Comments by "VIRGIL HILTS" (@virgilhilts3924) on "The Working Poor | The Price of the American Dream | ENDEVR Documentary" video.
That's funny... because it sure worked for me and I started my first career some two decades AFTER you said it stopped
I'm a retired firefighter, my wife a teacher, neither of which are exactly "millionaire" type career fields
We worked hard, often multiple jobs at the same time, we saved, planned for our future, and above all made good choices
Today we are reaping the rewards of all that hard work and effort
Meanwhile people like you whine and complain
Only a couple of years before this video was first made and posted here...
My niece had just graduated HS when she was hit by a multi-time drunk driver, in an instant she became a tetraplegic for life
At C5/C6 she has no movement from the chest down, no hand function, and limited arm function
Instead of blaming anyone else she CHOSE to be a hero instead of a zero and fought her way through it
She worked her butt off, finished her education, passed the BAR, became an attorney, and earned herself a wonderful job
She did all of that without taking a dime of taxpayer money, all from the "confines" of a wheelchair
Recently she bought her first home and she hasn't even turned 30 yet
Life is tough, stop playing victim and instead CHOOSE be a victor
Excuses Excuses Excuses 🤣
My niece had just graduated HS when she was hit by a multi-time drunk driver, in an instant she became a tetraplegic for life
At C5/C6 she has no movement from the chest down, no hand function, and limited arm function
Instead of blaming anyone else she CHOSE to be a hero instead of a zero and fought her way through it
She worked her butt off, finished her education, passed the BAR, became an attorney, and earned herself a wonderful job
She did all of that without taking a dime of taxpayer money, all from the "confines" of a wheelchair
Recently she bought her first home and she hasn't even turned 30 yet
Life is tough, stop playing victim and instead CHOOSE be a victor
A friend of my wife and I was born with ataxic cerebral palsy, she uses a wheelchair, and has speech issues
She put herself through college ,earned a degree and then a second
Now she owns her own small business that is doing very well and works with a number of volunteer groups
As she likes to say... "Life is tough, get a helmet"
But yea you keep on boo-hooing