Comments by "Gen Ohmni" (@KingOhmni) on "Claims of Disinfo are Often Disinfo and Claims of State Propaganda are Often State Propaganda" video.

  1. Styx. Boris just mandated that all UK nightclubs must only admit those who can prove they are double jabbed. This despite us knowing there is no prevention of transmission and infection and the age range of nightclubs are not the at risk age range (the fatties are tho and immuneocomprised but a come on, they shouldn't be going clubbing ffs) It was announced the same day as this video tho. Looks like I'm never going raving in a local nightclub again but underground rave? Tehe. (although same age as styx, I'm getting too old to be busting shaped like I used to lmao). But yeah, I'm telling people we live in an age of kakistocracy, when people ask dafuq is that I say the rule of shit. Generally get's a laugh out of all sides of the politicial spectrum. However I agree with Styx, I think we are reaching a tipping point of governmental and corporate cooperation that objectively amounts to fascism. The state propaganda however still seems to keeping a critical mass of the populous very much in check. Be it maskerbation for the elderly demographic, ists and isms for the woke, reality TV for the vapid, breads and circuses for the masses and on and on. At what point do they overreach and we can finally have a societal correction like happens in the markets? Cos this shit is getting beyond a joke. My girldfriend is stuck in a coma in Germany after a crash on the autobahn (she got brit wuflu that led to heart complications that complicated surgery and she slipped into coma) and I can't even get on a plane to go see her without A. Lot's of money. B. Surrending my bodily soverignity to questionable science and C. The travel being cancelled last minute cos someone sneezed somewhere now stop your life for 2 weeks despite testing negative and go self isolate. It's enough to think the government response has only made matters worse. Hey and get this Styx, if by some miracle you read a comment on a video long after said video was posted, I know someone that is adamant we live in the age of the libertarian because apparantly Boris Johsnons goverment is libertarian and freedom loving. Fucking lel. I asked him if we live in a libertarian age why can't I buy a full auto IL 85 from my local gun store. And apparantly I was the one being silly. I didnt even say where's my back yard Davey Crockett tehe. The cloest thing to a libertarian in the Tories is Jacob Rees Mogg but he is wayyyy too much of a corporate whore to be so however he is staunchly constituionalist at least. Anyway, that's about all. Peace out.