Comments by "A Foxy Fox" (@aFoxyFox.) on "Watch How CNN Helps Israel Commit Atrocities" video.

  1. Hi there, this comment is about a disturbing interview from around November 1st by Piers Morgan with Jordan Peterson, and in it, there is some really disturbing stuff at around 22:00 minutes and after where Jordan Peterson seems to insidiously blame the victims of tyranny and oppression and also uses the Bible to try to manipulate people into thinking that God is punishing them or something, it seemed really disgusting and I hope you could see that and extract that section and discuss it and the tactics these haters of humanity (and Muslims) use (I've used the below to try to bring attention to it at The Rational National channel of David Doel, Hasanabi, Philip DeFranco, and Russel Brand: You've got to see this, please, its so sick and disturbing and should get more attention how people are blaming people who couldn't possibly deserve what is happening to them (because they are children and babies in many cases, otherwise innocent young civilians and others who have nothing to do with any of what is happening to them and the conditions they were born into and are stuck in currently) In the Piers Morgan and Jordan Peterson Interview posted recently around November 1st or something, somewhere at or after 22:00 minutes into the interview, Jordan Peterson eventually says something like "those under totalitarian tyranny bare some responsibility for being oppressed", or at least something that amounts to that, and is arguing that the Palestinian civilians basically deserve what Israel is doing to them, misreading the Bible and using the Bible to justify it by saying "the sins and their punishments of the fathers pass down to the children and grandchildren" and on and on, when even the Bible has verses against that statement which the evil people were saying in the past apparently to justify ongoing tyranny against the descendants of their enemies and trying to harm their children (and vile attacks on innocents like children exist in the Bible) Comment 1: Yeah, so the big question here is something about "what was it that the Jews do to get the Nazis to gather them up and massacre them? What did the Native/Aboriginal people do in various countries to get the various colonial powers to wage campaigns of tyranny and oppression over them?" What did women do in order to be oppressed for generations and get attacked in various ways and killed? Certainly, they must hold some responsibility for getting attacked and treated badly right? That is what one part of this interview seemed to say, that the little babies getting torn to pieces by bombs from Israel, who never voted for Hamas because they weren't even born yet, and most of the people who live there now didn't vote for Hamas (also look up how Netanyahu has been funding Hamas for years and years to keep this conflict going since he keeps excusing his court cases for corruption from all this and keeps getting endless funding in the billions by a war that never ends like the book 1984) must have done something that keeps them in that situations (yeah, I guess he is right, being babies is why their stuck in hell and can't get out). Look how Piers talks to Peterson as compared to the other people who he keeps saying "do you condemn Hamas!?". Haha, when the Jews were oppressed by the Nazi government, somehow they compare that to the oppressed Palestinians being like the Nazis, when actually the Nazis were the eugenicist and ethnic supremacist government like the far right wing Zionists. Argh. Whatever, now I've made myself a target to the lunatics just by seeing the hypocrisy of all this (like most people do, and talking about it just gets people harassed and hacked and whatever else by fanatics). How they keep stating that the Palestinians are "like Nazis" lol, when the Fascists were a far right government that had kept people in a ghetto, made others of a certain ethnicity the worst second or third class or no class citizens being treated and talked about in dehumanizing ways and killed like they are nothing. Can anyone see it? No? You're all so afraid of being called "anti-semitic" by a bunch of fanatical Zionists? Luckily there is a Jewish movement that says "Not In Our Name" and they have become targets to these people too, because they, like Nazis, don't care about anything really except keeping power and wealth, and use ethnicity and the Bible and whatever else that they don't actually care about much as a weapon to control some and kill others. They are just psychopaths making excuses, and everyone fighting in their defense is complicit. People who care about innocent civilians and children being murdered indiscriminately is being attacked, the evil people will claim "you support terrorists by not supporting mass murder of civilians", it is double speak and all kinds of dirty tricks, wake up. Comment 2: Very good, I'm glad you're seeing the true colors of people who are just suddenly alright with certain innocent children and civilians being mass murdered in broad daylight right before everyone's eyes. Sick! Comment 3: Hi, what was wrong is that civilians and children are being indiscriminately bombed (imagine if it happened to you and your family just because someone claimed some criminals or terrorists are hiding among you or your family homes), and these guys aren't very vocal about that, suddenly they don't seem to really care all that much, and that is probably because those people are maybe a little tanned, maybe a little foreign seeming, maybe a little Muslim or whatever, and then suddenly mass murder and breaking rules of war and committing war crimes in vengeance is alright. Do you see? No? That is "emotions" lol. Yeah it is, people should have them, psychopaths don't. I was blocked from writing comments by YouTube for simply stating normal things like these.