Comments by "Tx240" (@Texas240) on "Ukraine Matters: What Ukraine Needs Most | Jake Broe Podcast (E017) @UkraineMatters" video.
@carolwilliams8511 - You're right, the actions of HAMAS are not condoneable.
I wish Russian civilians could understand the barbarity they are visiting upon Ukranian civilians by their tacit and complicit support for Putin, his war in Ukraine, and the barbaric actions of the Russians in Ukraine.
However, I wouldn't support Ukraine behaving like the Russians or like HAMAS. They'd lose the moral high ground, for one thing and have to live with themselves afterwards for another which would be difficult if they aren't the barbarians that the Russians are.
The situation in Isreal is that at the tactical level, BOTH Israel and HAMAS act like barbaric Russians. At the strategic or regional level, Isreal is very similar to Russia.
When HAMAS has, in the past, basically flung fireworks at Isreal and Isreal responded by indiscriminately killing women and children with tanks and helicopter gunships, Isreal wasn't preventing future HAMAS attacks, Isreal was creating the next generation of HAMAS fighters and guaranteeing future attacks, like the one we saw yesterday.
Israel's policies regarding occupying Palestinian territory, which is internationally recognized as illegally, limiting access to mutual holy sites, oppression and discrimination against Palestinians, and general bullying of its neighbors guarantees two things: there will ALWAYS be armed conflict OR Isreal will murder every last Palestinian.
Obviously, if Netanyahu could snap his fingers and eliminate every Palestinian, he'd certainly choose option B, above.
*Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself don't become a monster.
It's sadly ironic that this is yet another similarity between Isreal and Russia. Putin, delusionally proud of his Soviet heritage, hates Nazis (while also enjoying the excuse they give him) because they put the USSR in great pain in WWII. Putin has been acting very much like Hitler, both in his propaganda, operation of the state, and militarily to include micromanaging the war to the detriment of the war effort.
Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history and had a genocide attempted against them in WWII. Now, with Isreal and the Jewish people under no existential threat (other than that of their own creation through bad regional policies), Isreal is persecuting its neighboring people and trying to enact a virtual genocide on the Palestinians.
The behavior of HAMAS isn't acceptable in the civilized world. Neither is Israel's behavior and the civilized world should stop enabling Isreal simply because Western countries want a non Muslim, non Arab ally in the region.
Putin is a monster. Netanyahu is a monster. The barbaric Russian soldiers in Ukraine are monsters. The barbaric HAMAS fighters are monsters. The complicit, enabling Russian sheep of a citizenry are monsters. The complicit, enabling ignorant Isreali citizenry are monsters.
There won't be peace for Isreal until Isreal quits provoking or eliminates Palestinians. Isreal is absolutely, ultimately, to blame for the HAMAS attacks.
But, this is part of the cycle of a dictatorial government maintaining power. As Russia does, create an existential threat so that a strong, unquestionable government is required to "defend its people."
It's a vicious cycle and requires an ignorant and lazy populace, which both the Russian and Isreali people have been trained to be over the past several decades.
Isreal really is the Russia of the Middle East and should be treated like such by the civilized world.