Comments by "Hardcore Remixer" (@Hardcore_Remixer) on "How Meloni Is Trying to Reshape the EU" video.

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  6.  @redminute6605  Private Property: Private property typically refers to assets, land, or resources owned by individuals, corporations, or other non-governmental entities. It includes items like homes, businesses, land, vehicles, and investments. Private property rights are protected by law, allowing owners to control, use, and transfer their property as they see fit. Personal Property: Personal property, on the other hand, encompasses belongings that are owned by individuals for personal use or consumption. This category includes items like clothing, furniture, electronics, jewelry, and other tangible goods. Personal property is usually not as heavily regulated as private property and may not have the same legal protections in terms of ownership and use. Now tell me what I have to apologize for. In my country, Romania, 90%-95% of the people (or someone close allowing them to live in it, usually a member of the family) own the house they live in and someown even the land their house is on. Or how the farmers need land in order to produce food? Land isn't personal property, so it is private when owned by an individual or by another entity. You saw the farmer protests recently, didn't you? If the government could just kick them off their *OUR**🇨🇳☭ land then it could **persuade* them to shut up. Think again. Private property is the most crucial property which there can be and it can instantly give the government control over the people. So tell me why I need to apologize, ignorantminute.
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  9.  @redminute6605  I also agree to discuss about this. As for what I believe far right implies, I think it depends on whether it is economical or social far right. I suppose the social far right involves the persecution of a certain group of people based on race, enthnicity or nationality like Hitler did despite him Having been a economically left wing. I just hope the media will remember this too and stop calling Le Pen as 'far right'. Economical far right, I guess this goes as far as anarcho capitalism does, aiming to reduce the power of the state over its individuals at least economically speaking and instead let them take part to trades through free markets. Though, without ANY regulation by the government we end up with corporates which grow bigger than the state itself. So despite I like how it emphasizes the idea of private property, I have my doubts about it. - Global warming: China alone is provoking more emissions than Europe, USA and Canada put together. What will us reducing our emissions help? We'll know that by the point it gets out of hand China will become affected by its emissions. Untill then we have enough time to find viable replacements for vehicles and iron out the defects to make them both affordable, maintainable (it is the batteries I'm looking at) and useable (long distances without stopping every now and then) for people to use. If the solution is good then it may get employed everywhere over the world. However, if we just shoot ourselves in the foot then we'll be seen as a failed continent and nobody will follow us before it's too late. Just Stop Oil isn't the answer. At least not an answer I'll take. - Vaccines: If it is for my protection and the manufacturer doesn't take responsability for the flaws of the new vaccine then why should I be forced to take it? You vaccine yourself and get protected while I don't vaccine myself and either don't get protected or develop resistance to the certain virus by natural means. - Conspiracies: I agree. We have many conspiracies the governments pushing against the freedom they were supposed to guarantee are simply conspiracy material. - LGBTQ people: Rich topic right here! Yes, targeting to treat them as regular people, males and famales as we all are (unless the rare case of the XXY chromosome). Call me an ignorant, but there are bathrooms, dresser rooms, sport categories (and universal, I guess) for males and females separately. We aren't targeting LGBTQ people. We are just intending to treat them as any normal people. Of course, normal treatment feels like opression after being given special treatment like: a month for themselves, having a flag, companies making their logos after that flag for a month, making parades to which they invite minors WITHOUT the consent of the parents (yes, I've seen it). - Pro-life regarding abortions: So the man and the woman can abstain or use methods of 100 certainty to ensure a fetus will not form instead of doing 'the thing' over and over. Though, the case which I accept as justified for abortion are those when the woman didn't give consent for it, was coerced or forced to do 'the thing'. If she didn't want it then she should get the abortion if she so desires and the man who's guilty should face the punishment. - Conservativism being a reaction to progress (progressivism): Scared and insecure? More like displeased with being dimissed as a mistake. Because the progress simply doesn't care and at times it is dangerously risky and even hatefully suffocating. Like how the multiculturalism turned out, males transgendering just to take part in sports at the women category to have it easy. Or how it gets imposed in schools that children must to learn about gender ideology while religion must remain (understandably and I agree) optional? This time I'm not talking about EU, but about US, Canada and UK. And I call ideology because that's what it mainly does. Spreading an ideology. Ideology has no place in schools, especially not as mandatory. Hopfully this never becomes the case in Eastern Europe. - Immigration: Definetely nuanced! Legal and well filtered migration is good! Illegal immigration through illegal border crossing is not fine because you have no idea who you are receiving in your country and they aren't usually coming for work. Besides, I've seen UK had a problem in which some bosses lowered the wages too much and then they used their lack of employment (which was justified) as an excuse to beg for more immigrants. In this case it is the vacant jobs that must become better if they aren't enough to survive. - A man is not smarter than a woman: Something I wholeheartedly agree with it. No need to make getting a job more difficult or easier for a certain gender. For example, I believe job interviews and such should have the same difficulty for everyone regardless of gender and shouldn't reject people just because they have a certain gender.
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  13.  @redminute6605  Glad we can agree on at least one thing, that being that corporates must be limited. I guess my lack of trust in your proposals comes down to whether or not I can trust the government to regulate private ownership or not and in what degree. About farmers: Being partial owner of the land? Who else would own it? The government which can just kick the farmer off his land if it wants to go environmentalist? No. More farmers, which could lead to squables over the same land? Needs extra regulation... by the government of all things. A lot would change and that would be that the government would regulate private property which is actively used for production. You're not changing my mind about private ownership being necesary as a means for production. I'm glad you could found some common ground with a cinservative like me. As for conservativism being the dumbest thing ever in your opinion, I guess this is the reason conservatives like me don't accept compromises anymore and started voting for what the left wing media and EU refer to as 'the far right'. Hence the reason people like Viktor Orban come to power and why AfD has surged in the election. When EU is so against it the conservatives will simply turn against EU and aim to limit EU's overreach. I'm not changing your mind, but you've just justified why the 'far right' is currently surging. EU has made some wrong steps (tolerance to illegal immigration, attempts to restrict the farmers, dragging us into a cold war with Russia) and now mamy people, especially in Eastern Europe, want to limit EU's overreach. To think EU is pushing for an EU army and for it to become a state or a federation, projects which require either trust or a plain power grab, when the trust in EU is in a free fall. As dumb as conservativism is, there is a growing request for it across the EU and even in Poland where they have just elected a pro-EU government. I wonder what caused this request to grow. Maybe the alternatives that EU has pushed for.