Comments by "Reformed Sauron" (@ReformedSauron) on "Shelve the National Divorce Bullshit, Dawg" video.

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  9.  @cedricrust9953  we were never a democracy. No founding document of ours refers to us as such. Not only that but throughout the founders writings you will find nothing but absolutely disgusting condemnation for the concept of democracy as a system of government. That's something they are not going to teach you much in school. They viewed it as evil- tyranny just in another form. Tyranny of the majority made manifest. There is no perfect government system, I'll give you that, but a republic is significantly better than a democracy. If you watch those videos (and I will help you watch them both) he will understand that our system was not enshrined over voting but rather liberty with voting merely being a process within it. A bunch of countries are Unitarian States... We are a federal state therefore giving us an advantage with an electoral college rather than straight-up popular vote. This country with an electoral college will inevitably result in some sort of dissolution of the union. No state will put up with a straight-up popular vote for POTUS outside of the handful of population powerhouses. In fact I would argue that governorships should be based on a county-by-county electoral college within their borders as well. Why should Chicago dominate a the rest of the states they are in that are significantly different outside their cities without at least it being competitive? This would not necessarily make a blue state or red state but it would at least give opposition within both blue AND red strongholds an actual fighting chance. It is beneficial for Democrats living in red States as well as Republicans living in blue states, not by flipping it on its head but enabling the likelihood of healthy competition. An electoral college makes it at least a somewhat even playing field for both urban and rural as well as for both sides of the aisle. With respect I do think you need to watch those videos. He's a bit crass but it gets the point across.
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