Comments by "Just Me" (@JustMe-ec2ph) on "Campaign Co-Chairs on Political Party Live!" video.
@pandorasplanners6458 I do like it when people can be civil while disagreeing! I wish you the best, too, however lol
You can't steer my vote because I've done a ton of research! Even though trust is a big part of my vote with reasons why I don't trust Yang, I do the research, too, so I can know why his policies are not as good, too!
Taking account of the evidence and arguments set out above, we come to
the following conclusions.
▪ Making cash payments to individuals to increase their purchasing power
in a market economy is not a viable route to solving problems caused or
exacerbated by neoliberal market economics.
▪ There is no evidence that any version of UBI can be affordable, inclusive,
sufficient and sustainable at the same time.
▪ There is no evidence that UBI will help to increase the bargaining power
of workers and trade unions, or solve problems of low pay and precarious
▪ Rapidly changing labour markets, inadequate welfare systems, poverty, inequality and powerlessness are complex problems that call for complex
changes on many levels: there is no “silver bullet” of the kind that UBI is
often claimed to be.
▪ The campaign for UBI threatens to divert political energies – as well as
funds – from more important causes.
▪ It is necessary and possible to raise funds to bring greater security, opportunity and power to all people, but the money needed to pay for an
adequate UBI scheme would better spent on reforming social protection
systems, and building more and better quality public services.
▪ Many (although not all) proponents of UBI see it as a means to fix problems
that unions care about. Thus the UBI debate creates important opportunities for unions to advocate for quality public services, progressive labour
and welfare reform.
▪ However, unions should be careful when intervening in these debates that
they do not unnecessarily alienate those proponents of UBI who are potential allies.
144 references are mentioned at the end of this report!
UBI debate.....
By the way it is the progressive that is AGAINST UBI while the conservative some say he's Libertarian is the one for UBI.
Universal Education, Universal Health care, Federal Job Guarantee that completes the safety net instead of endangering it is what I am for! If you want to debate that's not better than UBI you can always try to take that up with Pavlina Tcherneva Associate Professor of Economics that is for the things I just mentioned.
Also National Job Guarantee by Professor Stephanie Kelton at the Sanders Institute - March 2018
And has been chief economist in the US Senate Budget Committee!
"Economist at Duke University William and another economist from the New School Eric Hamilton relentless champions for a Federal Job Guarantee for so many years and they were finally recognized by Politico this year as one of the Politico 50 so one of the 50 people who are most having an impact on the political discourse so that was a pretty big deal in terms of getting that kind of on the National Stage but more recently Kevin Hassett who is the current Presdent of the Council of Economic Advisers made comments that what he believes that we need is a New Deal..."
"...You either don't understand what these things are or you do understand and you rather I don't..."
Dr. Fadhel Kaboub (Associate Professor of Economics) on The Green New Deal, Federal Job Guarantee and Federal Financing
Also over 200 economists that have signed a petition to raise the min wage to $15. Then there is the over 200 economists that are for BERNIE'S Medicare for all bill.
And please don't tell me economists support Yang's UBI unless you can give me a direct link to a economist that supports YANG'S EXACT SAME VERSION OF UBI. Nixon supported UBI BUT WITH A WORK REQUIREMENT and only for couples with children but too many Yang supporters conveniently leave that out. They are not the same version!
PRIMO NUTMEG #198 Around 30:37 Mike Gravel asked about Yang "Well, I think it sounds good but it's totally flawed because you can't turn around and tax people then turn around and give them the tax monies it just doesn't make any sense. What we have to do is change the nature of capitalism..."
Why a Job Guarantee is Superior to UBI in Every Conceivable Way
Josh Fox: No One Comes Close to Bernie Sanders on Reversing the Climate Crisis
Debunk: Arguments Against The Green New Deal (TMBS 101)
Around 5:33 in the video
"For me it panders to the lowest conceivable denominator it's another candidate saying here I'm going to hand you some money it's buying votes it's look I'm going to give you some money and now you're going to be able to solve this problem..." "...we're gonna solve this by throwing money at individuals who will then hopefully spend it in such a way that magically all of the social problems are overcome..."
Talking about Bernie's solutions....Around 14:15 into the video
"You can go even further those kinds of structural changes even one of them would be worth a hell of a lot more than a thousand bucks so that you know you can get the idea across you are going for a much bigger prize when you go after these other issues..." End of Wolff's quotes
What do you think Universal means (UBI) according to Jared Bernstein; "Take resources from people that need it and give it to people that don't need it." "The idea that automation has been killing jobs has been around forever." "UBI squanders resources on people that don't need it...a dollar you give to people that don't need it is a dollar that people that need it don't get."
The Impostors are Libertarians in Progressive Clothing