Comments by "J. M." (@J.M.254) on "Putin 'strikes' NATO-supplied ammunition depot; Explosions shake Ukraine's Khmelnytskyi" video.

  1. The West and their puppets, think that Russia's ICBM'S are all rusted, cause lack of maintenance and none of them will fly. Even some of their officials and junkies in CIA, openly entertain such utter nonsense. Yet, both USA and Europe, make their astronauts learn Russian and pay Russia, to safely send their people to space. And for Satellite launches, Russia often refurbished old ICBM'S and somehow, they forget, that Russia never stopped making Multi Warhead ICBM'S like Topol-M, Yars, Tsirkon and Avangard, the last two have an 18,000 Km range and can go around all air defences and are maneuverable and Hypersonic like the Kinzhal missile that Russia demonstrated in Ukraine, which blasted the Soviet Nuclear Bunker which was full of US missiles under a mountain and under 60 meters of reinforced concrete. That kaboom was epic with a fireball going 300 meters above ground. Biden went to Poland after and was crying, that Russia didn't have to use such missiles. Also Russia tested the Peresvet, blinding the most expensive fancy drone that the USA has, above the black sea, making it autonomously return to it's base and on top of that, Russia tested it's Belgorod Submarine that the US lost track of, that's capable of carrying the Poseidon Judgement Day Nuclear Topedo Drones. Belgorod sun, carried out successful test runs of Poseidon Deployment. Ukraine keeps telling it's population, that Russia is about run out of missiles soon. A country that is best at making missiles for almost a century. It's no biggie for Russia to keep rolling up new missiles of any kind 24/7. They have plenty of resources for it. Putin knew this proxy war was coming from a long time and employed two million Russians to mass produce all kinds of weapons from the year 2000. So far, Russia dropped 3,000 missiles on target in Ukraine and that's not including cheap Iranian drones they testing. So cheap, that it don't make any sense trying to shoot them down with much more expensive air defence missiles and Russia is also about to test out the new Iranian missiles. So, who ever tries to mess with Russian allies and Iran, will think twice and a lot of western clowns keep underestimating Russia, which is great, from a strategic point of view. Cause, if it comes down to it, there's going to be a rude awakening for NATO that they won't be ready for. And by the way, all the recent footage of USA testing it's Minuteman 3, I've seen, looks like it's been filmed on very ancient filmed cameras. While Russia tests it's ICBMs, a couple of times in a year. Shooting them from one end of Russia to the other. (That's how ICBM'S were invented in the first place).