Comments by "A Foxy Fox" (@aFoxyFox.) on "Голливудские знаменитости теперь поддерживают Палестину в рекордных количествах [вдохновляюще]" video.

  1. Thank you for making another video, I hope you might find more time to cover more stories and possibly create shorter videos also that require less time to research so that we might get more videos more often, I enjoy learning from what you make a lot. Just out of curiosity, what cameras, lights, and equipment do you use to produce these and also what editing software do you use to put them together (and any other software like color correction stuff or anything like that)? I've noticed changes in the quality so I wonder what you are filming with and what settings you might be using also. It would be really wonderful if you might somehow produce these more thoroughly researched pieces and also have a series or a type of video which occurs in between these more frequently and regularly, possibly even multiple times throughout a day, which don't necessarily require the better production value or appearance, where you discuss whatever news might be coming in and how you think it is being used or is likely to be used (like if it is going to be used towards passing draconian laws or to harm people, in particular Muslim populations). A YouTuber with the channel name of Smile2Jannah makes more comedic and mocking types of news videos but often gets some timely and contemporary stories out rapidly that others don't seem to cover. The Rational National and Kyle Kulinski cover stories pretty rapidly and frequently, with Kyle Kulinski having two different settings for his videos where he seems to get stories out the most frequently, both use a technique where they cut pieces from a livestream they film which is something you might also consider doing, though I think privately filmed sessions may be less stressful than livestreaming. I'm so pleased with the growth of this channel from the earlier days to now, and I hope that if you put out more content, and also a variant of content that appears to people more personal and "down to earth" and immediate, along with the slicker productions and video essays, that combined it might encourage even more growth, particularly if there is more content produced more often, an easier to put together type and a more difficult to put together type that is at the current rate of frequency. You're likely doing other work too, but YouTube is probably one of the most powerful tools to reach the most far flung people these days, and there aren't too many people seemingly who are working as diligently to help the decades long war that has been going on against so many people in the world by so many countries. I fear that with too much time between stories and videos, that people might end up falling off and forgetting to return as often because of a lack of frequently updated and new content, which is why a more casual, less formal, easily produced variant of content that you can produce short form topical or one event or issue specific videos throughout a day or throughout a week might keep people visiting more and also give more chances for the content to be shared if you end up showing things people want to show others, such as unique documents, footage, stories, or say something that represents the views and feelings of many people or something funny is said or brought up which also makes things shareable. I wonder also if the majority of your audience currently are Muslims or if other people are also visiting the channel regularly. Thank you so much for all your work throughout the years, I've always appreciated it and the sincerity and ethical reasoning that has always driven you and now your family as well towards saying and doing what you think is right and best against what becomes very apparent as clearly wrong and unjust. Your personal story of realizing how the media has been manipulating people and trying to cover up or justify its violence against poor people and ethnic minorities and religious groups is a really important one to mention, because it might encourage others that there is hope that people can realize the truth and shed the heavy brainwashing that goes on and is still going on. You may also do well, even though the Muslim issue is a major one and the stories for it are at this time and for many decades now seeming endless, to expand the range of injustices you also cover, to show how the Muslims are just the first group being terrorized and turned into perhaps a kind of future slave population that was used as the scapegoat and experimental group before the whole of humanity and society at large is turned towards poverty and treated the same and worse as the Muslims are being treated today, by an elite and wealthy minority hording all the resources for themselves. So your videos could potentially expand into how America has criminalized and returned to practical slave labor through free and extremely cheap labor through mass incarceration of their African American population in their very own sort of Palestine project, and how the Israelis admire what the Americans did to the Native Americans and Aboriginal people, and the Aboriginal issues and various native populations being terrorized around the world, similar to how the Muslims are being terrorized around the world. If you frequently make the case that this is intended to eventually reach and harm (using the Muslims as the initial excuse to pass laws which destroy liberty for everyone) the mass and general population, I think the audience may also grow due to it concerning themselves, since there may be an (idiotic but human) lack of empathy when people think that it is merely only these "others" that are being referred to, and it can never concern themselves or their ethnic group (Non-Muslims, Non-Muslim European descent populations). You may be able to draw in the concern from African descent people by bringing up similar cases and instances where these things have happened and are happening now pertaining to those populations as well as the Muslim populations so that empathy can be increased and association. There are also great clips from the time of Malcolm X which show how similar things were then and now and how little has been allowed to be changed really. I'm very disappointed with the various people from backgrounds like those of African descent who end up pandering to and taking the side of dangerous racist groups and assist in dangerously racist policies, like the Mayor of New York, various conservative commentators who have been found that support things from people who would just as quickly put them back into chains yet for money or whatever they think they can have a good life while supporting people and things which harm those like them around the world and would do so too in their own areas, they appear like total traitors and fools for taking the side of evil and oppression against ethnic groups and religious groups (like various Fox News and Daily Wire hires, even MSNBC people who espouse horrible things, as well as politicians who do the same, for example the doing away of "due process" because of "all the paperwork" and basically supporting just freely locking people up like they did to many Muslims without explanation indefinitely). If you can figure out ways in which the powerful and dominant populations in the world can be made sympathetic to the plight of the disenfranchised and those who injustice is being enacted upon, also through making them understand that these corporations and world leaders are not in their favor either but will use these very same measures against them to make their life a living hell just like Palestine, but Palestine for all humanity, they might start to understand how these issues are not just a "Muslim problem" or an issue for "foreigners, ethnic people" who they have trouble understanding are just ordinary people like themselves, so they need to understand somehow how it is going to come after them, how Israeli lobbyists are constantly trying to pass laws where people have no free speech, can not boycott them, lose government payments and funds and rights if they are found or even accused of having a stance against Israel (a story mentioned by TRT News), there are so many important ways in which you might be able to draw in a broader audience, while also successfully continuing to "preach to the choir", which I don't mean in any offensive way, it is just that generally the people who know this stuff and know to look for it may be the ones finding it here on this channel, but I think it would also help so much if you can (and maybe you are already) reach a much broader audience overall too, as a goal possibly for 2024. It would be so great if you really increase the output and scope of people who end up learning and correcting their understandings and views and who grow through your educational and even (though it covers sad things) funny and entertaining content (which helps make the information more easily digested by people, as well as more shareable) expands a whole lot more even from this point (and 200k is a tremendous achievement for this sort of coverage and content). Congratulations on everything and wishing you a great and successful New Year, and maybe some of these suggestions could be considered and even implemented for even more growth and range so that more pressure can start growing to solve all these horrific things going on everywhere for people, the Muslims, the poor, the various ethnic groups and "minorities" and immigrants to various countries, against hate, racism, terror, injustice, institutionalized bullying and oppression, all that stuff.