Comments by "" (@user-ni8gg3ms6j) on "Дилеммы Израиля и американское давление" video.

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  2. Спасибо, Давид! На Скай Ньюз Австралия в комментариях предлагают разные пути решения. Вот один из них, мне понравился. Копипастю целиком: There is a solution to the conflict if you think outside the box… distance. Rumors are emanating from Washington DC and the UK as to unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state without including Israel in the conversations. Aside from the fact doing so would be an egregious act of hubris; doing so would be rewarding Hamas for the October 7th atrocity while putting Israel in an untenable situation in that the lesson Islamic extremists would embrace is that terrorism is far more effective than negotiations. There is a far more tenable solution but it would require upending the current paradigm that Israel must once again trade land for peace i.e. the solution would require Arabs and Turkey to trade land for peace. Turkey’s Erdogan has long dreamed of uniting Islamic countries and here is his chance…perhaps to win the Nobel Peace Prize rather than be ejected from NATO. There is a place for every Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank but first one must accept negotiating with a fictional people has passed; “Palestinians” are stateless Arabs and Muslims. There is no need to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state when a far more viable state can be negotiated with the added benefit of an answer in distance…but not apartheid which simply means apartness; I mean real distance. There is a common sense solution when one calculates the length of the coastline going north from Lebanon including the Tartus/Latakia Governorates of Syria combined with the Hatay (appendix) Province of Turkey it constitutes a strip of land on the Mediterranean that equals Israel’s shoreline. The Tartus Governorate is 731 sq. mi. / the Latakia Governorate is 887 sq. mi. / the Hatay Province is 2133 sq. mi. for a total of 3751 sq. mi. of mostly arable land far exceeding the 1450 sq. mi. of arable land in Israel…and enough shoreline to create an Arab Riviera along with enough land to absorb the every Palestinian in the 2,183 sq. mi. West Bank and the 17 sq. mi. Gaza strip with ease. Hatay Province is a dirty little secret kept quiet and away from outside eyes; Hatay was annexed in 1939 within a year of the death of Turkey’s founder Ataturk who recognized Hatay as a Syrian province; a deal that was a French ploy to preempt any Turkish alliance with Nazi Germany in an echo of WW1. Land for peace has been a mantra for decades as have the two state and one state “solutions” and all have failed miserably. It is both reasonable and logical a just God of Sinai would impose upon Islam the definition of justice they themselves imposed upon Israel. The land for peace solution requires detaching the festering appendix that is Hatay Province from Turkey to be joined with Tartus and Latakia to create a federal district much like the District of Columbia; the capitol of the nation of Ishmael which would form around it; an Arab Mediterranean Riviera. It is a vision Erdogan, the Arab states and the Palestinians would find very appealing. It would be very easy to evacuate Gaza by ship for the short 340 mile trip to Hatay Province. Once there the pretense of an identifiable “Palestinian” people can be dropped and they can start to build the Mediterranean Riviera that was originally envisioned by the fools who ceded Gaza. Finally, distance and neutrality would render Islamists incapable of threatening Israel with missiles… potentially avoiding WW3.