Comments by "" (@walterkronkitesleftshoe6684) on "The Dangerous Appeal of Hitler’s AI-Translated Speeches" video.

  1. As I've been saying for YEARS the flooding of Europe with third world migrants thereby destabilising western societies and placing untold strain on our national infrastructures has a distinct parallel to the rise of communism throughout Europe the early 20th century. What is happening in the west today has very strong echoes of the German Weimar republic, political instability..... rapidly increasing cost of living making many feel desperate.... an external force bringing with it an impending national doom, an incompetent and corrupted political class wringing their hands in helplessness as things are being intentionally spiralled out of control..... and then though the darkness and chaos emerges "the man for the moment"..... in each country a potential Hitler in the making, calling out the causes of the choas and promising to lead us back to a better past where we were in control of our own national destinies. All completely orchestrated by those at the VERY top..... the new authoritarian framework of the WEF, UN, WHO, WB who want to impose RIGID control over the whole of mankind.... corporate globalism. They couldn't just have announced their intentions and taken over multiple, formerly stable, sovereign nations, and so over the last 50 years they've had their "long march through the institutions" and have now subverted those former sovereign govts like a fungus, now those subverted governments intentionally enacted policies to bring each nation to its knees, have instigated a needless "war without end" in Ukraine all with the intention of diverting TRILLIONS of dollars and pounds worth of public taxpayer's money into private globalist corporate MIC bank accounts, terrifying an increasingly poorly educated and subservient population with "fake plagues" of "winter sniffles".... do as you're told, come and get your untested, debilitating "vaccines"... or else !!!! The old process of "Ordo ab chao" or "Order from the chaos"..... more commonly known as "problem - reaction - solution" who knows? It may end up to be the "final solution"?
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