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Comments by "stratfordbaby" (@stratfordbaby) on "TalkTV" channel.
Dawn Butler has obviously never heard the children's tale about 'the boy who cried wolf'. What a shame and a disgrace.
Being a PATRIOT doesn't make you far right James. What a plank.
Femi must've been born and raised in that section of Darlington where everyone speaks with an American accent. You know the place!!!
She needs to SUE the Royal Academy for LOST WAGES for all of the months her artwork was unable to be sold... that would be fair.
Can Piers pledge to leave the country as well???
In 1997 Harry was nearly 13. He was born in 1984, October. That made him TWELVE not nine.
And none were wearing masks, so that was another laugh.
He can hardly sue about showing him walking behind the casket when that was a publicly televised event. WORLDWIDE.
"Young people are really into Meghan". WHO??? She's FORTY-YEARS-OLD. The 'under 25s' are into her??? I don't think so.
I did some PD on LGBTQI2S here in Canada today. We were 'taught' that it's totally ok to consider someone like Izzard a woman because that's what he says he is. I was like WHAT??? That's a transvestite not even a transwoman. That's a dude that enjoys women's clothing.
She knows she is going to lose.
I will upvote on whatever the video is if Ann Widdecombe is being interviewed.
Last time I checked, TR is still a citizen of this country and still has the fundamental right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Vanessa, a BBC insider. 30 years of liberalism.
She's 19 years of age. SHUT UP.
Cut them loose! Her Majesty must remove these two ingrate charlatans from the public discourse.
Are we finally admitting that she did not drown in the reeds???? It was obvious that her body was NOT in the reeds because it would have been found days earlier. The area had already been searched multiple times before. It was dumped by the killer long after.
The bloke on the left constantly raises his voice and gets super aggressive when confronted with truth.
But in the UK the people have been virtually stripped of all means of personal defence.
John Barnes sounded stupid within the first 10 seconds.
As a recent graduate from med uni, June 2020, I will say every decision made by a patient is their sovereign right and most paramount within the sphere of medicine. I would hope however that every person has equal access to the accurate information available regarding the vaccine, individual health status and risk to the virus, and not to be under pressure one way or the other to take the jab. But let everyone be fully informed of the benefits and risks and decide thereafter.
The fact that David Starkey has not been elevated to the Lords or at least given a CBE is abominable. He is an absolute NATIONAL TREASURE.
Andre never shuts up. With everyone. ALWAYS.
7:00 She literally just killed herself with Godwin's law and the Holocaust reference. OMG. That was an own goal.
Hodges failed within the first minute of his opening statement. PERIOD. He just openly lied. I stopped listening.
Richard, 40% means the mask/Remoaners are IN THE MINORITY. They should and MUST BE IGNORED.
No Mark, the DOOR IS SHUT. There will never be another role for Harry in the UK royal family. He turned there back on them not the other way around. You are a nut Mark.
The police have been de-balled. They are actually afraid of them.
No religion is going to approve homosexualiy. The point of religion is to promote the production of family and the growth of population.
Police have become a disgrace. A laughingstock and a bully boy club.
To clarify, the old woman didn't have a mobility scooter, she has a walking rollator (a type of walking frame but with wheels).
In sociology, we learn that laws are only those with the support of the governed. Without that approval, a law cannot stand.
I would NEVER get a brand new, unsocialised and clearly unsociable new ADULT DOG into the home with two young children. REGARDLESS OF THE BREED. THOSE PARENTS MUST HAVE HAD A LOBOTOMY!!!!
Who builds a SPA for charity???
This is why the prat Williamson is a FORMER MP.
That's a LIE. He did NOT quickly get up, he needed to be dragged up by three men. He was UNABLE to stand on his own.
Macron is running scared of Marine Le Pen and he's only doing this WOKE-bashing to placate voters who were swinging toward Le Pen. I guess nobody at Talk Radio realises this.
Love the Whale. I wish him all the best with his recovery. We need you around many more years James. Even those who don't like you or your positions need you as a foil. Keep strong mate.
UK blacks love/like Nigel because he supports LEGAL immigration and the rights of CITIZENS of the UK... of ALL COLOURS.
No more Lady Buttersworth. NOT INTERESTED.
When she sent Thomas the letter, it became HIS PROPERTY. He could do with it what he likes. That's British Common Law. The appeals court erred. This will be overturned by the Supreme Court.
Complete paranoia. The Omicron gives the mildest of symptoms. It would be a blessing to contract if it gave protection from worse variants. People should be clamouring to get Omicron.
Scaramucci needs to AUTODESTRUCT. Take Ian Collins along with you.
Farage absolutely IS a celebrity. More than 9/10 of them on the show.
Rod is a national treasure. A true thinker, analyst and commentator.
The lack of communications responding from the sub and ZERO SOS/Mayday call suggests THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD. They would have died instantaneously. Nothing that could have occurred would have happened slowly. It was rapid, it was unexpected and it was FATAL. This is a RECOVERY OPERATION.
This was definitely not a drowning. A person who's head is being held under water would also be considered a drowning. There's no way to tell the difference on autopsy. And yes, I am a medic.
As a medic, I know that a drowning by accident and a drowning by HOMICIDE are very very difficult to distinguish from each other during autopsy. That's forensic MEDICINE of which I have been trained. What we do know is that the body WAS NOT THERE during the prior searches. We do know that the body was 'found' not even 1/2 mile from the last known place of sighting. We do know that it was impossible to fall from the embankment down into the reeds, the land is very gently sloping and there's nothing that could have caused her to be injured/lose consciousness on a smooth surface/soil. We do know that 'the partner' was emotionally incongruous with his laughing during the search interview on telly. We also know that the police did an absolutely woeful job in securing the scene (they didn't secure anything) and treated the case as a missing persons instead of a homicide from the beginning. Lastly, we know that as a woman with two children, she would NOT have suicided without leaving at least a suicide note. Women don't suicide by drowning, they take pills. The deaths are not violent like that in a drowning. That's what we KNOW. It's not inappropriate to express legitimate concern with all these factors. This is NOT TROLLING.
If he's a Microbiologist he's not a MEDICAL DOCTOR. He doesn't treat patients. So that's one of the reasons you have this problem... you keep interviewing people like him and know-nothing MacDonald and neither of them know anything. They should have never agreed to be interviewed but their pomposity prevented them from saying no.
She takes the space of a legit Englishman or woman who could have been a medical doctor. What a disgrace.