Comments by "Archangel17" (@MDP1702) on "How Turkey Ran Out of Friends and Money: How Erdoğan has Fundamentally Changed Turkey - TLDR News" video.

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  2. @Fresh Turkey Yes, but there were many more other terrorist attacks, you can't just ignore them. Also between 2006 and 2013 most stopped and not stopped terrorist attacks (and arrests around it) were planned by seperatists or anarchists. If you want the people to commit to it, ask the soviets and its republics to do it first. If they are still here. This is a stupid notion. Just because you don't hold yourself to standards, doesn't mean I wouldn't/shouldn't. This way nothing moves forward or improves. Millions came into the EU illegally in the past ten years. And millions have been deported or were given status to stay as refugees (you know, because at home it is not safe). Furthermore many terrorist attacks are executed and/or planned by people who came here much earlier, illegally (and did not start a procedure, even with strong border enforcement, which for the record is a national power, people would slip through) or were even born here. And I don't turn a blind eye to it, there are problems, terrorism just isn't caused by the refugee crisis of the last few years, it is just like that crisis a consequence of a broader problem/cause: the destabilisation of Libya and the Middle East from the last decade. And to me the main way to deal with the refugee crisis is 1) a strong European outer border control instead of leaving it to the members, but certain members are opposed to this, some even having outer borders themself. 2) a European immigration policy instead of the several different immigration policies and systems, which sometimes get played against eachother (being denied in one country and starting a procedure in another) 3) the long time it takes to go through a procedure (1 year should be enough, now it often takes longer, so that even children who grew up only knowing europe have to be deported) 4) a proper European integration policy, because often times integration is lacking, both due to the immigrants, but also due to the lack of possibilities to integrate/learning to integrate.
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  5. @Fresh Turkey domestic attacks that already existed does not justify more imported attacks from abroad That doesn't make sense, these attacks both cost lives and are both fought the same way by the same security organisations. Like I said, terrorists can be homegrown (even people whose ancestors lived here can radicalize) as well as get in even with a strong border control. Europe has had a lot of immigration for decades due to the colonial history, yet the attacks increased only in the last few years due to geopolitical circumstances (isis, middle eastern instability, Libya, ...), plenty of Europeans went to go fight in Syria on the side of ISIS, when they legally return they can also execute attacks. It is stupid to keep claiming it are "imported" attacks, they would just keep happening, since many terrorists are/were actually already in Europe, either having come here as a child or even born here. And German And Swedish unilaterally taking mass is not sustainable. Germany took it upon themselves to take so many refugees after the outer border failed to the point that the border countries were just ferrying the refugees through, their policy was not the cause of the refugee crisis. Sweden had a rather "weak" system, but they too already changed that. Either way this exactly shows why you'd need a unified policy and reaction to these sorth of things. They would rather the control to be in their own hands and I believe that is the correct way to go. Which is exactly why the border failed, the border countries (Italy, Greece, Hungary) couldn't take or wanted to take the refugee streams on, and thus just started letting them through to the rest of the EU. And the deportation is extremely inefficient and delayed. Again which is why you need a unified system. Part of why deportations are so difficult is because every country for themselves need to check if people can safely be returned to land of origin, make sure refused asylumseekers don't go into hiding and need to make deals with countries of origin. Do this as the EU and you'd need one deal per country and have more negotiating power, can more efficiently plan return trips and can keep better track of denied asylumseekers through all of the EU. They were incentified by the "liberal" logic of if you stay long enough or some what grew up here you should be granted citizenship. Honestly I haven't heard this outside of US politics regarding dreamers. I am sure there are some who think and argue this way, but most (at both sides) are usually just criticizing the time it takes for a procedure to end and deportations to happen. I haven't yet heard people/politicians argue to give citizenship to people who have been in the EU illegally for a long time. But if you have examples I'd be willing to inform myself more.