Comments by "A Foxy Fox" (@aFoxyFox.) on "How Israel Taught the West to Hate Muslims" video.
You all can help by sharing this and other videos by CJ with the particular instructions to subscribe and spread it among their networks and friends or acquaintances online too. I've shown the videos and told numerous people to subscribe and help out CJ's channel because the information can help in a lot of ways ultimately by popularizing certain issues going on enough that the people behind the abuses and attacks start getting called out and opposed more overall, that it becomes popular to do so, all that is achieved through basically sharing and people speaking up and telling others and simply saying they don't like this bad stuff and want it stop happening. If a big portion of the world with more power, like non-Muslims basically, make a big enough social media stink about some these things by bringing it up often and boycotting nations and products and doing other things like that, and not falling for the usual tricks that these countries and Imperialists and Corporations employ to shut people up or keep them docile while they perpetrate atrocities and mass murders, then things might get somewhere. So the little thing we can do is tell everyone we know and get to know a lot of people in order to tell them also.
You can mention the videos in comments sections as well of more popular channels that might be discussing similar issues so that people who are interested might also check out CJ's take and words on the issue.
Muslims can definitely help and are likely to build a strong base, but then getting it out past Muslims and into the human rights and social justice type circles and to make it more mainstream to talk about and protest (as in writing statements of protest and complaint online in places viewed widely) can help as well.
With any program for change, the idea to get it to move fast is unfortunately connected more to making it "trendy" for the half-hearted people who might just want a little investment to seem like they care about anything besides their public image. Their issues are not our problem though, but if they can end up somehow seeing something as the "trending" thing to speak out against, they might just make a movement get moving more and force some of these nations and groups to moderate some of their actions, or for change to occur. In the meantime, every minute people are living under extremely distressing circumstances and under a constant threat of harm, many have to hide to their religion or thoughts and statements due to the hate and danger surrounding them, so even if people who don't really care can end up helping out, the point is to get these horrible things to stop happening to people around the world.
So if you have social media, if you're part of forums, if you see similar videos on YouTube, mention CJ Werleman by name and this channel, and search terms that they can look up his videos and direct them back here and tell them to subscribe if they like what CJ Werleman is doing and wants to help him and support him.
There should also be a Patreon and Membership level that allows CJ to receive funding potentially so that he can dedicate more time and resources to these efforts. People are getting paid for a lot less relevant or important stuff they are doing, and even boring videos are counted as "entertainment" while these videos are actually talking about and dealing with the real lives of people and how Governments and Corporations around the world are basically flat out ending lives and destroying lives and torturing people and distracting the public with stupid things and clown shows so that they don't even know or think to rally against these things.
Human beings are being harmed (and even animals) and people are just saying "who cares" because the word "Muslim" is attached to them, and that term has been so demonized now that people must think inside "good" or "it is for the best", just like the African American community in America has been largely demonized so that the real social problems aren't addressed and their are just caricatured and basically laughed at as they suffer and die. That is the same that they want to be the case for Muslims around the world, and even though the Muslim population is humungous, they've been rendered practically incapable of having any power or say, ignored, ridiculed, taken as jokes.
Look at the kind of propaganda put out there like that made of an evil channel called "SyeTen", its so viciously racist and vile, just like the stuff made about Jews in the past and even worse, but because certain people are behind it and making it, it is totally protected and isn't even taken down.
This is a war for the minds of people, and it has been decades of brainwashing going on over the whole world to think of Muslims in a certain way so that their resources can be r*p*d and stolen and they are totally dehumanized and ignored and slaughtered like pests.
I wrote this message in one of the comment chains but I'd like more people to see it potentially. You may also like to add to your videos a request or statement for people to actually share your channel with others and with as many as possible, and also to set up more payment methods like Patreon and channel Memberships (perks aren't necessary) so that people can send in regular support (which I was very pleased to see that you've been doing! Maybe even more, or a quick mention in the beginning of the videos too in case people don't stay until the end but still believe that the work you're doing is important):
"You all can help by sharing this and other videos by CJ with the particular instructions to subscribe and spread it among their networks and friends or acquaintances online too. I've shown the videos and told numerous people to subscribe and help out CJ's channel because the information can help in a lot of ways ultimately by popularizing certain issues going on enough that the people behind the abuses and attacks start getting called out and opposed more overall, that it becomes popular to do so, all that is achieved through basically sharing and people speaking up and telling others and simply saying they don't like this bad stuff and want it stop happening. If a big portion of the world with more power, like non-Muslims basically, make a big enough social media stink about some these things by bringing it up often and boycotting nations and products and doing other things like that, and not falling for the usual tricks that these countries and Imperialists and Corporations employ to shut people up or keep them docile while they perpetrate atrocities and mass murders, then things might get somewhere. So the little thing we can do is tell everyone we know and get to know a lot of people in order to tell them also.
You can mention the videos in comments sections as well of more popular channels that might be discussing similar issues so that people who are interested might also check out CJ's take and words on the issue.
Muslims can definitely help and are likely to build a strong base, but then getting it out past Muslims and into the human rights and social justice type circles and to make it more mainstream to talk about and protest (as in writing statements of protest and complaint online in places viewed widely) can help as well.
With any program for change, the idea to get it to move fast is unfortunately connected more to making it "trendy" for the half-hearted people who might just want a little investment to seem like they care about anything besides their public image. Their issues are not our problem though, but if they can end up somehow seeing something as the "trending" thing to speak out against, they might just make a movement get moving more and force some of these nations and groups to moderate some of their actions, or for change to occur. In the meantime, every minute people are living under extremely distressing circumstances and under a constant threat of harm, many have to hide to their religion or thoughts and statements due to the hate and danger surrounding them, so even if people who don't really care can end up helping out, the point is to get these horrible things to stop happening to people around the world.
So if you have social media, if you're part of forums, if you see similar videos on YouTube, mention CJ Werleman by name and this channel, and search terms that they can look up his videos and direct them back here and tell them to subscribe if they like what CJ Werleman is doing and wants to help him and support him.
There should also be a Patreon and Membership level that allows CJ to receive funding potentially so that he can dedicate more time and resources to these efforts. People are getting paid for a lot less relevant or important stuff they are doing, and even boring videos are counted as "entertainment" while these videos are actually talking about and dealing with the real lives of people and how Governments and Corporations around the world are basically flat out ending lives and destroying lives and torturing people and distracting the public with stupid things and clown shows so that they don't even know or think to rally against these things.
Human beings are being harmed (and even animals) and people are just saying "who cares" because the word "Muslim" is attached to them, and that term has been so demonized now that people must think inside "good" or "it is for the best", just like the African American community in America has been largely demonized so that the real social problems aren't addressed and their are just caricatured and basically laughed at as they suffer and die. That is the same that they want to be the case for Muslims around the world, and even though the Muslim population is humungous, they've been rendered practically incapable of having any power or say, ignored, ridiculed, taken as jokes.
Look at the kind of propaganda put out there like that made of an evil channel called "SyeTen", its so viciously racist and vile, just like the stuff made about Jews in the past and even worse, but because certain people are behind it and making it, it is totally protected and isn't even taken down.
This is a war for the minds of people, and it has been decades of brainwashing going on over the whole world to think of Muslims in a certain way so that their resources can be r*p*d and stolen and they are totally dehumanized and ignored and slaughtered like pests."
@TheCJWerlemanShow Thank you very much for putting what you do together, I appreciate it a lot. I hope that other people might be motivated to do similar things as well, but what you've ended up compiling and trying to get people aware of is really tremendous and rare as well. Thank you very much for noticing what I wrote and replying, I appreciate it a lot! One of my comments in the earlier Kashmir video may have been automatically flagged or put into a hidden section so I lost the writing, it was in response to someone from India I think. If you manage to find it in the masked comments that are appearing hidden and could un-hide it, that might be a fun one for people to read and might even bring the person who was reading it and other people who are on the opposite side of Kashmiri freedom to reconsider their positions possibly. I'm not sure what it was I wrote in that comment that had it automatically put into a hidden section or something but I was hoping that it might be found and put up again so that I could save it to a text file since I thought it had some nice universal messages that could easily be edited to apply to numerous scenarios and circumstances.
There is basically no YouTube channel that I know of that is doing the kind of work that you're doing on here, so I really hope that you receive a lot of support and success, which would ideally end up helping a lot of people out there in the world who scarcely have an advocate, things are going on and these people are being victimized and don't really have much of a voice, its terrible, so thank you so much for having a beautiful heart and spending some energy and making an effort towards all this, it is so much more than any of us would do or have done, so if people can funnel their resources towards someone doing a little more, that would be a great thing and a good direction for some money, charity, and support to go towards. Thank you so much for noticing and interacting as well, that really helps a lot too to get people to realize you're a real person and working hard at this in real life.
Do they ever clown that criminal? They barely do, or the criminal who followed him, or the criminal before him, all a bunch of clowns saying absurd and obnoxious things, using lies against their own people too, to brainwash them with hatred, they themselves are the Nazis, so why wouldn't they now say "Hey Nazis, we're not mad at you really, we know you were tricked by the Muslims, yeah, we both hate the Muslims, lets join together and kill them" so that the Far Right and Alt-Right join with Zionists and Jewish Supremacists and Extremists in spreading racism and hate and trying to kill off and oppress such a massive population worldwide.
Israel is currently escalating in violence against the Palestinians for no apparent reason, while the news makes it seem like Palestine can even fight back or do anything, Israel is killing civilians as usual and doing their yearly evil and oppression against random and innocent non-combatant human beings that they view as pests and vermin basically and treat like sub-humans and cattle for slaughter. The mainstream media and national news is talking about it though, in their usual way which misleads the public, but it is what has been reported for the last two days and is appearing on the national news, whereas their Ramadan attacks earlier this year were ignored by the media, now they are talking about their murders, but not as murders.
I thought maybe you could make a video talking about some of the Anti-Muslim hatred and escalating violence going on around the world as Spy-Master Biden seems to be up to some funny business and having given the green light on many unsavory things, like more weapons funding to Israel but also a disturbing proxy war in the Ukraine and now starting trouble in Taiwan after some 40 years of a "status quo" situation. The Chinese have also been doubling down on their "dissidents", including Muslims, and it appears the whole alliance of evil (against the innocent, and Muslims) is kind of straining and preparing for all out war for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the hot weather, so that when these nations are frustrated they want to kill, and some of the first people they find easy targets and sitting ducks are their Muslim populations, before they turn on other civilians in general.