Comments by "Just Me" (@JustMe-ec2ph) on "Expand Social Security." video.

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  16.  @moby108  LOL Nice way to deflect away from the question I asked you LOL You are the one that has definitely Maximized Bernie's faults and Minimized his accomplishments. Asking you what you have done or saying you should run for office since you seem to think you have all the right answers was NOT deflecting away from your comments as I also replied to them, too! Unlike you, that did deflect away from my question! You definitely assumed too much thinking I was trying to say I was superior LOL in my voting responsibility just because I told you how I go about choosing who I vote for. I don't call people trolls or bots as a matter of fact when others did it even with someone I disagreed with I told them a troll is just someone that disagrees. A lot of people call others bots and trolls I am not one of them LOL So you got that WRONG LOL Unless you said you are a Trump supporter I would not accuse you of being one so you got that wrong, too LOL I might tell someone they are acting like a Republican or Democrat but I would not say they were one unless they told me they were. By the way are you saying you put no blame on Corp politicians? Are you going to answer my questions or deflect again LOL JUST TO BE CLEAR YOU are the one that said, " Isn't it time to vote for someone that is fresh enough to have the energy to push harder for what the people deserve" so when you are asking me about voting and I RESPOND TO THAT telling you how I choose to vote was not trying to be superior but just responding to what you asked me. SMH
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  19.  @kevinschmidt2210  Not sure why your comment is not showing up in my thread and only in my notifications but here is my reply to your last comments.... Senator Sanders NUMEROUS TIMES has asked the public to support union workers! So what they take pictures of him while he joins union workers. You said Bernie did "nothing" to stop the actions of the Dems on stopping the strike when he did in fact pushed for them to get paid sick leave! He couldn't make the other politicians support it anymore than he can pass bills by his self. As for the lie you told on him voting for more money for the Ukraine War.... To set that record straight..... When the US Senate passed legislation authorizing 858 Billion in Military Spending for Fiscal Year 2023 to quote Senator Sanders, ""At a time when we spend more than the next 11 nations combined on defense, we should invest in healthcare, jobs, housing, and education--not more weapons of destruction," said Sen. Bernie Sanders." and is is one of the 11 Senators that voted AGAINST that Military Budget Increase!! He also voted AGAINST a $770B Defense Bill that was before the one I just quoted. I don't continue discussions with liars! And since you seem to have a comprehension problem it was your comment I was referring to as Hogwash! Now, take your lies and smears to someone that doesn't know any different or that just wants to lie and smear like you have. I definitely won't be back to read anymore of your replies but feel free to reply with more lies if you want. I just won't be back to read them. Doesn't matter if you came back to read my comment or not as it set the record straight for anyone else that reads them.
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