Comments by "Happy Melon" (@happymelon7129) on "What challenges face DPP's William Lai after winning Taiwan presidency?" video.

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  4. BY @jackychick I am a Hong konger, and it is absolutely ridiculous that the so-called resistance from activists were ALL supporting Hong Kong INDEPENDENCE. Only people who are nuts would think that is possible, yet almost all rioters as well as many protestors were demanding self determination like a referendum for independence. Almost all politicians from the so-called democratic party( in name only) broke the election laws on purpose and many were jailed subsequently despite repeated warnings from the government. Most of the activists who organised the protests were also trying to be famous in local media as they would be interviewed by many journalists and literally everyone of them tried to run for local elections ! Protests were simply tools for them to get media exposure. Western media in 2019 wanted to dump it down to communist sympathiers vs democracy protestors (blue and yellow ribbon in hong kong) when in fact the silent majority were both afraid of the communist AND they were even more afraid of fascist freedom fighters ( i.e the rioters) who hospitalised anyone that dared to exercise free speech and opposed their vandalism and violent protests. Doxxing was rampant as children and relatives of the police, or anyone who dared to oppose violent protests were threatened and their homes attacked. Many fled Hong Kong because they were arrested during the riots to escape potential prosecutions. what s the prosecution rate? out of 12000+ rioters, less than 1000 were sent to jail despite being caught red handed at the riots. Most were not even charged as you need beyond reasonable doubt in hong kong to prosecute a rioter. By wearing masks, most of them could not be identified even if they were arrested with rioting gears like helmets, huge umbrella on sunny day, protective gears etc. Out of every riot, e.g 300+ rioters, only 20+ would be arrested in the early months. i.e less than 10%. So out of 12000 people, with <10% arrested, many estimated over 100,000+ participated in riots, many were teenagers still studying at schools. So you have a situation in Hong kong where >99.3% of rioters got away with rioting as less than 1000 were jailed. This sad affair ultimately prompted Beijing to establish the national security law. So hong kongers could no longer legally commit treason, like flying to the Congress and demanding America to sanction hong kong and China if hong kong couldn't have a western style democracy. How many protestors were killed by the hong kong police during 5 months of protests and riots? ZERO. Did rioters kill anyone? One unarmed cleaner was murdered by a rioter in broad daylight as they got accustomed to throwing bricks at the police and they threw bricks at unarmed innocents for opposing violent protests. Another was set on fire and required multiple surgeries to survive. A total of at least 70+ unarmed innocents were severely hospitalised by rioters, a dozen required surgeries as the fascist mobs beat them to a pulp. Only a few were reported like they were isolated incidents when in fact the rioters brutality against unarmed innocents were happening EVERY SINGLE WEEK for FIVE months, terrorising millions of hong kongers. Solution? Many pretend to support them. e.g they stopped all the cars at motorways and demand drivers to donate money to their cause, so many simply shouted their protests slogans and they were immediately let go!
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  16.  @Shiela-v6k  BY @jackychick I am a Hong konger, and it is absolutely ridiculous that the so-called resistance from activists were ALL supporting Hong Kong INDEPENDENCE. Only people who are nuts would think that is possible, yet almost all rioters as well as many protestors were demanding self determination like a referendum for independence. Almost all politicians from the so-called democratic party( in name only) broke the election laws on purpose and many were jailed subsequently despite repeated warnings from the government. Most of the activists who organised the protests were also trying to be famous in local media as they would be interviewed by many journalists and literally everyone of them tried to run for local elections ! Protests were simply tools for them to get media exposure. Western media in 2019 wanted to dump it down to communist sympathiers vs democracy protestors (blue and yellow ribbon in hong kong) when in fact the silent majority were both afraid of the communist AND they were even more afraid of fascist freedom fighters ( i.e the rioters) who hospitalised anyone that dared to exercise free speech and opposed their vandalism and violent protests. Doxxing was rampant as children and relatives of the police, or anyone who dared to oppose violent protests were threatened and their homes attacked. Many fled Hong Kong because they were arrested during the riots to escape potential prosecutions. what s the prosecution rate? out of 12000+ rioters, less than 1000 were sent to jail despite being caught red handed at the riots. Most were not even charged as you need beyond reasonable doubt in hong kong to prosecute a rioter. By wearing masks, most of them could not be identified even if they were arrested with rioting gears like helmets, huge umbrella on sunny day, protective gears etc. Out of every riot, e.g 300+ rioters, only 20+ would be arrested in the early months. i.e less than 10%. So out of 12000 people, with <10% arrested, many estimated over 100,000+ participated in riots, many were teenagers still studying at schools. So you have a situation in Hong kong where >99.3% of rioters got away with rioting as less than 1000 were jailed. This sad affair ultimately prompted Beijing to establish the national security law. So hong kongers could no longer legally commit treason, like flying to the Congress and demanding America to sanction hong kong and China if hong kong couldn't have a western style democracy. How many protestors were killed by the hong kong police during 5 months of protests and riots? ZERO. Did rioters kill anyone? One unarmed cleaner was murdered by a rioter in broad daylight as they got accustomed to throwing bricks at the police and they threw bricks at unarmed innocents for opposing violent protests. Another was set on fire and required multiple surgeries to survive. A total of at least 70+ unarmed innocents were severely hospitalised by rioters, a dozen required surgeries as the fascist mobs beat them to a pulp. Only a few were reported like they were isolated incidents when in fact the rioters brutality against unarmed innocents were happening EVERY SINGLE WEEK for FIVE months, terrorising millions of hong kongers. Solution? Many pretend to support them. e.g they stopped all the cars at motorways and demand drivers to donate money to their cause, so many simply shouted their protests slogans and they were immediately let go!
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