Comments by "" (@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684) on "Is the BBC 'rewriting' British history? Oxford University lecturer Dr Marie Kawthar Daouda discusses" video.

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  2. Never needed ANYONE to tell me how awful the BBC has become over the last 20 years or so (hence why I now on a monthly basis I throw their quasi-threatening "red letter" demands about my non payment of the Licence tax straight in the bin)...... and Its not just the BBC, ALL the mainstream media has turned on the tap of shite "multiculturalism". The lefty globalists started their fungal like "march thorugh the institutions" back before I was born in the 60s... its only now they believe they have reached "critical mass" and are intent on toppling "old" society to be replaced with the brave new world or "multiculturalism" and "diversity". The lie of "Diversity".... imagine the world as a smorgasbord of world cultures a veritable feast with a wide range of tastes, aromas, colours & textures... each interesting, and each with something to tempt the palette.... Hmmmm how DIVERSE !!! Now the globalists rock up to the "world buffet" and announce, were going to make the world "multicultural" and increase "diversity".... before sweeping all the contents off the table, into a 45 gallon oil drum, inserting an industrial paint mixer, and then ladelling out the resultant mocha coloured slop to the rest of the guests. Where exactly is the "diversity" in that? Where as before we could compare and contrast the merits of Pad Thai against those of Borscht against those of empanadas or even against those of fish and chips, we are now all served up an overflowing bowl of mocha "gloop"... a buffet where "one size suits nobody". No the truth is that the destruction of national identities and the homogenisation of humanity makes a future "one world population! FAR easier for the future "one world government" to control and move about at THEIR whim. As the "elites" are the ONLY people whose purposes are served by the shite of multiculturalism. One of the main defences we have is educating our OWN kids in "critical thinking".... and NOT leaving it to clueless young teachers who've been steeped & programmed at college in the poisonous lies of the globalist left. My kids can all think for themselves, have a healthy disregard for "soshal meeeedya" and are only too happy to speak their minds.... whether it agrees with vcurrent political "rightspeak" or not.
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