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Just Me
Bernie Sanders
Comments by "Just Me" (@JustMe-ec2ph) on "Expand Social Security." video.
You got that right!
@moby108 Bernie has less than most politicians and what he has now he only got in recent years but you begrudge an older person finally getting wealthy? He is for the same policies for people that he has been for decades but he can't pass them by his self unlike what some people act like!
You either love to lie or just don't know all the things Bernie has done for people where he has actually acted as a progressive but by all means if you are one of the ones that expects him to be able to pass progressive bills by his self then keep on criticizing him for that.
@valmacclinchy The OP wrote they are disappointed there isn't more people like Bernie in "politics". Yes, there are a lot of Independent voters and other voters that agree with Bernie's proposed policies but they are not politicians and it takes many politicians agreeing to his proposals to get them passed.
@moby108 I don't agree with everything Bernie has done or voted for but I won't unfairly criticize him for what he doesn't deserve to be criticized for. He has voted for less wars and less Military Budget increases than the others have! Nice spin for you to change it to Bernie has done zero to " big deal" on what he has done. He can't pass bills by his self, duh! But since you think you know how things should be done you should run for office and get things done! If you have the guts to go up against what Bernie has that is.
@moby108 You think Bernie had much money when he ran for office the first time LOL and most of the years after when he ran again he didn't have anywhere near the money you named. Nice try LOL
@moby108 All the things you got wrong about me I can sure see how you would have them wrong about Bernie, too. LOL I am NOT a Bub!
@moby108 I see in addition to deflecting from my questions you don't mind disrespecting women. That's okay it just showed me more about what kind of person you are. Now, you can go lie about someone else or disrespect them but feel free to continue here if you want. I just won't be back to read anymore of your comments. Maybe, someone else will like reading them. Bye.
@moby108 I named facts you gave opinions! And the people that do nothing compared to someone else it's easy for them to criticize them.
@evanserickson Hogwash! Bernie lost a primary. Get over it!
@practicaliching2311 You can't prove that and I sure don't want what I have to depend on the stock market! Bernie's record proves he cares about the poor and working class even if you disagree with what he is for/against that does not take away from what he has ACTUALLY done for decades for the working class and poor people! I know his record which I don't agree with him on everything but I know what he's done for people so you can't argue that with me.
@practicaliching2311 Social Security has never been privatized so no you can not prove it. You can only speculate.
@evanserickson By the way not everyone is poor because of their choices in life! Do you think disasters such as the one in Ohio, other disasters, cancer, other life threatening physical problems, is choices that poor people made to keep them poor? Sometimes wealthy people make poor choices, too, you know? Don't lump everyone in the same boat. Some things can be blamed on the poor choices some people make but it can't be blamed on why everyone is poor. Your comment, "The reality is that people are poor because of life choices not because of structural inequality." should had at least said that "some" people are poor because of their choices in life. You have a good day, too!
@moby108 I said BOTH he's done because any politician that cares about people will do both! When I said his accomplishments as Amendment King that is accomplishments whether you want to acknowledge them or not! Many bills are not passed without amendments so they are just as important. But who do you think you are kidding? The policies Bernie is for the majority of politicians are not for so that speaks for itself why he hasn't got more of his own bills passed, duh! If he got more of his own bills passes then they would be no different than the other corporate politician's bills that get passed. Thank you for letting me know you are like the other people that expect Bernie to be able to pass his own bills by his self when other politicians could care less about the bills that he wants that people need is exactly why they don't get passed.
@moby108 Fresh enough? Like Trump? LOL When I vote I take it very seriously! I don't vote anymore (not in the last several years) for someone just because they talk good. They have to have a record that shows they are for the average person. Now, I know you differ with me on what that record should be if they haven't accomplished what you think they should had but I am a realistic that understands someone can't make other politicians vote the way they want so as long as I see they are consistent for at least most of the same policies I am for then I vote for them. I don't expect anyone to be for all the same policies I am for because it's rare to find two people that agree on EVERYTHING! Who do you think would push harder? I think considering the Corp politician world Bernie has pushed as hard as anyone could but who do you think would push harder for the policies he is for?
@moby108 LOL Nice way to deflect away from the question I asked you LOL You are the one that has definitely Maximized Bernie's faults and Minimized his accomplishments. Asking you what you have done or saying you should run for office since you seem to think you have all the right answers was NOT deflecting away from your comments as I also replied to them, too! Unlike you, that did deflect away from my question! You definitely assumed too much thinking I was trying to say I was superior LOL in my voting responsibility just because I told you how I go about choosing who I vote for. I don't call people trolls or bots as a matter of fact when others did it even with someone I disagreed with I told them a troll is just someone that disagrees. A lot of people call others bots and trolls I am not one of them LOL So you got that WRONG LOL Unless you said you are a Trump supporter I would not accuse you of being one so you got that wrong, too LOL I might tell someone they are acting like a Republican or Democrat but I would not say they were one unless they told me they were. By the way are you saying you put no blame on Corp politicians? Are you going to answer my questions or deflect again LOL JUST TO BE CLEAR YOU are the one that said, " Isn't it time to vote for someone that is fresh enough to have the energy to push harder for what the people deserve" so when you are asking me about voting and I RESPOND TO THAT telling you how I choose to vote was not trying to be superior but just responding to what you asked me. SMH
@moby108 When Bernie was running I absolutely kept links and other information to prove my comments AND I POSTED A LOT OF THEM but I am not going to take time to look for them now. I gave FACTS regarding his record but you Obviously don't want there to be anything good about Bernie. I don't trust google anymore so I have not once looked up anything on google since our conversation started. I have a great deal of information I saved if I wanted to look it up but it's not worth wasting my time when you won't accept the facts I did give you why would I waste my time trying to tell you anymore of them?? If I take the time to find a video of a Republican I think he was a Senator if I remember right talking about Bernie's accomplishments I am sure you would find fault with it somehow as well as anything else I looked up. No, I don't feel guilty not remembering them all that is why I keep a log of them and as I say when he was running for president I took time to prove a lot of negative comments about Bernie were not, are not, true!
@kevinschmidt2210 Hogwash! Try that crap on someone that doesn't know Bernie's record which includes a lot more than just talking progressive. Or on someone that doesn't agree with all the things he has done and that he wants to do for people. "STRIVE" with a union? Bernie has protested with many union workers, many Native Americans, many for civil rights, as well as for gay rights! And voted for less Military Budget increases than the others as well as voted against some of the wars. Is his record perfect as for as being a progressive? No, but it sure is a heck of a lot more perfect than that others when it comes to being a progressive. I won't agree with Bernie on everything but just because I don't agree with him on a few things I will NOT discount all the things he has done for people and that he has wanted to get passed. To say Bernie has "never" lifted a finger to act like a progressive is an out right lie so like I said take your crap to someone that doesn't know better or that isn't for Bernie's policies. They would love your comments!
@kevinschmidt2210 Not sure why your comment is not showing up in my thread and only in my notifications but here is my reply to your last comments.... Senator Sanders NUMEROUS TIMES has asked the public to support union workers! So what they take pictures of him while he joins union workers. You said Bernie did "nothing" to stop the actions of the Dems on stopping the strike when he did in fact pushed for them to get paid sick leave! He couldn't make the other politicians support it anymore than he can pass bills by his self. As for the lie you told on him voting for more money for the Ukraine War.... To set that record straight..... When the US Senate passed legislation authorizing 858 Billion in Military Spending for Fiscal Year 2023 to quote Senator Sanders, ""At a time when we spend more than the next 11 nations combined on defense, we should invest in healthcare, jobs, housing, and education--not more weapons of destruction," said Sen. Bernie Sanders." and is is one of the 11 Senators that voted AGAINST that Military Budget Increase!! He also voted AGAINST a $770B Defense Bill that was before the one I just quoted. I don't continue discussions with liars! And since you seem to have a comprehension problem it was your comment I was referring to as Hogwash! Now, take your lies and smears to someone that doesn't know any different or that just wants to lie and smear like you have. I definitely won't be back to read anymore of your replies but feel free to reply with more lies if you want. I just won't be back to read them. Doesn't matter if you came back to read my comment or not as it set the record straight for anyone else that reads them.
@moby108 Bernie can't make people do anything! Zero things accomplished? You are such a liar! He wasn't known as "Amendment King" for accomplishing "zero things"! Not to mention was he has done that he didn't even get recognized for according to a Republican politician. Not to mention when Obama wanted to cut Social Security and Bernie started a movement that helped stop that. Not to mention Bernie protesting for civil rights, gay rights, with Native Americans, Union Workers. You done even half of that? Or perhaps you have taken people to Canada to get meds cheaper? Hypocrite? Heck NO! A hypocrite would be someone that pushed policies such as Medicare for all but then when they came up for a vote they would vote no. OR someone criticizing Wall Street while taking donations from them. He sure didn't get his wealth off of Wall Street! I don't believe you would go up against half of what Bernie has for half the time he has while you sit on the sidelines never doing what he has for people and criticize him!
@The_king567 Wasn't it 2016 when Obama tried to cut Social Security (Grand Bargain) and when he tried to do that Bernie started a movement that helped stop it. That wasn't decades ago LOL But not sure what the point is of your comment one year after my comment? I am not going to try to remember anything else or comment anymore because there isn't any point in it. It's not like he's running for president now LOL
People earning over (what's the cap amount?) should not be paying into it the same amount as people earning less than that, period! They earn more they should have to pay more into it if they want to receive SS when/if they become eligible for it.
@evanserickson You are talking about Federal Income Taxes while I was talking about taxes on what is paid into Social Security. Two different arguments. People earning a million dollars a year pay no more in what is taxed for Social Security than those making less than 100, 000 a year and you think that is fair? No matter how low their wages are I think they pay into Social Security, too??
@evanserickson They should pay more because they receive more from Social Security and why should the poor people of this country that do most if not all the work for major corporations pay more taxes on average? I do agree on cutting the Military Budget, stopping all the wars, but politicians on both sides have many of the same corporate donors and those wealthy donors is what controls most if not all of the bills passed. The middle class is being wiped out here in this country but by all means tax them more on average than the wealthy. It's easy to see why many of the elite are taking over this country for anyone that wants to see it.