Comments by "" (@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684) on "The REAL reason Hitler killed Ernst Röhm in the Night of the Long Knives" video.

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  2. I'm going to LOVE this series. I've ALWAYS said that while the so called "political spectrum" is commonly represented as a straight line going from communism at the left hand end gradually transforming in Centre left/right (centrism) before moving along to far right nationalism at the opposite end, the result being that the left wing/right wing "extremes" are diametrically opposed, and the main division is simplistically "left" vs "Right". My perception has instead always been one where the "spectrum" is in the form of a "split ring", where the same progression of political viewpoints around the ring mean that the communist / nationalist dictatorships are actually adjoining one another across the "split" in the ring while the moderate/democratic centrists are on the other side of the "ring", meaning that the former "opposite political extremes" are now grouped next to each other (in their practical, real world effect) and are jointly diametrically opposed to the moderates on the other side of the ring, in this model the main division is NOT "left" Vs "right" but instead centrist "free" societies/economies opposed by command (totalitarian) societies/economies, or simplistically "moderates" vs "extremists". The totalitarians gain power in nations by one of their "tentacles" flaring up to put the fear of god into ordinary people of the "democracy", much like how the communist chaos generated in the Weimar republic or the current BS of "wokism" attempts to rip apart the fabric of society, the resultant landslide of public outcry is then answered by the "arrival" of the "right hand tentacle" of the totalitarians popping up to "crush the evil" of the "left hand tentacle" which results in .... "totalitarian order achieved out of totalitarian generated chaos" otherwise depicted as "ordo ab chao". which is EXACTLY the process that is ongoing in the world at the moment.