Comments by "Lucas Fernandez" (@LucasFernandez-fk8se) on "Will the Fertility Rates in Europe Rise Again?" video.

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  5. We need to tax Childless women 40% of their federal income, deduct 10% income tax for every biological child they have and raise. Let sperm donation purchases be a tax write off for lesbians. Let surrogacy be a tax write off for gay men. Add 5% federal income tax for every abortion a woman has had. This allows them to get unlimited abortion but it punishes them for the evils of abortion. Make divorce a “get out what you brought in” system so men will marry the women and let men get the woman’s tax break ONLY if he marries her. So instead of divorce being women gets the kids, women gets the house and money. It will now be she gets 30% of the home value if she paid 30% of the mortgage, he gets both cars if he paid for both vehicles, she gets 60% of the 401k if she put in 60% of the finances in the 401k etc etc. everyone gets what they put in and custody is 50/50 for the parents In divorce. This will keep families together longer and ensure anglosphere men don’t avoid marriage anymore. Women will want to get married because they will be taxed out the wazoo and they’ll see their married friends with luxury homes and luxury cars while they’re in a studio apartment barely able to feed themselves at 23. 10% tax deduction per child. Aka a mother of 3 and her husband pay 10% income tax instead of 40% (up to 400k a year) or a mother of 1 pays 30% income tax. A mother of 4 pays no income tax upto 400k a year. It’s the perfect solution, childless women are a HUGE burden on the welfare system in every country. They also are crashing the birthrate which pays for their welfare. This fixes that and solves both. Also get rid of social security so people have kids as a retirement plan
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