Comments by "John Crawford" (@JohnCrawford1979) on "Titus in the Hotseat on "Lunduke: The Alex Jones of Linux"" video.

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  2.  @codahighland  - I've been roughly moving through the realms of conservative, centrist, and libertarian for most my life. I could tell you what was right wing in the 80's, somewhat in the 90's, though I'd say bipartisan neocon politics of the 90's was starting to muddy the waters. The 2000's was mostly moderate 'compassionate' conservative defined by W Bush, and what currently (since roughly 2010) is considered RINO spineless so-called Republicans that more often than not vote with Dem and show disdain for much of the conservative and libertarian right. But to say what is popular American right, in current times, I don't know what defines that. Trump is not right wing. Before he ran for president, he identified mostly as Democrat, which is partly why his presidential bid was taken as a joke by most, until he actually won. But I still wouldn't call him right wing. He's probably more or less a centrist, but he caters to people that, yes a lot are definitely on the right, but there's plenty that are not and are just fed up with how far the left has gone and has fallen into this ideological purity spiral on who can be the most authentic leftist, checking every single box they can, being loyal to every single leftist organization and activist group out there. And I can understand how some might consider that orthodoxy. but I think it's much more fundamentalist, even a weird sort of anti-matter twin to the conservative fundamentalism of the 80's and 90's who also were trying to censor video games, and held a political stronghold on the right. Yes, there's still a religious right, but it's laughable to say it has anywhere close to the power that the radical left fundamentalists have right now. Even as much as I am a Catholic, traditional conservative religiously, I really fear that we are looking at another French Revolution reign of terror from the left, where you can't just agree to disagree, since there are people being jailed for any sort of activism on the right where far worse things on the verge of rioting on the left is paid a blind eye to. Modern visions of segregation are mostly on the left, especially with how safe spaces are utilized. Bret Weinstein is an example of this sort of thing, who is a former professor of evolutionary biology, having served on the faculty of Evergreen State College from 2002 until 2017. Evergreen for the longest time had been considered the epitome of the most liberal of liberal colleges. Weinstein would traditionally have been fully well check marked into the left in years gone by. He was basically ousted for saying that this whole DEI and safe spaces might be going a bit too far and that it's discrimination to tell white students they are not allowed on campus in order to fight 'who-aight supreme pizzas'. He's among a few people on the left that appear sane enough to call out that something's really wrong with what's going on, and because they won't tow the line of modern leftists, they at best are considered right wingers, if not far right extremists. It's unfortunate we're in such sensational times as these. I hope we can find a way out of it before we see a real genocide or holocaust transpire from all the insanity.
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  4. I think the problem they hate about the losing funds is because it goes to that one dig of going woke = going broke. This has been the reality of AAA gaming since 2014, when Sargon of Akkad became Sargon of Akkad, for better or for worse. I say better because of how he was about to return to YouTube, and how the Lotus Podcast has been able to maintain success and keep Carl Benjamin relevant, and become more humanized since he doesn't have to speak behind the Sargon mask and explain his points without being seen as just an angry gamer neckbeard. I'd personally love to just be about music, how I've enjoyed composing music since the days I was writing MIDIs on mid - late 90's Twelve-Tone Cakewalk music suite I got with my first MIDI keyboard that I used on an IBM Aptiva 486 that initially ran on Win 3.11 with wavetable, which was later upgraded with SB AWE 64 with soundfont instrument banks and and capable to create your own. Basically the origin of today's modern VSTs and other virtual instruments, and the basic MIDI standards. Moving to Linux, It wasn't any hate for Win-10. which I liked, as being the successor for 7. which was the successor for XP, which I would still be on because that was the most table and long term experience Microsoft ever put out that was great. I think They even know that XP is the best they ever will have, especially if they continue the way they are with what they are doing now. Linux wasn't something I expected to be freedom from that, until I started try out distros and seeing what they have to offer. Currently, I'm between Fedora 40 and Garuda, both of which I run Hyprland on. Fedora is, next to Debian, one of the best long term distros while Garuda is a fun, current of the cutting edge of Arch. It's how I learned about Pipewire, Hyprland, and Wayland - two of which impact the actual multimedia aspects of how things like MuseScore, Ardour, Audacity, GNU, OpenShot, and other apps I need for my workflow. While I love the decentralization of much of the Linux distros, there is indeed a problem that only Bryan Lunduke is saying something about it. I don't live in Portland, But I do live in WA state, and as much as I believe it is necessary to pay attention to local government, 2020 showed that there's a problem there too. Microsoft basically owns my state, even now buying up farmland (and votes) in counties that are, or used to be red counties. There still are a lot of counties red, and fairly independent, and really, everything county that's not in the Seattle-Tacoma, Puget Sound area, heck, even a few counties in that area would love to break away because Seattle politics defines far too much of the politics of the rest of WA. There's similar parts of Oregon that would like to defect from Portland, just like Northern CA would love to be detached from Southern CA, and some of Southern CA misses when they were much more rural and conservative. TX may still be fairly red, but it's growing more purple. Titus is lucky to be living in a red state where he can be middle of the road centrist and not have to face a bloated, corrupt Dem controlled state governing juggernaut that is backed by some of the largest tech, music, and entertainment corporations in the country, if not much of the world. Talk about local? I've been local to my area for a long time, with my education being from Washington State University in Pullman, WA, That's about as far east and rural local college town WA as you can get up here in the Northwest, and heck, I went even farther with taking a few classes offered from University of Idaho in Moscow Idaho. I'm sure HRC would like to claim me as a Russian spy for that one. 😏 And yes, out of college, I wanted to be more centrist, and still believe that both the left and the right are problematic. Yet they are pretty much all we got to work with, considering you get the anarchist side of libertarian, regardless if they are left or right, But, yet again, Carl Benjamin is a UK Centrist, and yet the Labor party is pretty close to where the DNC is on things, and even the Tories are more or less RINOs, with maybe a few with any backbone, but most just go along to get along with Labor. That's a trend we have in much of the West, on both sides of the pond, throughout UK, Europe, Canada, and the US. South America is in its own world of hurt with both the the illegal drug cartels and corrupt politicians that make out politics seem pretty mild in comparison. But much of the West is from the world stage down to the mayor is major trouble. On every level, it's backed by the corporations that back the major parties, and may have certain channels going through less legitimate ways to make change. Sure, we have a lot of channels on TV, and the internet has held a lot of open space, but the people that control it from the world stage down to the local level are held by a handful of media moguls. These moguls are either big tech, or owned by big tech, or otherwise are influenced by big tech. Ironically, it's the left that I first learned about why not to trust big corporations, even while it's the left that currently is benefiting from big corporations, as well as big governement, who might as well be one and the same, the way things are going. Again, I'd rather be composing music, learning more about how MIDI and other aspects of AV work on Linux, and how to more effectively utilize social media to market and stream my music. Carl Benjamin just wanted to play video games, Bryan Lunduke would rather geek out on tech, and I'd like to just enjoy the geeking out between both Lunduke and Titus, especially on what distros and apps they might think are great for AV type things, and how to make the greatest laptop AV streaming studio ever. But no, the things we love are being used against us. And indeed, there is nothing more local and personal to a geek than their computer. Add to that people who are discriminating certain values, principles, religion, or politics, claiming I ought to be banned and treated as the monster they clam me to be. As a US citizen, that believes in the Constitution, there is something really wrong here. Conservatives get it, and have been warning about this sort of culture shift for a lot longer than any of us, back when it made sense to call the corporate enterprises more or less right wing capitalists. Right now, it's ridiculous to call these companies capitalists, especially after selling themselves out to China. And it shows when they show greater respect to China, and then back in the states, they keep fueling the culture war, and try to ramp it up even further, even to the point where you don't think they even care about going woke and making their company lose money and open themselves to lawsuits and boycotts, or people just tired of the BS, and grow wary of giving their money to companies that hold outright animosity and hatred for them. Again, I'd love to go back to enjoying tech and making music, etc. But, sometimes you have to say enough is enough. Otherwise, they will just plough right over you and try to bully you into submission.
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