Comments by "J. M." (@J.M.254) on "Israeli Captive In Awe Of Al-Qassam Brigade After Release; 'Felt Like A Queen In Gaza' | Watch" video.

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  10.  @Naughty12229  "Russophobia" was the new pandemic. Virtually overnight, the never-ending "Two Minutes Hate" switched from demonizing the unjabbed and fearing a cold virus to demonizing ALL RUSSIANS EVERYWHERE and fearing the rise of a New Soviet Union.  The way by which the Corporate Press pulls the strings of the masses is incredible to behold.  Facebook profile pictures were immediately swapped for Ukrainian flags.  Fauci disappeared into obscurity.  Politicians, ex-military "experts," corporate journalists, social media influencers, and of course, Ukrainian media, began slinging so much propaganda it made the lie of "WMDs" look quaint and innocent in comparison.  What I find most incredible... And disturbing... Is how quickly corporate brands jumped onboard the economic fight against Russia and its people.  See, it's not enough that governments from dozens of countries have imposed sanctions against Putin, his allies, and key financial institutions... Companies like Apple stopped, at least temporarily, operating stores in Russia. FedEx and UPS refused to deliver packages. Junior hockey leagues in Canada are not allowing Russian players to participate. World renowned soprano, Anna Netrebko, has been blackballed and forced to cancel her upcoming appearances at The Metropolitan Opera in New York after she was given an ultimatum of either publicly denouncing her president (she did express her opposition to the war) or not being allowed to perform. It seems everyone got the memo: You MUST pick a side in this fight...and it must be Ukraine.  You're not allowed to take a nuanced position, or God-forbid, a neutral position.  You're not allowed to point out that the US and NATO are DIRECTLY responsible for purposefully poking the Russian Bear.  Or that Ukraine is deeply corrupt and the government is overrun with literal Neo Nazis.  Or that the Joe Biden was directly involved in orchestrating a coup against the democratically-elected "pro-Russian" Or that Ukraine is deeply corrupt and the government is overrun with literal Neo Nazis.  Or that the Joe Biden was directly involved in orchestrating a coup against the democratically-elected "pro-Russian" president by working with those Neo Nazis. Or that the US has been secretly operating dangerous Biolabs in Ukraine for God knows what reason.  No, no, citizen.  No time to critically think about this conflict.  It's simply "Russia Bad. Ukraine Good." And you absolutely have to support Western governments funneling billions in weapons, bombs, drones, and supplies to aid Ukraine. Otherwise, you "hate democracy" and "support Russia." As Cyprian (Vin Armani) puts it in the March issue of the Counter Markets Newsletter, the fact that so many "respected American institutions of art and commerce decided to unilaterally sever economic ties with the people of a major world power at the drop of a hat is the sign of something dark on the horizon." This is, as he calls it, "the weaponization of CORPORATE bureaucracy to serve the interests of the powerful, as they fight for world domination." And it's a novel phenomenon, at least in the way we are encountering it this year. Which should give all of us pause.  Thankfully, Cyprian spends the last part of his report discussing how to combat this unfolding scenario. He goes into more detail about how to meet this challenge to save ourselves and our families from participating in anything resembling the "Mark Of The Beast" system.  Because let's be honest... The path the world is on... With social credit scores, Central Bank Digital Currencies, jab passports, biowarfare, open fascism, globalist institutions setting the laws of nations, and more...