Comments by "john zuijdveld" (@johnzuijdveld9585) on "Dutch proposal to dam the North Sea" video.

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  4. ​ @Bahumut5 I agree this is a strategy for a worst case scenario, but these things cannot be left until the last minute! The proposal would not only benefit and safe-guard the Dutch, but many Nth. Sea coastlines. This project would require the whole Eurozone to contribute and it would still take decades that we do NOT have to spare! We are currently at 1 degree average. global temp. increase and plan/hope for a 1.5 - 2.0 degree average in global warming around 2050 and yet we are predicted to be at least at a 3 degree average global warming by then. If you imagine that we will change our trajectory drastically in the near future then I think you are naïve., and I suspect we will see global temps in excess of 5 degrees by 2050 (BTW I am NOT a scientist, just so you know) But with corporate greed and ppls' general lethargy, I worry we will NOT do enough! The UNPCC. has calculated that if we cannot hold global temps to below I think it was 1.5 degrees at 2030 then the Siberian tundra would defrost producing HUGE quantities of methane gas which is a gas 25 x more dangerous for global warming. (at the moment 2020 Russia is trying it's hardest to find markets for it's natural gas ie: methane reserves because it cannot keep up with all the new sites where methane is being expelled in Siberia! it hasn't the capacity NOR the resources to be able to 'cap and tap' as fast as new sites are being found) This will mean that unless we can slow the process, then by 2100 the oceans will have warmed to the point that they no longer will be able to hold the vast amounts of CO 2 that currently is dissolved in the oceans. If this happens, then more CO 2 will be expelled into the atmosphere/yr. than man has produced in a lifetime, this would raise temps. to the point that the oceans would start to evaporate and at THIS point there is NO future for Humanity or its other life forms as we are headed towards a Venus type planet! 500-600 DEGREE CENTIGRADE here we come! Doesn't matter in another 5 million (or was that billion yrs.?) Our beloved Sun will expand and show us what global warming is REALLY all about!
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  40.  @intothelabyrinth01  Now if you actually knew s/thing instead of reading/believing all the nonsense written and repeatedly stated by ppl. you do NOT have the credentials to even comment on it, then I would consider you to have made a valid comment, and not the idiot you expose y/self as! There is plenty of evidence that we DO have a big problem! 1) Glaciers that have been very stable for 1,000 s yrs retreating at a pace never before seen in our history in Antarctica/ Greenland also more well known places! 2) Ask the ppl. that run the ski resorts around the world why they are only NOW having to supplement the slopes with man made ice. 3) In 1990 NASA. started monitoring the Arctic ice taking satellite photos 2/ the end of each Nth.Summer and winter periods, YOU should look them up! They show that the end of each period the ice cap is less than the yr, before, apart from a very few yrs. where a slight in did occur! 4) the incidence of hurricanes/yr. in the Caribbean and the Asia Pacific regions has not only increased in numbers since the 1980s but also in intensities. To the point where we now have to consider raising the 'category' number because some have higher wind speeds than the top category 5, luckily so far none of these have ever made landfall. 5) sea levels ARE rising steadily over at least the last 20 yrs. and you only need to check low lying coastal records to confirm that lands round the world are being inundated, many Pacific islands not only have lost their coastlines but because their land is not high above sea levels their water stokes and growing areas have become unviable. I could give you more evidence like heatwaves and generally higher mean temps globally and associated fire and drought risks but will you even investigate this or are you so 'dum de dumm' that you prefer to hold on to your ignorance?
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