RKA - Truth Always Wins!
Comments by "RKA - Truth Always Wins!" (@rka-truthalwayswins5127) on "Reality of China’s stalling economy through its data clampdown u0026 why strongmen regimes hide data" video.
@reach2prasanna China is sure making blunders; the first one being invading it's neighbors incl. Tibet which through India gave it civilization!!
Yet! You like too many Indians have a false understanding of their own as well Europe's/west history or present!!
How could European Christians who killed, converted & looted hundreds of millions, perhaps a billion natives all around the world could hide these crimes against humanity??!!
As far as their honesty or transparency is concerned, here again you are wrong! European much like Indian history books are cooked even today!! It's only now that American/western power is waning that people have started talking about it!!
Forget their history books! The Chief diplomat of EU said that EU is a garden while rest of the world is a jungle!! ONLY a profoundly racist & animal could utter such words!!
Also US has destroyed democracies & regimes around the world!! They even promoted & financed Islamic terrorism in India!! How one call call such a sick, greedy & anti human mind set anything democratic or liberal is beyond understanding!!
As far as economic policies go, here again you are WRONG!! The US has been changing rules when it suits them!! Now that Chinese, Indians & Russians have risen somewhat, they are trying a million techniques to thwart their progress as also de-globalize!!
As far as their so called economic success is concerned, here again you are wrong!! US as much as Europe have benefited enormously from the LOOT from India & the rest of the world!! Indian sciences, tech & culture literally created "European renaissance"!! It's easy to dominate economically or become "liberal" when there are no competitors!! Now that others can compete, they are reversing their so called liberal policies!!
Unlike the Chinese, it's appalling that 70 years after so called independence, most Indians remain profoundly colonized, ill-informed & lack appreciation of their own history, culture as well as global politics!!
@reach2prasanna India's principle challenge is to convert India into Bharat again & create
a prosperity & development model to sustain & protect it. In other words,
the colonial democracy has to become a DHARMO-cracy!!
Dharma is basically SEEKING TRUTH & Justice for the prosperity of not just
one's own people but for all of humanity & nature! That is the reason at the peak of Sanatan Dharma or Hindu civilization, India conquered lands & influenced people & civilizations as far as Europe, Africa & Asia including China, Japan, Philippines & Australia.
We almost NEVER enslaved or
colonized like the Abrahmic religions of Christianity or Islam which promote it & want/force others to become them! That's called Dogma which is against truth & nature itself!! In fact, people who had such attributes in Hindu society were sidelined & even thrown out of the nation, like the Yamnaya people who are said to have conquered Europe through killing of European men, some 4k to 5k years ago.
Dharma welcomes diversity, plurality and even contradictions. As such, a Hindu can be an atheist. Meanwhile, we had Varna, not castes. castes has become a artificial political construct widened & exploited by colonialists & too many of the
present day politicians, journalists & academicians/historians..!!
Varna is MERIT BASED on individual actions & attributes! It's NOT a social construct given at Birth. In social terms, a Shudra was NEVER at the bottom of the society & Brahman was NEVER at the top. The varna system was very mobile i.e based on MERIT where you become a Brahman because of your knowledge including that of Vedas, politics, life..! As such, Acharaya Chanakya, a Brahman created one of the most powerful Indian kings Chandragupta Maurya
who united people, the nation & made it prosper!! Brahmarshi Vishvamitra,
a Kshatriya become a saptrishi by his actions/Karma!
Indians & societal institutions are running like headless chickens because
slavery & colonization's and later lack of care has made them almost rootless & directionless. Hindu society & people which had to be in "intensive care unit" were abused & slaughtered by successive colonialists & at "independence" by so called secular people & governments!!
Japan's growth has been essentially facilitated by the US. Except for PM
Abe, most Japanese leaders have been basically under the thumb of the
Unlike the western/Abrahmic thinking & mindset, I don't believe homogeneity is
particularly potent or desirable for material or human growth. I don't believe clones made in schools, colleges & later by society to tow a universalist, robotic line are a model for humans!! Quite the opposite!!
Else, what is homogeneous in nature?? Are bacteria, humans, lions, cats, stars, the sun
& the moon homogeneous?? And Yet!! They are part of this beautiful miracle
called the universe.
In Bharat too, we must maintain independence of thought & diversity!! BUT!
That DOES NOT mean it's free for all!! We have to follow & SEEK TRUTH or Dharma in all our actions!
What is hindering our growth and achieving our true potential is lack of DHARMO-cracy which we have followed for thousands of years!! It's inherently merit based & based on TRUTH & Justice!! Our Rishis & Vedas have given us treasures which we must utilize to create a modern & civilization-ally grounded state!! That all what India needs. The rest will take care of itself!
We must discard the colonial western constructs of democracy, secularism etc.!! These are artificial & shallow concepts which lack material, spiritual & the depth of the truth of life or Dharma! The US model is the same. One can see the decay before our eyes.
In fact, US is barely a democracy. Also, what's the point of democracy when money power takes you to the top of the election cycle?? Does money guaranty merit?
What do common Americans/people anywhere need?? Do they need merit based leadership at the top OR incompetent/partially competent leaders who are there just because of money??
Meanwhile, diversity is great provided it abides by Dharmic concepts above. We are
all diverse!! Each cell in our body is diverse and works the miracle of life!! Every individual is different too and we must celebrate & promote every being!! That is how innovative societies & nations are made!! Anyone who doesn't agree with a merit based system & TRUTH is A-Dharmic & perhaps wants life based on DOGMA. These people have to be educated & brought back to civilization or Dharma!! Period!!
@reach2prasanna The objective must be to turn India into Bharat. There have to be several subtle & not so subtle actions to bring change. The whole of the US led western/Christian ideological world, the Chinese & the Islamist's are against a rising Bharat & rising Sanatan Dharma! They know what it's capable of so they & their agents around the world & too many in India itself who are & will thwart it's rise!
Once Afghanistan, Iran/west Asia, Indonesia.. were all Hindu/Buddhist. In fact, Iranians/Persians come almost in the same category as the Yamnaya people as they had a similar flight from Indian or Hindu influence. One can see how A-Dharmic ideologies loosely called "religions" make an ocean of difference against Dharma & Dharmic sovereign lands & civilization!!
Sanskrit is the most beautiful, evolved & rich language ever and see how it's left on the sidelines. Meanwhile, Israel brought back a dead language Hebrew to life in a couple of years! Gurukul's like Sanskrit is an important part of the indigenization process as is giving more powers to the center. The western education & Federalization can continue side by side but it must be brought under control such that it doesn't go against national & civilization-al interests. There are other elements of the Indian echo system such as the courts, media.. which have to be indigenized.
The indigenization process however is iterative & has to go along while negotiating with internal & external actors of all kinds!
At present, the central govt., the Hindu society & nation is relatively weak & vulnerable!! Once the Hindu society is strengthened economically, culturally & security wise and internal/external actors tamed can the indigenization process safely move forward.
@jacobd278 Dharma is by definition Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism..!! ANYONE who is not colonized & seeks truth knows it!!
Colonization & slavery was promoted by the European Church which killed, plundered, converted & destroyed people, cultures & nations across the globe!!
Forget Hindus or even native Americans, native Australians.. even Mexican Christians are crying to this day!!
Human are animals but they MUST evolve as human BEINGS through SELF EFFORT & meditation!! That is what neither Christianity, nor Islam have understood to this day!!
History is very important to expose crimes against humanity & keep people INFORMED!! It's VITAL!! Ignorance of history is SLOW POISON!!
Europeans/Americans have cooked & distorted not just their own history but also of Hindus & others around the world!!
Truth & Time will eventually catch up & Karma will fix suitable rewards!!
As far as women are concerned, Hindu women have been given the highest place EVER in human history!! They have written vedas & are the most powerful deities!! They are an inspiration for humanity!!
ONLY Abrahmics, essentially Islam & Christianity went against women, homo sexual etc..