Comments by "john zuijdveld" (@johnzuijdveld9585) on "Understanding the Australian mindset" video.

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  2. You didn't mention the early Australian sense of allegiance to Britannia nor later our willingness to fight for or defend the 'Democratic and moral principals' that we DO believe in. We are NOT any country's 'lackeys' we go to wars by our own volition to defend our beliefs and to secure this countries national interests and YES that does include working with and co-operating with our strategic and like minded partners! We make NO apologies for that! Being strategic partners with our allies means that the Australian forces are always hardened and battle ready veterans, win or lose we WILL inflict great pain in any conflict. British/American history does not acknowledge that there were 2 Battles of the Coral Seas, when the Nazis overran Holland and Belgium the Dutch govt. ordered it's navy to sail to and defend the Dutch East indies (later called Indonesia). When the Japanese first attempted an invasion of Australia, it was this Dutch navy along with a small contingent of British and American ships that first repelled a Japanese invasion. So devastated was the Japanese navy that it postponed any new attempts to invade anywhere in the South Pacific! This gave the American industrial might the time it needed to rebuild after it's losses at Pearl Harbor and subsequently another combined naval force of mainly American with some British and Dutch remnants repelled the Japanese navy once again, this marked a turning point in the Pacific arena where Japan never again regained the ability to mount a naval based invasion.