Comments by "Gary S. Seth" (@GLORYNEVADASMITH) on "Even When It Was Hard | 40 Years of Pride" video.

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  10. Virginia Lawler February 11 , 2020 , 12 am est . Urgent Communique : New Hampshire , How You Vote Today Will Echo An Eternity ! You are about to embark upon this Great Campaign : Bernie Sanders 2020 " Our Revolution " Presidential , toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the American people are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere rally with you. In company with our fellow oppressed citizens , political Allies , and brothers and sisters -in-arms on other progressive Fronts, you will bring about the defeat of the Neoconservative and Neo-Liberal election machine, the elimination of the Kleptocratic special interest funded K Street lobby tyranny over the oppressed people of America , and security for ourselves in a free Nation . Your task will not be an easy one. The many ' Bernie Busters ' that are Your adversaries are well funded , campaign hardened and completely duplicitous . They will run savagely. This is the year 2020 ! And much has happened since the 2016 Clinton DNC nomination and the Trump general election victory setbacks . The 2018 Mid-Term elections have inflicted upon the DINO ' s and RINO 's great defeats, in open elections when unimpeded by voter suppression and gerrymandering . Our social media offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the Money Stream Media and their capacity to influence voters on the ground. Our Grass root Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in the argument and narrative for political change . and placed at our disposal great reserves of enthusiastic campaign volunteers . The tide has turned! The long suffering people of America are uniting together for Victory! I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to civic duty and enthusiasm in campaigning . We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God , or find solace in your own secular beliefs , upon this great and noble undertaking. S.H.A.E.F. - Sanders Headquarters American Election Front The Longest Day by Paul Anka : Remix Many folks will vote for Bernie Many folks will hope and pray Many folks will count the hours As they live through this election day Many folks are tired and weary Many folks have lost their way Many folks won't see the sunset When it ends on this election day The longest day , next Election Day This will be the longest day Filled with hopes and filled with fears Filled with blood and sweat and tears Many folks the hopeful Millions Many votes for victory Marching on to vote for Bernie In the longest day in history
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