Comments by "May L" (@MeiinUK) on "China Observer"
@morrisonparker3229 : Shanghai had always been a foreigner's trading hub. The issue is that, the chinese government was fighting amongst themselves.. and this led to a situation. Cos.. why would one province fight with anothe province ? Even in Europe, people do not fight. AND they count how many people, and how many houses. And this is why democracy works. Cos the ratio of your salaries.. and the worth of your currency is dependent on how many people, how many items. Suppler and demand. So... what do these individuals think when they are actually running a business? All the care about is actually their own immediate budgets and outgoings. And would grab at anything. I don't think that, they would even know, how many buildings exist in their own city or province ? (And this is also why HK was ruined as well... cos the governing body, literally attacked both the locals... e.g. my family..... and then also attacked the housing as well. i.e. You're NOT supposed to get public housing, if you are NOT living in that city, or is a citizen of that city. And yet, the flood gate was open... and now the very same people who said that, they have a RIGHT to be there.. are enjoying very very low wages. They won't even get the higher wages, cos the area has been depressed. ) ..... Yeh.. my mother's generation of 7 kids.. Managed to produce only 4 adults.. and only 2 adults, have kids. Cos nobody could afford anything any more. And we're mostly around 2 generation living under the same roof. So it means, around 2-3 generation of people, sustaining ONE house !!!!!
These individuals, are arrogant.... that is what I think. And we also had to pay inheritance taxes as well.. which the civil servants lied.. and hoovered up. Cos the mainland people didn't have to do that at all !!! Was robbed, left, right and centre !!!! Asswipes. So yeh.. this does NOT surprise me at all. You pay so many taxes.. only to then be wasted away by incompetents.... It is a crying shame... really upsetting. A lot.
@PunditKING : I did not say "no dowry", I wrote "use less dowries"... and then let the remaining amount of money, to be put away or to a middle man.. for safe keeping and then repaid as an income. Many people even in the UK or in Europe still follows Christian values as well. Even if they cannot afford a formal wedding. Then they can use a civil service, and then a small party. Rather than a more formal affair. Some people would pay one month's salary. Others would use half a month's salary. And any gifts are based on their needs, or not. As it's the case may be. Whereas... some of my friends that were also chinese, either the woman pays... or worked a few years, they date... and then the woman adds her salary into the dowries as well....(after discussion between themselves, of course).... and then the guy gives it to the inlaws. Or some of my friends, one guy who gave his salary to his parents for years. She saved it up, and used it as a dowry for him when he married. The inlaw gets this, but then they gave this back to their daughter as "baby money"... which.. at least the child for the first few years would not starve. 2-3 years the child would be fine. Both male and females are now more pragmatic? More SOLID. Realistic. Thankful. As weddings are getting more expensive... it is too extravagant in many ways too. You don't have to throw away the concept of your tradition, your identity, but at least be realistic. Pragmatic. Not stupid. But be good. Be real. Decent.
Usually, whe the money is put into a fund, this is because it is those people's money. i.e. Those people are often related to one another as well. Even though the next generation won't know this... or at all. So.. what can you do? The elders eat the young, and then the youngsters when in position of powers.. eat the elders... So...
@peterseth3296 : Many previous generation of overseas' chinese... that were the... "imperial civil servants"... it is THEY and THEM... that worked, and resent the money back home... and repopulated some of the treasuries and the banks as well. What genuinely happened is that, non-Imperial elites, dominated the country and eroded the structure.. and such-like. The thing is... is this going to carry on or what ???... And why would non-Imperial families, be allowed to have so many children? Just cos the concept exists... and today, China is not even chinese ?.... HK, why HK was important? Cos it still had some of the descendents, or the people that dated far back from the Song dynasty... that is why it was an important city... Despite, so much meddling, and the media touting.. and putting down HK as well..... Not everybody wants to kick up a fuss.... About Qing dynasties.. but... some basic respect would not go amiss....
And yet, some people want the destruction and the extinction of some of these chinese people as well.... and then to embrace and to expand the Dutch Cantonese, or to expand the Indonesian Cantonese... or the Filipinos etc.. or Thai... Well.. Xi Jing Ping now has signed and is supporting these people now. So... those "indigenous" people.. are literally dying out. This is why so many fled into Taiwan. It is such a weird time... This is why it is called PRC, and not China.
It's because these employees doesn't know how to work the chinese market. And this is why their own salaries are also low too. I wouldn't necessarily give an actual discount. I wouldn't do that. Cos if you give one, and then another complains then. Normally, they should join a club, and then decide which one they like the best, and put those design forward, and sell those instead. Be done with. Cos this close time limit on the price difference is going to land them into hot waters. That's why. I would just put smaller selection out, and if they really want it. Then sell it. And not more. I would reduce the sizes, and then let them ask for the right sizes and things like that. And either they really want it, or that there is a small quantity... and then sell it. If it is finished, then let it be finished. This is too wasteful.. to "hope that they will buy"... Sorry... Just. Too spoilt for choice. In other countries, people don't do that, cos their entire customer population could only be around 100-200 people... but everything to China is like... an average 1000 to 2000 PER day !....