Comments by "Gen Ohmni" (@KingOhmni) on "With Pro-Free Speech Court Decision UK Becomes More Freedom Loving than USA" video.
@avae5343 TL:DR, I've put up with 1984 since 1988, this is no knee jerk response to the current Brexit or covid 19 nonsense.
I don't give a shit, you try living under UK tyranny for 32 years. The country I grew up in is a shadow of its former self and any attempt to respect British history just lands you in the waycist camp. As it stands in order for a show/movie/production to win a BAFTA award there must be minority reprentation. This leads to outright nonsense like black Bond or Black Ann Boleyn. I mean, what do when 10000 years of history is exclusively "huwhite" (airquotes cos Norman, Saxon, Anglo Saxon, Anglo, Celtic etc etc) except for the past 100 plus years?
Then theres the real world implications eg I once went to get state help (the dole) and was literally told. I'd love to help you more but you're just a straight white male with no kids.
Sounds BS right? And admittedly it ws the kids part that hampered me the most But it happaened. A couple decades of that BS, experianced personally and seen elsewhere, will leave you questioning your loyalty to a country that seemingly hates you for who you are and the land you were born in and all for the deeds of long dead men.
At least places like Hungary get it and giving I'm getting older I really don't want to bring kids up in the UK even if there has been some belated pushing back of the woke tide. And no income tax for life after 4 kids? Wow, thats how to get a baby boom going...
Plus I have money in the stock market (not vast amounts but on my way to escaping the rat race) and I'd much rather a liberty loving country gets my taxes than Blighty that will just shower it on johnny foriegner and wasteful globalist pet projects like endless Foriegn Aid.
And all the while British infrastucture crumbles or gets sold out to the Chinese. Muh shitty tories soon cucked to Huwai re 5g and Hinkley Nuclear Power Station is still going to be built by Chinese parts with Chinese tech. The absloute state of my country.
@avae5343 I've done my bit thanks, there was a time (2015-2018) wherein I was somewhat known in my hometown for doing exactly as you say. To the point I'd go down the pub and invaribly end up locked in debates with normies and largely winning thanks to a cool head and an ability to research.
But I grew tired of the bipartisan bullshit and I sure as hell know those Tommies did not die so Britain could become what it has.
And the same people that voted Brexit are the same people supporting lockdowns and masks despite the evidence that lockdowns cause more harm than good and cloth masks are next to useless.
So even though I was once an ardent Brexiteer I cant even get excited for that when the lemmings will still let Globalism run the show. The Great Reset is here and I don't fancy having my ww2 antique gun collection confiscated by the state cos "you'll own nothing and never be happier".
The UK is going that way, Hungary,Poland, Romainia, Checkoslavakia is not.
I also could well end up with some Captial Gains Tax to pay in the new year, wonder how Rishi Sunak (UK guy in charge of economy) is going to shaft me there as well thanks to changes to pay for the covid response on the horizon.
My mind is not made up and I may well make efforts to get myself away from population dense areas of the UK and I can, despite what most Yanks think, get a license to own guns (even 50 cal rifles but everything semi and low mag cap) so I could just become a farm-yakker (kinda derogatory British idiom for country folk) as opposed to moving abroad. But the future of my country is bleak. Economically. Culutrally, Politically,Demographically and Philosophically.
Styx has often said in the past that things will get worse before they get better but how many years of things getting worse does one stand before seeking pastures new?
@avae5343 More like being realistic as to short and medium term projections. Long term? Maybe but in the mean time I have a life to lead and as is the UK government is actively preventing me from pursuing life liberty and happiness.
Question. Who, in your opinion, should I vote for in the next GE? Labour is out of the question, the Tories are neocon globalist stooges that have only temporarily aligned themselves with the people re Brexit even as they wine and dine the opinions of pricks like Bill Gates. UKIP is done, Nigel Farage is dangerously close to being a grifter in my view so I am suspicious of any party he backs these days. The Lib Dems are the AOCs of Britain and Britain First is simply unviable thanks to effective legacy media propaganda meaning they are going nowhere fast.
So outside of 3 decent news items, free speech ruling, section 5 changes, moves against CRT, I'm not seeing the good stuff. The one thing I agree with is the little people are fed up with the woke nonsense but when was the last time the little people won anything? Brexit is increasingly an old victory and one that has endlessly been fought and watered down. As for the Visegrad 4. Remove EU wealth redistribution re aid packages and they would head straight for the door and given the financial, political and cultural issues facing the EU there is a good argument for it not being around in a decades time. Even Soros said that a few year back. So sure, the UK has a better outlook than the EU but what would the UK elite be doing other than making sure Agenda 2030 is in by hook or by crook in that time?
If you have some links to better news then do share as I'm not black pilled. Just a lowly stock market investor that has learnt to better suspend my bias when evaluating a given subject.