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Just Me
Bernie Sanders
Comments by "Just Me" (@JustMe-ec2ph) on "Elect Nina Turner for Ohio's 11th District." video.
You are either for Nina the progressive or Shontel the Corp Dem. As for me I am for Nina Turner for the win!!
I love Nina but she is no bigger or better than Bernie! Bernie was fighting for civil and gay rights BEFORE it was popular with most politicians and before it was popular with most Americans, too, risking his political career. In addition to fighting Wall Street, Big Pharma, The Insurance Companies, etc. for decades. That's just a tiny bit of what Bernie has done for decades. Nine is coming at a time when there is still lots of evil that will come against her but not as much as Bernie faced! Most Americans now want the policies Bernie is for. It hasn't always been that way.
@kmtgoddess7793 Bernie does NOT take Corp money! Some reason why you want people to believe something that is not true?
Bernie has been doing something substantial for decades! Most wouldn't go up against half of what he has for half the time he has. I know I wouldn't. Would you?
@AnonemesisRecords Hogwash! Bernie lost the primary. Why don't you throw your hate to those that made him lose? To all the other candidates that dropped out BEFORE Bernie did and endorsed Biden. To Clyburg that also endorsed Biden with many voters saying that is what influenced them to vote for Biden. To the major news media that got many older voters to believe the Bernie and Castro crap, to Jimmy Dore the biggest divisive hypocrite=different standards for different candidates that is just as bad as the major news media trying to destroy the progressive movement! I could care less who Bernie calls his friend. I care about the policies Bernie is for and Bernie clearly showed the differences in Biden's and his policies! Bernie wasn't going to take any chances on Trump winning again. Even Dr. Cornel West said he voted for Biden to get rid of Trump. Bernie cares more about this country then to take any chances of Trump winning again but I get it, you could care less what the results would had been of another Trump win. The few progressives we have can not pass bills by their selves! But since you think you have it all figured out you should run for office and get all of those progressive bills passed yourself! Bernie is trying to get us as much as any one politician in the Senate can! I could give a long list of what Bernie has done for us while you have done exactly what? Other than trying to destroy the few progressives we do have.
There hasn't been enough progressives to be a majority! They can't pass bills by their selves until they are a majority. Why don't you run for office if you think you can do better?
Are you going to be one of the ones that expects her to pass bills by herself? Or expect her to be perfect? She will fight as hard as anyone can but if you think she will be perfect then good luck on finding a perfect candidate!
@kmtgoddess7793 Wow, are you 10 years old or what? Actually some 10 year old children would know the difference.
@palebluedot42042 Well said 👍
@kmtgoddess7793 Bernie is for the same policies! He's no sell out. He lost the primary and then did what he said he would do endorse the nominee just like Jimmy Dore's precious Tulsi did endorsing Biden with lovely words about him, too! Take your hate and cult leader's hate to someone that doesn't know any different!
@newsoul8626 I made my point! The progressives that are Justice Dems can't pass bills by their selves. You said they were a failure and I said why they aren't. That was not hard to understand.
@JorgeHernandez-oh7xv Progressives can say what they want but they can't make anyone move over and let someone else do the job. They have to be voted out! That's on the voters. And until they are voted out sounds like you will be among those that thinks Nina and the others can pass bills by their self and that will expect her to do everything the way you want, when you want, and how you want. Most wouldn't go up against what Nina and the other progressives have/are! I know I wouldn't. Would you? If so, you should run for office so we can see you do everything you expect the others to do! I know Nina will fight for progressive policies but I also don't expect her to do everything like everyone wants her to. Do you belong to Jimmy Dore's cult? If so, that explains your comments.
@newsoul8626 You tell me since you are the one that said they are a failure!
@kmtgoddess7793 I will name one thing then you can google her record if you really are that uninformed and want to know anymore. Nina doesn't take Corp money! While Shontel takes loads of it. Why do you think Hillary and Clyburg gathered all the evil forces against her donating all of the dark money to Shontel? They wouldn't do that if there were no difference LOL Seriously, I am not going to educate you on communism, too! Nina wants what Canada, Australia, and other countries have unless you think they are communistic countries LOL Get informed! I don't have time to educate you on what most everyone else knows!
Telma aka Deniz Yazz as if you aren't a liar! lol
Telma aka Deniz Yazz Awww I am so sorry you do not have any friends unless they agree with you on everything! Sad, really! Bernie exposes their donors. That's the same thing while Bernie also exposed his good friend Joe on National TV as a liar and their other policy differences! That and the policies he fights for, his long record of fighting for us while you have done nothing including Bernie's voting record is good enough for me! I don't demand others to do everything I want them to when I want them to or how I want them to! Bernie didn't betray anything! That's why Hillary, Clyburg, the major news media, pretend progressives, and people like you hate on him.
@newsoul8626 Did I say I was worried about Manchin? LOL NO! That should be clear enough of an answer to that! I don't care about bipartisanship, either, just because I am realistic enough to know how politics work until we get a clear majority of progressives but as long as progressives are so divided with some like you trying to destroy the few progressives we do get, we will never have that majority and never have a progressive president! Good Luck on finding the perfect candidates! You will need a lot of them to meet your demands of them doing everything you want, when you want, and how you want! Like I said, you should run for office so you can be a leader on all those demands you have for progressive politicians by doing them yourself.
@newsoul8626 Wasn't hard to explain! Must had been hard for you to make the connection. You: Justice Dems are a failure Me: I then explained why they aren't You: apparently didn't understand that was saying exactly what I wrote in my last post that must had then been easier for you to understand. I did call them progressives but that is what Justice Dems are. So that must be the connection that you didn't understand. I don't need any education just because they don't have to do everything I want, when I want, or how I want! It would matter on these two bills if they withheld their vote on the first one but they would still be compromising voting for one bill in order to get the second progressive bill passed but just as the first bill didn't need their votes where it wouldn't matter if they withheld their votes or not if there hadn't been the second bill which still does not have everything they want! All Corp Dems have to do is get enough Republican votes which they have done many times on passing bills and then it does not matter if progressives withheld their votes or not. It matters if politicians like Manchin withholds their votes because they got the majority on their side with Corp Dems and Republicans! Let me know if that went over your head, too!
@kmtgoddess7793 I wouldn't trust Jimmy Dore the divisive hypocrite=different standards for different candidates hell bent on destroying progressives on anything or any of his cult followers! However, I do trust the factual records including voting records of someone that has fought for decades for people! Biden has a horrible record but he isn't crazy like Trump! Biden doesn't incite violence from his supporters. Even Dr. Cornel West agreed TRUMP IS WORSE and voted for him to get rid of Trump. I trust Dr. West, too!
@kmtgoddess7793 Just dawned on me you are the same on on the other thread that tried to imply there is no difference in Nina Turner and Shontel. It's Jimmy Dore and people like you that rather destroy the progressive movement than to actually get progressive policies. I am done with you!
@kmtgoddess7793 If this next bill gets passed, not the one that got bipartisan support but the next one then Bernie will be right! And Bernie has ALSO said it's not everything he is for but I know you pick and choose the parts you want to hate on while ignoring the rest.
@kmtgoddess7793 Oh is that in the next bill that I WAS REFERRING TO that Bernie would be right about? I don't think so and if you think Bernie agrees with dropping bombs you are insane! Bernie was talking about the progressive policies for people HERE IN THE US when he said that. Do you not ever listen or give the right context to anything?
@kmtgoddess7793 Bernie has ALSO said the areas he is not doing wonderful. Keep on taking everything out of context and hating on everyone that doesn't do EVERYTHING you want, when you want, and how you want! I definitely don't agree with TYT on everything but they have a GREAT video up about your cult leader! I don't expect you to listen to it, though, too much truth in it for you to handle! Title of video "Nina Turner ATTACKED By The Jimmy Dore Show" and it just dawned on me you are the one that I told I wouldn't read anything else you wrote because all you do is spew hate, lies, take things out of context. I remember now so bye again! Feel free to spew more hate and lies and I will try to remember you so I don't read anymore of it!
@JorgeHernandez-oh7xv You could had skipped the whole door lock and holes and went straight to your point about Manchin and Senama (since it is up to you or any business owner on whatever decisions they make like you did) and yes, it makes me aggravated that their voters haven't voted them out but I can't speak for them on why they haven't! I do hope the squad will actually do what they said and not vote for the one bill if the other one that is more progressive isn't passed. There is enough in the House that hopefully they could actually get Manchin and Senama to vote for the more progressive bill, too, but there wouldn't be enough Senators on board to pass a bill that had more progressive issues in it like M4A so it wouldn't work for the squad to hold back on voting for a bill unless enough Senators were on board to pass it, too! All that Corp Dems would have to do is get enough Republicans on board where it wouldn't matter if progressives withheld their votes such as the first bill that has passed the Senate! So, if we do get the more progressive bill I will be surprised that enough Senators actually follow through on the second bill that does make it where progressives holding their votes back on the first bill would matter. But it would had taken them compromising on the first bill voting for it and not getting everything they want in the second bill.
@JorgeHernandez-oh7xv I didn't mean to be annoyed. It's just whatever good you do as a business owner you have full control over it. One person in the Senate or a few in the House don't have that kind of control to be able to pass bills by their self. Actually, on a Federal level they don't need tax payer money to pass bills for people, or for the Industrial Complex, etc. But of course they have no problem passing bills to increase the Military Budget or to give money to major corps that don't pay any federal taxes at all but when it comes to helping every day people then they ACT like it's a problem. Greenspan: "There is nothing to prevent the government from CREATING as much money as it wants." End of quote Taxes are necessary they drive the need and value of currency but they in no way fund federal programs. #MMT