. where a slight in did occur! 4) the incidence of hurricanes/yr. in the Caribbean and the Asia Pacific regions has not only increased in numbers since the 1980s but also in intensities. To the point where we now have to consider raising the 'category' number because some have higher wind speeds than the top category 5, luckily so far none of these have ever made landfall. 5) sea levels ARE rising steadily over at least the last 20 yrs. and you only need to check low lying coastal records to confirm that lands round the world are being inundated, many Pacific islands not only have lost their coastlines but because their land is not high above sea levels their water stokes and growing areas have become unviable. I could give you more evidence like heatwaves and generally higher mean temps globally and associated fire and drought risks but will you even investigate this or are you so 'dum de dumm' that you prefer to hold on to your ignorance?
@Tiger-Baby He He . . . no he wasn't Dutch but he was a 'plagiarist' What is your prob. with "teeny" racism? It's a natural defense mechanism that all animals have, it's a part of the evolutionary survival strategy that enabled Homo Sapiens Sapiens to out-survive our other Hominid relatives . . . despite our women folk tag-alongs. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa! 🥺
@fabioartoscassone9305 See? . . . there is the problem in your thinking! Doggerland did not sink submissively! . . . We Dutch are not mere Atlanteans! Our beloved homeland was aggressively 'assaulted' by the invading Northern waters . . . . anything that comes from the North is ALWAYS barbarically aggressive! 🤣 😂 🤣 I am joking you know. 😊
@Aemond2024 😁 It's definitely a boat! . . . . What's with this "sort of" fubberwubble!