Comments by "BruDuoable" (@BruDuoable) on "Asking Japanese Muslims Why They Converted To Islam" video.

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  15. Not going to happen. Islam is a death and sex cult to those who diligently follow it. ......................................................... It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Muhammad seduces men with sexual promises and sometimes these promises are mere fantasies rather than promises that can be fulfilled in reality. In Tuhfat Al-Habib 'Ala Share'h el Al-Khateb, Book of Nukah (Book of the F-word), p. 356, Imam Al-Qur’tubi said: In summary, the preceding text says that it is lawful to have sex with your family members in heaven, except with your mother and daughter. A sexual relationship between family members is not considered incest, because it will not result in procreation. It is also considered not as bad as having anal sex. Additionally, Muhammad was reported to say that Allah will give each man a penis the size of a palm tree whose end cannot be seen. As we continue reading the text, a man is permitted to have sex with all the women from his family, except his mother and daughter in the Islamic heaven. This means that Muslim men can have sex with their sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and nieces. Muhammad also extended that authority by allowing men to have sex with everyone else. By that, Muhammad is satisfying the sexual fantasies and needs of Bedouin men. Arab people, who lived in the desert, lived a simple life. Everything in their life was based on wealth (animals, gold, and women). By promising endless sexual gratification, Muhammad spoke to their dreams and made these dreams attainable. As a result, he controlled their minds and did not give them enough space to think about these promises —that is, whether they could be fulfilled or space to think about these promises —that is, whether they could be fulfilled or not—because they are too good to be ignored. A PENIS IS SIMILAR TO AN ENDLESS PALM TREE Muhammad takes it further by giving Muslim men what they want. They want to have very huge private parts. Men will have a penis the size of palm trees whose end cannot be seen. Muhammad used the word ﻗﻮﺣﺲ , which means the end cannot be seen. Additionally, Allah will provide the men with a woman who has a vagina that will fit the man’s over-sized penis. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  28. It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  29. You are correct. ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223)
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  37. Islam does not mean peace because that prophet ordered to fight till non believers converted. ISLAM MEANS PEACE? It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  42. Are you aware that Muslims are allowed to lie to convert others to their religion? Their god is also known as the best deceiver of all. _________________________ CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince _________________________ "plus they deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers" Qur'an 3:54
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  48. They probably did not realise they have been downgraded into domestic animals' rank, sex toys and less rights than men. WOMEN ARE CREATED THE SAME AS AN ANIMAL In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves. In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21: Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men). Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. You will hear Muslims say, regarding this verse, that it's about beating women lightly. The fact is, this verse shows: 1. The word lightly does not even exist in the verse. Not even in any interpretation of the Qur’an. You see, it's only in the English books to sell Islam to westerners. Just as Obama and others try to tell us by saying that Islam is peace. 2. Even if the word does not mean tough beating, at the end of the day, beating is beating. Regardless of how harsh or tough it is. 3. How light can a beating be? Lighter than a spit? It's about humiliation, not only the physical harm. Women are human. No one has the right to do such a thing to another human being. 4. Dogs in America have more rights than Muslim women. If you beat a dog in the USA, you go to jail, but if you beat a woman in an Islamic land, you are a hero who is teaching his wife how to behave! 5. What about jailing the wives in their rooms? Even the man can rape them as part of their punishment. There was a case of which you might not have heard, where a mad man, American judge (New Jersey judge) let a Moroccan husband in the U.S. rape his wife without punishment, because he believed his Muslim religion permitted it. Muhammad said Book entitled Tu'hfet Al-A'hawazi Suana Al-Turmzi, book name Al-Rida', p. 272: The prophet Muhammad said, “If [you] would like to order to bow to someone other than Allah, it would be ordering the woman to bow down to her husband. By him in Whose Hands hold my soul, a woman cannot carry out the right of her Lord, until she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on top of a camel's hump.” Book entitled Faed Al-Qadeer Fe Sharih Al-Jame' Al-Sa'ger, printed in Cairo, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 7: The prophet said, “The most who have right over a woman is her husband, as well as if her husband has an ulcer (pus), and she did lick it. She did not give him his right over her yet, and if an order someone to bow to someone other than Allah it would be ordering the woman bowing to her husband, and she should not cheat on him or forbid him from her money or herself sexually, even if she is on the top of the camel hump, and she should not go out of his house without his permission, even if it’s her parent’s funeral.” Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  50. Your prophet ordered you to make wars and force convert people being Muslims or extorting money from innocents. Peaceful religion? LoL! _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  54. That is because most Muslims, you met, are casual muslims or ex Muslims. They usually learn from their Islam scholars or dawah guys and rarely read their quran and hadiths(very time consuming). --------------------------------------------------- ISLAM MEANS PEACE? It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  57. ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223) Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  58. Yup, the path towards destroying their own unique culture. Once the muslim population increases, it will end up like UK, France and even Germany where Sharia laws must be added in and Japanese tradition and way of life be rid of. This is based according to their Qur'an. It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  59. @AbdulMoahamed you are practicing Taqiyya. CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  64. What love? ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223) Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  66. ​@Dr.M.Wahid-U-zzaman you are practicing taqiyya. Stop fooling everyone. ISLAM MEANS PEACE? It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jw, your blood is free for Muslim. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  68. ​@cielulric3968 yes we do. ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223)
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  70. ​@salahdany But do you know that your "prophet" attacks the innocents first? He is supposed the be the best of all mankind [(Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 110 (3:110); Surah Al-Ahzab, Ayah 21 (33:21)] and yet most of Muhammad's livelihood is from robbing and looting infidels: (1) Ghanima (war booty taken from infidels by force) (2) Fa'i (property taken from infidels without war, i.e., the infidels surrendered first), (3) Jizyah (tax levied on infidels (Christians, Jews) under claim of "protection", the same as mafia "protection"), (4) Nafl (singular form of anfal (war booty)), (5) Salab (property of infidels seized in war), (6) Khummus (one-fifth of the spoils of war, which is the share for Prophet Muhammad). The Robbery of Badr was the first major attack against the infidels in the military career of the prophet Muhammad according to the sira. The Sira informs that the robbery took place in the month of Ramadan in the second year of the hijra (circa 624 AD). Jabir b. 'Abdullah al-Ansari reported: The Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: I have been conferred upon five (things) which were not granted to anyone before me (and these are): Every apostle was sent particularly to his own people, whereas I have been sent to all the red and the black𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗮𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘄𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗲, and these were never made lawful to anyone before me, and the earth has been made sacred and pure and mosque for me, so whenever the time of prayer comes for any one of you he should pray whenever he is, and 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗮𝘄𝗲 (by which the enemy is overwhelmed) from the distance (which one takes) one month to cover and I have been granted intercession. Sahih Muslim 4:1058 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗮𝘄𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿! In another hadith he was more specific. He said: “𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝘃𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿 (cast in the hearts of the enemy), Bukhari 4:52:220 The claim that Muhamamd has been victorious by awe and terror is also stated in Bukhari 1:7: 331. There is a hadith narrated Abu Qatada who said: We set out in the company of Allah's Apostle on the day (of the battle) of Hunain. When we faced the enemy, the Muslims retreated and I saw a pagan throwing himself over a Muslim. I turned around and came upon him from behind and hit him on the shoulder with the sword He (i.e. the pagan) came towards me and seized me so violently that I felt as if it were death itself, but death overtook him and he released me. I followed 'Umar bin Al Khattab and asked (him), "What is wrong with the people (fleeing)?" He replied, "This is the Will of Allah," After the people returned, the Prophet sat and said, "𝗔𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗳 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁, 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝘀." I got up and said, "Who will be a witness for me?" and then sat down. Bukhari 4:53:370 The Prophet again said, "Anyone who has killed an enemy and has proof of that, will possess his spoils." I (again) got up and said, "Who will be a witness for me?" and sat down. Then the Prophet said the same for the third time. I again got up, and Allah's Apostle said, "O Abu Qatada! What is your story?" Then I narrated the whole story to him. A man (got up and) said, "O Allah's Apostle! He is speaking the truth, and the spoils of the killed man are with me. So please compensate him on my behalf." On that Abu Bakr As-Siddiq said, "No, by Allah, he (i.e. Allah's Apostle ) will not agree to give you the spoils gained by one of Allah's Lions who fights on the behalf of Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet said, "Abu Bakr has spoken the truth." 𝗦𝗼, 𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗵'𝘀 𝗔𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲. 𝗜 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗿 (𝗶.𝗲. 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝘀) 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗜 𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗺𝘆 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆, 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗜 𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗜𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗺. This is how Islam spread. By raiding, pillaging and looting. What is the difference between Muhammad and his followers and a bunch of thieves?
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  72.  @Mustafa-j9d8n  Because I learned how dangerous Islam is and it is never peaceful among non Muslims. All non-Muslims must be aware of its true violent nature. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  77. @izumichan6175 You do know Islam is anti women rights, do you? _______________________________ WOMEN ARE CREATED THE SAME AS AN ANIMAL In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves. In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21: Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men). Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. You will hear Muslims say, regarding this verse, that it's about beating women lightly. The fact is, this verse shows: 1. The word lightly does not even exist in the verse. Not even in any interpretation of the Qur’an. You see, it's only in the English books to sell Islam to westerners. Just as Obama and others try to tell us by saying that Islam is peace. 2. Even if the word does not mean tough beating, at the end of the day, beating is beating. Regardless of how harsh or tough it is. 3. How light can a beating be? Lighter than a spit? It's about humiliation, not only the physical harm. Women are human. No one has the right to do such a thing to another human being. 4. Dogs in America have more rights than Muslim women. If you beat a dog in the USA, you go to jail, but if you beat a woman in an Islamic land, you are a hero who is teaching his wife how to behave! 5. What about jailing the wives in their rooms? Even the man can rape them as part of their punishment. There was a case of which you might not have heard, where a mad man, American judge (New Jersey judge) let a Moroccan husband in the U.S. rape his wife without punishment, because he believed his Muslim religion permitted it. Muhammad said Book entitled Tu'hfet Al-A'hawazi Suana Al-Turmzi, book name Al-Rida', p. 272: The prophet Muhammad said, “If [you] would like to order to bow to someone other than Allah, it would be ordering the woman to bow down to her husband. By him in Whose Hands hold my soul, a woman cannot carry out the right of her Lord, until she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on top of a camel's hump.” Book entitled Faed Al-Qadeer Fe Sharih Al-Jame' Al-Sa'ger, printed in Cairo, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 7: The prophet said, “The most who have right over a woman is her husband, as well as if her husband has an ulcer (pus), and she did lick it. She did not give him his right over her yet, and if an order someone to bow to someone other than Allah it would be ordering the woman bowing to her husband, and she should not cheat on him or forbid him from her money or herself sexually, even if she is on the top of the camel hump, and she should not go out of his house without his permission, even if it’s her parent’s funeral.” Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  81.  @RipVanWinkle-01  An acknowledged Hadith tells about Muhammad going to visit a house where the body of a Muslim who had died still lay. A woman addressed the dead body, saying: “May Allah have mercy on you. I testify that Allah has honoured you. Muhammad asked the woman, “How do you know that Allah has honoured this man? “I know, by Allah,” she said. Muhammad replied, “This man, death struck him and I wish him the best in the name of Allah. By Allah, although I am the Messenger of Allah, I know not what will happen to me, just like you.” (The Authentic of Bukhari, vol.9, book 87, no. 145. Narrated by Kharija bin Zaid bin Thabit). It should be noted that five times a day in their prayers all Muslims pray, “Peace and salvation be upon Muhammad.” They pray that God will grant the entrance to heaven. A man can only give what he has. If the leader of Islam himself does not know where he is going, what about his disciples? On the other hand, Christians do not need to pray, “Peace and salvation be upon Him,” about Jesus. Why? Because He is the Lord of all. He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9: 6), the giver of peace (John 14:27, Colossians 1:20), “For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2: 9) . Jesus says, ““Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” John 5:24 Muhammad has no idea whether he will be in heaven when he was alive but Jesus Christ had been there and knows how to get there. Should we follow and obey the one who knows 100% the way to heaven and live a righteous life according to Jesus since he is sinless?
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  92. So why does your Islam teaching seem to hate women? _________________________ This explains why Islam looks down on women. WOMEN IN ISLAM I've seen many articles written by Muslims, and even Muslim women. They all try to fool us saying that we need to separate Islam and the culture of Muslims! We are not going to talk about culture, and to make it clear from the start, we will not mix Islam and culture. Remember, Muslims who read my words, the coming reference is not from culture, but from: 1. Qur’an verses on women; 2. Muhammad's hadith, or sayings, about women; 3. Muhammad's laws and orders over women; 4. Zero cultural talk; 5. Islamic references and Islamic courts approve. WOMEN SHOULD NOT REMOVE FACIAL HAIR, OR THEY WILL END IN HELL-FIRE From Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 408: Allah curses those women...who remove their facial hair, In order to look more pretty trying to change Allah's creation. Does that mean all Muslim women will end in hell? All Arab women are hairy, as are Arab men; so to make Allah happy women have to grow a beard and mustache? The funny thing is that Muhammad's excuse was that these women were changing the look which Allah gave to them, but then Muhammad turned around and ordered them to shave their vaginas. Muhammad even colored his own hair with henna making it red. See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 668; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 786: Hadith 786: Abu Huraira reported: Allah's messenger said, “The Jews and the Christians, they do not dye their gray hair, so you Muslims have to do the opposite of what they do, so dye your gray hair and beards..." Why is Muhammad doing something just to be opposite of the Christians and the Jews? He cursed women who tried to change their look by removing their facial hair, but at the same time it was okay for the men to dye theirs! This hadith proves that Muhammad was creating rules, not because they were righteousness, or about wrong or right, but just to oppose the Christians and the Jews. Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Hadith 5243: ...His head and his beard were so white, alike as hyssop. Therefore, He, Allah's Messenger, instructed the women whom the color of his hair should be changed, so they are ordered to do something about it and change it. Why is Muhammad’s beard’s color is so important to a man whose main focus in life is supposed to be Islam and Allah? WOMEN AS WITNESSES First of all I need to inform you that women in Islam can be witnesses in court only in cases of a money contracts or agreements, but this does not include witnessing for any kind of inheritance or crime. This means women are NOT accepted as witnesses in court in all of the following cases: 1. Crime: (killing, theft, etc.) Book of Badae' Al-Sanae', Vol. 9, p. 4079:“Women are not accepted as witnesses in all kinds of crimes that come with punishment.” 2. Adultery: Qur’an 24:4, interpretation of Al-Qur’tubi; He said, in his interpretation:“of the all mighty saying and bring four witnesses on them (in case of adultery) he said the witnesses must be males only, and all the nation agrees about that.” 3. Idolatry 4. Divorce or Marriage: Book of Al-Mugni by Ibn 'Qudama Vol. 7/8:“ marriage is accepted by one man witness and two women agreed with that Nukha'ee, and Al-Shafe'e and Al-Oza'e.” Inheritance: Qur’an 5:106: “O you believers, authorize the testimony between you, when death come to you, at the time of an inheritance be that of two men witness of among you. Tafsir Ibn Kather, Publisher Tibah, 2002, Vol. 3, p. 217: Ibn Jareer Said: “It’s not allowed or accepted to have non-Muslims as witness either in the city or in travel.” Book of Fro' Al-Fiqh Al-Um by Imam Muhammad Ibn Idres Al-Shafi'e, 1990 Printing by D.T.,p. 17: It meant the free believers (not slaves) and the two verse’s interpretation, it’s forbidden to accept the witnessing of Christians and Jews. Sahih Muslim, Book 036, Hadith 6596: Allah's messenger said: “I stopped at the gate of heaven, and I saw the greatest majority of those who boarded therein were that of poor ones, and the rich persons were restrained to get into it. The residents of hell were commanded to get into hell, and I stopped in front the gate of fire and the majority among them who entered there was that of women.” Muwatta Malik, Book 48, Hadith 48.4.7: Ya'hyia said to me reporting Malik saying as Muslim Ibn Aby Marriam from Abu Salih that Abu Hurayra said, "Women, are naked, even though they are wearing clothes, go amiss and make others go amiss, and they will not enter heaven, and they will not smell its perfume and its sense is conscious of similarly far as the distance of five hundred years." Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  96. Muslims are also known to lie and distort truths to convert others. They practice Taqiyya. The real Muslims not only use deception but also murder and rape just like Hamas (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Hadith 6981). ------------------------------------------------------ CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  97. Since you are a Muslim, do you think it is beautiful that you are compared with domestic animals? Is it also beautiful that you are a sex toy to men and you have to seek permission to do things through those men and they have total rights to strike/beat you regardless of how serious your wounds are? WOMEN ARE CREATED THE SAME AS AN ANIMAL In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves. In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21: Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men). Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. You will hear Muslims say, regarding this verse, that it's about beating women lightly. The fact is, this verse shows: 1. The word lightly does not even exist in the verse. Not even in any interpretation of the Qur’an. You see, it's only in the English books to sell Islam to westerners. Just as Obama and others try to tell us by saying that Islam is peace. 2. Even if the word does not mean tough beating, at the end of the day, beating is beating. Regardless of how harsh or tough it is. 3. How light can a beating be? Lighter than a spit? It's about humiliation, not only the physical harm. Women are human. No one has the right to do such a thing to another human being. 4. Dogs in America have more rights than Muslim women. If you beat a dog in the USA, you go to jail, but if you beat a woman in an Islamic land, you are a hero who is teaching his wife how to behave! 5. What about jailing the wives in their rooms? Even the man can rape them as part of their punishment. There was a case of which you might not have heard, where a mad man, American judge (New Jersey judge) let a Moroccan husband in the U.S. rape his wife without punishment, because he believed his Muslim religion permitted it. Muhammad said Book entitled Tu'hfet Al-A'hawazi Suana Al-Turmzi, book name Al-Rida', p. 272: The prophet Muhammad said, “If [you] would like to order to bow to someone other than Allah, it would be ordering the woman to bow down to her husband. By him in Whose Hands hold my soul, a woman cannot carry out the right of her Lord, until she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on top of a camel's hump.” Book entitled Faed Al-Qadeer Fe Sharih Al-Jame' Al-Sa'ger, printed in Cairo, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 7: The prophet said, “The most who have right over a woman is her husband, as well as if her husband has an ulcer (pus), and she did lick it. She did not give him his right over her yet, and if an order someone to bow to someone other than Allah it would be ordering the woman bowing to her husband, and she should not cheat on him or forbid him from her money or herself sexually, even if she is on the top of the camel hump, and she should not go out of his house without his permission, even if it’s her parent’s funeral.” Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  100. Then lying to convert others to Islam is okay for Muslims? _________________________ CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  101. You are practinh taqiyya, aren't you? CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  107. Sadly, "Prophet" Muhammad claimed there will be more women in hell than men and they are sex toys, are the same status as domestic animals and have lower rights than men. Even if a devoted woman enters Jannah, she will still be a sex slave to all Muslim men. ‐----------------------------------------------------- WOMEN ARE CREATED THE SAME AS AN ANIMAL In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves. In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21: Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men). Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. You will hear Muslims say, regarding this verse, that it's about beating women lightly. The fact is, this verse shows: 1. The word lightly does not even exist in the verse. Not even in any interpretation of the Qur’an. You see, it's only in the English books to sell Islam to westerners. Just as Obama and others try to tell us by saying that Islam is peace. 2. Even if the word does not mean tough beating, at the end of the day, beating is beating. Regardless of how harsh or tough it is. 3. How light can a beating be? Lighter than a spit? It's about humiliation, not only the physical harm. Women are human. No one has the right to do such a thing to another human being. 4. Dogs in America have more rights than Muslim women. If you beat a dog in the USA, you go to jail, but if you beat a woman in an Islamic land, you are a hero who is teaching his wife how to behave! 5. What about jailing the wives in their rooms? Even the man can rape them as part of their punishment. There was a case of which you might not have heard, where a mad man, American judge (New Jersey judge) let a Moroccan husband in the U.S. rape his wife without punishment, because he believed his Muslim religion permitted it. Muhammad said Book entitled Tu'hfet Al-A'hawazi Suana Al-Turmzi, book name Al-Rida', p. 272: The prophet Muhammad said, “If [you] would like to order to bow to someone other than Allah, it would be ordering the woman to bow down to her husband. By him in Whose Hands hold my soul, a woman cannot carry out the right of her Lord, until she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on top of a camel's hump.” Book entitled Faed Al-Qadeer Fe Sharih Al-Jame' Al-Sa'ger, printed in Cairo, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 7: The prophet said, “The most who have right over a woman is her husband, as well as if her husband has an ulcer (pus), and she did lick it. She did not give him his right over her yet, and if an order someone to bow to someone other than Allah it would be ordering the woman bowing to her husband, and she should not cheat on him or forbid him from her money or herself sexually, even if she is on the top of the camel hump, and she should not go out of his house without his permission, even if it’s her parent’s funeral.” Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  115. Yes, either you surrendered to Islam or be killed. _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  124. ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223)
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  126. But real Muslims practice Taqiyya. They use deception to convert non believers to Islam. CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  128. You prophet practiced lies and deception. He even says his god is the best of all deceivers. What truth? _________________________ "plus they deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best of deceivers" Qur'an 3:54 CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  130. How do we know you are lying? Your prophet commands you to lie to non believers. _______________________________ CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. Source:The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  131. 🤮 ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223) Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  134. Hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  137. PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  142. Japanese government should exposed the deadly lies of Islam.👇 ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223) Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  143. Allah created evil beings to be the enemies of his prophets (Qur'an 6:112), but he also promised his prophets that he would protect them from Satan (Qur'an 15:42 and 16:98-100). Nevertheless, we have seen that Allah is not capable of providing the protection that he promised. The Qur'an claims that Allah is all-powerful, as we see in the following verse (Qur'an 6:73, Usama Dakdok translation): And he is who created the heavens and the earth, in the truth and on the day he says, “Be,” so it will be. His word is the truth and to him the kingdom...” If Allah's word is as powerful as the Qur'an claims, why can't he defeat Satan, who is his own creation? Allah should be able to simply say, “Stop,” or say any other command to order Satan away from the prophets, and Satan would be defeated very easily, but this is not what happens. Either Allah chooses not to protect his prophets, which makes him a liar; or Allah is not really as powerful as the Qur'an claims, which makes him weak—even weaker than Satan. Again, whichever explanation you choose, you will see that Allah is a false god. The true God is not a liar, and He is truly all-powerful. We are going to expose more about Destiny; one of the Six Pillars of Faith which is taken from Sahih Muslim, Book of Eman, Beirut, Year 1993, Vol. 1, p. 37. “When the prophet was asked about the meaning of faith he said: to believe in Allah and his angels, books, messengers, last day, and to believe in your destiny good or bad.” Qur’an 10:22: It's Allah who drives your way and path in land and sea. Qur’an 57:22: No disaster happened on the earth or on yourselves but it's written to yourselves, from before your creation, for Allah this is so easy. We can also see in Qur’an 18:74, where a prophet named Al-Khader, killed a boy because he was going to grow up to be an infidel. It was his destiny to be an infidel. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  144. Prophet Muhammad was once a slave. _________________________ MUHAMMAD IS AN ADOPTED SON To conclude this exploration of Muhammad's ancestry, read with me Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 563. This important hadith shows that Muhammad was no more than a slave to the family he grew up with: As I saw that unpleasant view, I went to the messenger of Allah and told him the story. The prophet came out in the companion of Zaid bin Harith, who was with him afterwards, and I too went in the company of them. The messenger went to 'Hamza (Muhammad's uncle) and spoke roughly to him. 'Hamza looked up at the messenger and said, “Are you not more than the slave of my forefathers?” The messenger withdrew himself and left. This incident occurred before the banning of drinking. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 563). (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 563). 1. Why would the uncle of Muhammad say such a lie, unless it's true? 2. Also, why did Muhammad withdraw himself right after, without even saying a word? 3. The words of 'Hamza were stating a fact to the point Muhammad could not respond and fight back; 4. Mostly, Muhammad was worried that if he talked more, 'Hamza would say more things that he would not want to hear; 5. It's so clear that Muhammad was not expecting 'Hamza, who is supposed to be his uncle, to say that in the first place; 6. This all leads to one thing: Muhammad is the son of an unknown father; 7. When this family adopted him, they called him Qathem, after one of their sons that had passed away. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  145. When Muslims population exceed Japanese population, that cancer will be difficult to remove. _______________________ PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  148. ​@aadam8049 If this is the case, what is your comment about October 7th attack? Why do many Muslims cheer for joy when Israel was attacked where many women and children were rape and slaughtered? It is also a well known fact your prophet is a man of hatred especially the jews. Christian Prince is correct to say Islam is a death and sex cult. ___________________________ MUHAMMAD CREATES RULES, NOT BY ALLAH’S TEACHING, BUT JUST TO OPPOSE THE JEWS Sunan Abu-Dawood, Book 2, Hadith 0652: Reported Aws Ibn 'Thabit Al-Ansari: “The messenger of Allah said: ‘Act differently from the Jews, on behalf of they do not pray in their sandals or their shoes.’” Can Muhammad not tell them how to pray without remembering what the Jews do? Why should Muslims be the opposite of the Jews in all things? It gets even funnier with the coming hadith in Sunan Abu-Dawood, Book 20, Hadith 3170: Reported by 'Ubadah Ibn Assamet: “The messenger of Allah used to stand up during the funeral until the corpse was placed in the grave. A learned Jew once during the funeral until the corpse was placed in the grave. A learned Jew once passed him while he (Muhammad) was standing by a grave during a funeral, subsequently the Jew said: ‘This is how we do (meaning praying standing).’ The Prophet sat down and said: ‘Sit down and act differently from them (the Jews).’” • Is this for real? Muhammad always prayed in the funeral standing until a Jew said this is how we do it, and then he changed to the opposite? • Does that mean Muhammad was wrong all the time that he performed his prayer standing at graves? • Why did Muhammad not ask Allah to teach him about the right way to do prayers instead of acting like a child when “The Prophet sat down and said: ‘Sit down and act differently from them.’” Another example is in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 668: It was reported by Abu Huraira: “Allah's messenger said, ‘The Jews and the Christians do not dye their gray hair, as a result you shall do the opposite of what they do (which means dye your gray hair and beards).’” It's so clear that Islam is deliberately made to be the opposite of what Christianity and Judaism stand for. As a result, if a Muslim comes to you and says, “We have the same god,” he is trying to fool you. He knows that whatever we believe or whatever we do, his prophet in every act and teaching chose to be the opposite, not because we are wrong, but just to be the opposite of us. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  151. You liar! _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  153. WOMEN ARE CREATED THE SAME AS AN ANIMAL In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves. In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21: Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men). Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  159. ​@positiv.denken Sure 😂. If men and women are equal, why are women in Islam are also regarded as sex toys? The Japanese Muslim women will be shocked and disgusting once they learned they are viewed so degraded. _______________________________ WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  164. @Kenma77  I am not sure how the Jews that converted to Muslims would react to these verses below. ......................................................................... WHY DID ALLAH TURN THE JEWS INTO PIGS AND MONKEYS? Qur'an 2:65: You have been informed about those who transgressed on Saturday, so we said to them, “Be as filthy monkeys.” Qur'an 5:60: We made from them the monkeys and the pigs. I suppose Allah was angry with the Jews who went fishing on a Saturday, the Sabbath day, so he cursed them by turning them into pigs and monkeys. My question is, why hasn't even one Jewish man or woman during the last few thousand years been transformed into a monkey or a pig? Note that Allah never released the Jews from the Sabbath day. Note also that the curse is still active today. Take a Jewish guy fishing with you next Saturday and bring a video camera along with you. Watch if your Jewish friend becomes a monkey or pig. If he remains a man at the end of the Sabbath day, then Allah's curse must be ineffective. Since Allah does not want Jews to do any work on Saturdays, why does he allow Muslims to work on Fridays? Allah transformed the Jews into monkeys and pigs for fishing on the Sabbath. Here is the story in Qur’an 7:163: Question them regarding the village standing close by the sea. Behold! They misbehaved in the concern of the Sabbath. For on the day of their Sabbath their whale did come to them, but on the day other than Saturday, they came not: this is how We arranged a trouble to them, on behalf of their sin. Let us read Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Qur’an 7:163 (Ibn Kathir, print. 2002, published by Dar-'Tiba, Vol. 2, p. 163): While their fish came to them floating to the top of the water on Sabbath day, and being visible on top of the water, according to Al-Dahhak, who reported it from Ibn ‘Abbas Ibn Jarir who said, "Allah's statement (but on the day other than Saturday, they came not: this is how We arranged a trouble to them, on behalf of their sin) means, this is how We tested them by making the fish swim close to the surface of the water, on the day which they were prohibited to fish. And in remainder of the week, the fish would be hidden from them on the day when they were allowed to fish, (this is how We arranged a trouble to them,) so that We tested them... We tested them... The double standard of Allah is shown in this story (Qur’an 2:17): Allah hath forbidden to you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. However, but whoever is driven to a necessity (like starving) not desiring, nor exceeding the order of Allah, no sin shall be upon him; surely, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. • So it’s fine for a Muslim to eat pork if he has to break the law of Allah due to his hunger. • Then why is Allah not being at all merciful toward the poor Jews, whom he caused to suffer hunger six days a week, and afterwards the fish came only on Saturday. How many weeks can the Jews fast with no food at all? Which means, it was Allah’s own handiwork and crime, and subsequently he desired to punish them for having to fish on Sabbath? • Allah told them not to fish on Saturday, but he made the fish come only on that day! • How will these poor men feed their family six days out of the week if Allah makes the fish disappear and he then makes it come up on top of the water on Saturday only? • Is that justice? Allah is playing with the Jews, forcing them into hunger so they will break his orders; and subsequently he exacts his punishment on them by transforming them into rats and pigs and monkeys! • It's very clear that the one who made up this story has an evil mind, explaining to us that Allah makes us suffer only for his human type of amusement—the enjoyment of watching little children get so hungry six days a week, all just to enhance his own self-esteem. EVEN RATS ARE MADE FROM THE JEWS! Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 524: It is reported by Abu Huraira: “The Prophet said, ‘A clan of children of Israel was lost. No person knows what they acted. However, I do not see them except that they were cursed (by Allah) and transfigured into rats, because if you put the milk of a she-camel in front of a rat, it will not drink it, but if you put in front of milk of a she-camel in front of a rat, it will not drink it, but if you put in front of it the milk of a sheep, it will drink it.’ I told this to Ka'eb who asked me, ‘Did you hear this from the Prophet?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ Ka'eb asked me the same question several times; I said to Ka'eb ‘Do I read the Torah?’” (i.e. I tell you this from the prophet.). Let us study the logic of Muhammad concerning what an animal will not accept. What an animal does not accept as drink means the animal is from the same ethnic group as you. But Allah transformed them into that kind of animal as punishment for some wrong deed based on this? We are going to use Muhammad’s logic of this brilliant discovery to learn about another mystery: Donkeys do not drink whiskey or alcohol, and Muslims do not drink alcohol. Therefore, donkeys used to be human Muslims and Allah turned them into donkeys? Remember, I am not calling Muslims donkeys, absolutely not, but I am trying to be smart like Muhammad by using his logic. After all, isn’t he the best example to follow? Then I have a question about how Muhammad even came up with such an idea? Muhammad cannot stop thinking about the Jews. Even when he ordered Muslims to do things, he based his orders not on Allah’s teaching on right and wrong, but on doing the opposite of the Jews, as we see in many hadiths. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  165. @Kenma77  really? so why was he schooled by a Jew when it comes to prayer? 👇 ............................................................... MUHAMMAD CREATES RULES, NOT BY ALLAH’S TEACHING, BUT JUST TO OPPOSE THE JEWS Sunan Abu-Dawood, Book 2, Hadith 0652: Reported Aws Ibn 'Thabit Al-Ansari: “The messenger of Allah said: ‘Act differently from the Jews, on behalf of they do not pray in their sandals or their shoes.’” Can Muhammad not tell them how to pray without remembering what the Jews do? Why should Muslims be the opposite of the Jews in all things? It gets even funnier with the coming hadith in Sunan Abu-Dawood, Book 20, Hadith 3170: Reported by 'Ubadah Ibn Assamet: “The messenger of Allah used to stand up during the funeral until the corpse was placed in the grave. A learned Jew once during the funeral until the corpse was placed in the grave. A learned Jew once passed him while he (Muhammad) was standing by a grave during a funeral, subsequently the Jew said: ‘This is how we do (meaning praying standing).’ The Prophet sat down and said: ‘Sit down and act differently from them (the Jews).’” • Is this for real? Muhammad always prayed in the funeral standing until a Jew said this is how we do it, and then he changed to the opposite? • Does that mean Muhammad was wrong all the time that he performed his prayer standing at graves? • Why did Muhammad not ask Allah to teach him about the right way to do prayers instead of acting like a child when “The Prophet sat down and said: ‘Sit down and act differently from them.’” Another example is in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 668: It was reported by Abu Huraira: “Allah's messenger said, ‘The Jews and the Christians do not dye their gray hair, as a result you shall do the opposite of what they do (which means dye your gray hair and beards).’” It's so clear that Islam is deliberately made to be the opposite of what Christianity and Judaism stand for. As a result, if a Muslim comes to you and says, “We have the same god,” he is trying to fool you. He knows that whatever we believe or whatever we do, his prophet in every act and teaching chose to be the opposite, not because we are wrong, but just to be the opposite of us. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  167. But you need to include Prophet Muhammad's name whenever you pray to your god. _________________________ MUHAMMAD, THE GOD Muhammad named himself God. In case you might wonder what I’m talking about, did he not repeatedly say that he was the slave of God? We need to know that Muhammad made a jump, from someone who did not have faith and did not know the scriptures, to someone who became a prophet of God overnight, as shown in the following verse of Qur'an 42:52, Muhammad Pickthall translation: And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a spirit of Our command. Thou knowest not what the scripture was, nor what the faith. But We have made it a light whereby We guide whom We will of Our bondmen. And lo! Thou verily dost guide unto a right path. How can Muslims claim that Muhammad was a follower of Abraham when he did not know “what the Scriptures were, nor what the faith” is? This shows us that Muhammad himself was a kafir (infidel). How can an infidel who did not know what faith meant and had never heard of the Scriptures, as revealed to us in the verse, suddenly chooses to be a prophet and place himself as God? Well, Muhammad used the name of God to make himself God. I will prove to you that Muhammad’s real name is Qathem ( ﻣﺜ .) ﻖMuhammad changed his name when he was 30 years old, and he did so at the instigation of his wife, Khadija, and her cousin. At that time, Khadija and her cousin worked out a plan to make Muhammad the ruler of all tribes in Arabia. They knew that it was easy for Muhammad to control and dictate authority over the people, if he claimed that his authority came from God—so they proclaimed to him, “By the name of God, you are God!” Muhammad takes the place of God (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Jihad, Hadith 2859): The Prophet said whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whomever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whomever obeys the Imam, obeys me and whomever disobeys the Imam, disobeys me. Qur’an 4:80: He who abides by the Apostle, he indeed obeys God. However, [those] whom obey him not, Allah is watching him (as a threat), We have not sent [one] to watch over them. As we see in the above verse, there is a written approval in the Qur’an for Muhammad to take the place of God. This then means that the laws of Islam have two sources: Muhammad and the Qur’an (which comes from Muhammad anyway!). The fact is that the main sources of the Islamic law are solely from the actions The fact is that the main sources of the Islamic law are solely from the actions and speeches of Muhammad. 1. Muhammad’s recitations (Qur’an); 2. Muhammad’s speeches and orders (Sunnah); 3. Muhammad’s actions (even the simplest or silly ones, like how to pee) (Sunnah). Clearly, Muhammad and God became one. The word of Muhammad is the word of God, and the order of Muhammad is the order of God. Muhammad takes precedence over God (Qur’an 4:80): Whoever obeys the Prophet, he indeed obeyed Allah; and whoever did not obey, we send not a protector over them. It is more important to obey Muhammad than to obey God. This is why we notice that there is a huge interest on the part of God to satisfy the sexual desires of Muhammad, and whatever Muhammad wished became law. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  175. You mean peace after surrender. _________________________________ ISLAM MEANS PEACE? It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  176. Good that most do not convert into Muslims. _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  180. Totally true. _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source:The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  181. Are you practicing taqiyya? Pakistan is still 3rd world. Even better off Muslims in Pakistan wants to migrate out from their country. ____________________________ CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  192. Someone should tell them Islam is not peace 👇 _________________________ PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  204. Muslims will lie to Japanese to convert them. There will be no peace. CAN MUSLIMS LIE IN ISLAM? The normal answer should be no way, right? It does not make sense that any religion would allow that! The fact is hard to believe, but it's the truth. Islam permits lying! There are two kinds of lies in Islam: 1. Lies to non-Muslims about anything. Especially about Islam (to cover up bad things); 2. Lies to Muslims. We will take a look at the first principle in Qur’an 3:28: The believers are not allowed to take disbelievers to be their friends instead of the believers. Whoso does that, he hath no connection with Allah, unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking to as it where security. Allah warns you from himself. Unto Allah is your destiny. This verse is often seen as the primary verse that sanctions deception towards non-Muslims. Believers (Muslims) cannot take disbelievers (infidels/non-Muslims) for friends and allies instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah unless you “guard yourselves against them,” with some translations adding, “taking precautions." This is something that all Muslims know. It's called Taqiyya, ةﻘ ﻳ( ﺖdefensive deception). If we ask Muslims about lying, they will recite the same verse when answering you. They will say this is about war, as if someone is an enemy who puts a sword to your neck asking you if you are Muslim. If you say yes, he will kill you! Allah is saying you can lie to save yourself from them. Is that true? YES and NO! The verse gives Muslims all kinds of rights to protect themselves. Muslims have been told that all non-Muslims are enemies. They can lie to their enemies. This is how they always see you. As an enemy, not as you see them. If I have a Muslim living next door to me, I am an enemy as revealed in Qur’an 5:51 (Yusuf Ali translation): O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. But you may say, “He (my neighbor) calls me every morning to say, ‘Good morning, my friend!’”. Well, this is Taqiyya. It's a lie to survive until they have the upper hand. To prove my point, let's see the verse and the Muslims’ interpretation of it; not mine. Go to the Qur'an commentary, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas (Mokrane Guezzou translation), and read the explanation of this verse: By taking the kafir and disbelievers as friends, he hath no connection with Allah, has no honor, mercy or safety from Allah; unless it be that ye but safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety-measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the This verse is telling Muslims not to take disbelievers as friends instead of the believers, for the one who befriends any disbeliever, receives no protection from Allah, unless he is taking them as friends for protection. Allah himself warns him, and to Allah are all orders. As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  220. Be careful. Not all Muslims are your friends. ............................................................... HE, AS A MUSLIM, CANNOT TAKE YOU AS A FRIEND! We read together many Qur’anic verses such as 3:28, 5:51 and 60:1, which all lead Muslims to follow this direct order: you are not allowed to befriend disbelievers. However, we then might meet a Muslim who seems to be a nice person. How then can we explain this? If a woman or man was born Muslim and does not happen to hate anybody in particular, Allah says in Qur’an 3:28 that this Muslim is no longer a Muslim. Therefore, this individual has lost Allah’s protection against the swords of Muslims. They speak to us in a friendly way, even though their “hearts hate this!” Does this mean we have a friendship? No, they are deceiving us. They claim to be our friends, but with their lips, not with their hearts! The interpretation of Qur’an 3:28, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, translated by Mokrane Guezzou, explains it this way: Safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. Now, after having read and understood its clear message, its meaning and its own interpretation, should I ever trust a Muslim? How can the United States government offer them positions where the general population’s lives are at risk: airports, the FBI, the CIA, or even holding positions such as army officers, just like Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major? Maybe there would be a Muslim, who’s never practiced Islam or perhaps who’s never even read the Qur’an. What is my guarantee that he eventually won't open this book and read this verse or many others which are filled with hatred, and won’t turn into a terrorist in a second? The Qur'an is the most satanic book that you can ever put your hands on. That is precisely why I named my book The Deception of Allah. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  226. Are you kidding me? The word Islam does not mean peace. _________________________ ISLAM MEANS PEACE? It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince.
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  228. What peace? Your prophet is a man of violence and hatred. _______________________________ Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Qur’an 9:29: Combat those who disbelieve in Allah nor the Judgment Day, nor forbid what Allah and His Messenger command to be forbidden, nor embrace the religion of Allah and His Messenger command to be forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truthfulness (Islam) from the People of the Book (Christian & Jewish), until they pay the Jizyah with force and surrender and feel themselves humiliated and conquered. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  233. Wrong! Islam is not a peaceful religion. ____________________________ I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  238. They did not know the true nature of their founder who is a sex maniac who stole other people's wives, murdered many people, sexually penetrated a 9 years old immature girl. Those new converts were taught Muhammad is supposed to be the best of all mankind and his actions contradicted (Qur'an 68:4 and Qur’an 33:21) _________________________ It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Reference: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  251.  @Mustafa-j9d8n  Mr Sam Shamoun would disagreed with your findings regarding Islam's teachings are rooted in justice, compassion, and respect for the freedom of belief. According to Mr Sam Shamoun's research, Quran 29 were not composed solely in respect to defensive jihad. These verses were produced to both justify and encourage Muslims to engage in offensive military warfare in order to kill the pagan Arabs who refused to convert to Islam and to also subjugate Jews and Christians who agreed to pay the jizyah so as to retain their respective beliefs. The Islamic sources themselves testify that when these verses were recited the Meccans had already surrendered to Muhammad and were completely under his control and authority. Thus, they posed no serious challenge to his prophetic and political ambitions. Yet this was not enough for Muhammad since he could not allow for other religions to coexist as long as he had the upperhand and the power to force them to convert. Notice, once again, what Q. 9:32-33 says:They (the disbelievers, the Jews and the Christians) want to extinguish Allah's Light (with which Muhammad has been sent - Islamic Monotheism) with their mouths, but Allah will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the Kafirun (disbelievers) hate (it). It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) hate (it). Hilali-Khan And here is another reference which repeats this point of Islam becoming dominant through military expedition, tyranny and oppression: He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), that He may make it (Islam) superior over all religions. And All-Sufficient is Allah as a Witness. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of (their) prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurat (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, it then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe (i.e. all those who follow Islamic Monotheism, the religion of Prophet Muhammad till the Day of Resurrection) and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (i.e. Paradise). S. 48:28-29 Hilali-Khan Moreover, these passages are part of the many texts which form the basis for offensive jihad, encouraging Muslims to fight and kill the disbelievers, and subjugate Jews and Christians, in order to bring the entire world under the control and rule of Islam, provided that they have the power and the military means to do so. Otherwise, they must bide their time and deceive people into thinking that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion by focusing on the texts of the Quran which encourage peace and forgiveness, the ones composed during the time that Muhammad was outnumbered and couldn’t do anything to kill and control his opponents. Yet as soon as the Muslims have the upper hand, as soon as they have the money and weaponry to mount an offensive strike, then we will see the true face of Islam, its prophet, and its god.
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  256. Yeah, just like UK, France and Germany. Islam just want to conquer and there will be peace with tax and protection. ............................................................... Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  259. I totally agree. HE, AS A MUSLIM, CANNOT TAKE YOU AS A FRIEND! We read together many Qur’anic verses such as 3:28, 5:51 and 60:1, which all lead Muslims to follow this direct order: you are not allowed to befriend disbelievers. However, we then might meet a Muslim who seems to be a nice person. How then can we explain this? If a woman or man was born Muslim and does not happen to hate anybody in particular, Allah says in Qur’an 3:28 that this Muslim is no longer a Muslim. Therefore, this individual has lost Allah’s protection against the swords of Muslims. They speak to us in a friendly way, even though their “hearts hate this!” Does this mean we have a friendship? No, they are deceiving us. They claim to be our friends, but with their lips, not with their hearts! The interpretation of Qur’an 3:28, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, translated by Mokrane Guezzou, explains it this way: Safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. Now, after having read and understood its clear message, its meaning and its own interpretation, should I ever trust a Muslim? How can the United States government offer them positions where the general population’s lives are at risk: airports, the FBI, the CIA, or even holding positions such as army officers, just like Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major? Maybe there would be a Muslim, who’s never practiced Islam or perhaps who’s never even read the Qur’an. What is my guarantee that he eventually won't open this book and read this verse or many others which are filled with hatred, and won’t turn into a terrorist in a second? The Qur'an is the most satanic book that you can ever put your hands on. Source: The Deception of Allah.
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  262. @user-bl6sd7jo8l  funny that the muslim prophet sets his own rules different from others and he is supposed to be an ideal model for all mankind. .................................................................. The Prophet was preferred above all mankind in 16 issues: Tafsir Al Qur’an (Al jame' Le Ahkam, Al Qur’an) by Imam Al-Qur’tubi, Beirut, 1992, Vol. 14, p. 212 Here are some of the sixteen ways in which Muhammad was preferred: 1. Prescribed the best of spoils; 2. The fifth of the best of spoils; 3. Reached out by sex (with any woman without marriage); 4. Increase of wives: more than four wives! 5. Sex by word (women who offer themselves), as a gift! 6. Marriage without a guardian; 7. Marriage without a dowry; 8. The marriage in the case of I'hram (Muhammad was the only Muslim that could have sex during the practice of hajj)! 9. If he took an oath with his wives, he could break it! 9. If he took an oath with his wives, he could break it! 10. If his eyes fall onto a married woman, her husband had to divorce her, so the prophet could have her! We will stop here and take a look at the last ten things Muhammad had above all mankind: 1. Notice all that Allah favored him was about one of two things: sex or money! 2. He is above all that Allah rules. It's assumed that what Allah ruled for mankind was perfect, as Muslims claim, but it's clear that those rules are not suitable for Muhammad. He needs more! 3. There is Allah and Muhammad who are above any law. The law of Allah was made in two ways. One to be practiced by Muslims and another to give advantage to Muhammad. This makes Muhammad above all mankind. This is in contradiction to Qur’an 49:13: O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo, the best of you is the one who obeys Allah. For Allah is all Knower. • So the best is the one that obeys Allah's rules, but as we see, Muhammad does not obey Allah. The Qur’an said four wives, but Muhammad keeps marrying as many as he wants! • Allah said you need a guardian to ask a woman for her hand in marriage to be legal. Muhammad didn’t like that; • According to the Qur'an you have to pay women money to marry them. Muhammad wanted women for free! • Allah ordered men not to go after married women, but Muhammad was ordering men to leave their wives if he wanted them. Yes, even if she was married! • After all of this, he is the best man. And the prophet! • Christ said in Matthew 5:28: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. • Where is Muhammad concerning Christ's teaching? Source:The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  263. I agreed. They are following their fake prophet's conquest and he is no peace maker. _________________________ PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  264. You mean peace after surrendering by the sword. ............................................................... It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  267.  @Lunaticbeing  but this faith is a threat to the rest of the non Muslim countries. _________________________________ Qur'an 47:35:Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  268. Their Japanese women had lost their rights. _________________________ This explains why Islam looks down on women. WOMEN IN ISLAM I've seen many articles written by Muslims, and even Muslim women. They all try to fool us saying that we need to separate Islam and the culture of Muslims! We are not going to talk about culture, and to make it clear from the start, we will not mix Islam and culture. Remember, Muslims who read my words, the coming reference is not from culture, but from: 1. Qur’an verses on women; 2. Muhammad's hadith, or sayings, about women; 3. Muhammad's laws and orders over women; 4. Zero cultural talk; 5. Islamic references and Islamic courts approve. WOMEN SHOULD NOT REMOVE FACIAL HAIR, OR THEY WILL END IN HELL-FIRE From Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 408: Allah curses those women...who remove their facial hair, In order to look more pretty trying to change Allah's creation. Does that mean all Muslim women will end in hell? All Arab women are hairy, as are Arab men; so to make Allah happy women have to grow a beard and mustache? The funny thing is that Muhammad's excuse was that these women were changing the look which Allah gave to them, but then Muhammad turned around and ordered them to shave their vaginas. Muhammad even colored his own hair with henna making it red. See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 668; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 786: Hadith 786: Abu Huraira reported: Allah's messenger said, “The Jews and the Christians, they do not dye their gray hair, so you Muslims have to do the opposite of what they do, so dye your gray hair and beards..." Why is Muhammad doing something just to be opposite of the Christians and the Jews? He cursed women who tried to change their look by removing their facial hair, but at the same time it was okay for the men to dye theirs! This hadith proves that Muhammad was creating rules, not because they were righteousness, or about wrong or right, but just to oppose the Christians and the Jews. Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Hadith 5243: ...His head and his beard were so white, alike as hyssop. Therefore, He, Allah's Messenger, instructed the women whom the color of his hair should be changed, so they are ordered to do something about it and change it. Why is Muhammad’s beard’s color is so important to a man whose main focus in life is supposed to be Islam and Allah? WOMEN AS WITNESSES First of all I need to inform you that women in Islam can be witnesses in court only in cases of a money contracts or agreements, but this does not include witnessing for any kind of inheritance or crime. This means women are NOT accepted as witnesses in court in all of the following cases: 1. Crime: (killing, theft, etc.) Book of Badae' Al-Sanae', Vol. 9, p. 4079:“Women are not accepted as witnesses in all kinds of crimes that come with punishment.” 2. Adultery: Qur’an 24:4, interpretation of Al-Qur’tubi; He said, in his interpretation:“of the all mighty saying and bring four witnesses on them (in case of adultery) he said the witnesses must be males only, and all the nation agrees about that.” 3. Idolatry 4. Divorce or Marriage: Book of Al-Mugni by Ibn 'Qudama Vol. 7/8:“ marriage is accepted by one man witness and two women agreed with that Nukha'ee, and Al-Shafe'e and Al-Oza'e.” Inheritance: Qur’an 5:106: “O you believers, authorize the testimony between you, when death come to you, at the time of an inheritance be that of two men witness of among you. Tafsir Ibn Kather, Publisher Tibah, 2002, Vol. 3, p. 217: Ibn Jareer Said: “It’s not allowed or accepted to have non-Muslims as witness either in the city or in travel.” Book of Fro' Al-Fiqh Al-Um by Imam Muhammad Ibn Idres Al-Shafi'e, 1990 Printing by D.T.,p. 17: It meant the free believers (not slaves) and the two verse’s interpretation, it’s forbidden to accept the witnessing of Christians and Jews. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  275. If this is true, why there are Islam fanatics or jihadists murdering innocents? Everyone is supposed to be Muslims? _________________________ EVERY CHILD BORN MUSLIM FITRA Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6434: The prophet of Allah said: “The young youth which the prophet Al-Khader killed was an infidel by his nature, and if he was not killed, he would have been participating in his parents’ disobedience and disbelief.” However, this is a big contradiction from what Qur’an 7:172 says: Remember when your Lord took out their offspring, from the back bone of the children of Adam, and made them bear witness about themselves by inquiring of them, “Am I not your Lord?” They answered, “Of course, You are our Lord, we bear witness,” so do not claim or say on the Day of Judgment, “we were unconscious of this,” In that verse Allah (Muhammad) claims that all children in the world are conceived to Islam when they are sperm. That means before their birth, even before their fathers are born, and before they say the Sahada (Converting to Islam); even fifty thousand years before Adam was created, as we see in the coming hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6416): Abdullah's bin 'Amero reported: “I heard Allah's apostle speaking: ‘Allah ordained the measures' destiny of his creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, as His Throne was on the water.’” Therefore, Muslims believe in the concept of everyone being born Muslim by nature (Fitra). So, based on the Hadith and Qur'an 18:74, and I quote Muhammad’s words, “The young youth which the prophet Al-Khader killed was an infidel by his nature,” this means he was an infidel by birth. Therefore, fitra (every baby born as a Muslim) is false by Muhammad’s own contradictions. Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6436: Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6436: 'Aisha, the mother of the believers, revealed that Allah's Messenger was appointed to lead the funeral prayer of a child of the Ansar. I ('Aisha) said: “O Allah's Messenger, there is gladness for this child who is a bird from the birds of heaven for he committed no sin nor has he procured the age of committing sin.” He said: “'Aisha, take no hazards it may be in other ways because God created for heaven those who are fitted for it at the same time as they were yet in their father's loins and created for hell those who are to go to hell. He created them for hell while they were yet in their father's loins.” The Arabic text of this quote is found in Sahih Muslim, Book of Al-'Qadar, Vol. 4, p. 46, Hadith 2662: This is proof that Muhammad’s words about Fitra are a lie again. If, as indicated in this quote, each person is born as a Muslim, then this would mean that whoever dies as a child should go to heaven. But Muhammad said it may be in other ways because, “God created for heaven those who are fitted for it at the same time as they were yet in their father's loins and created for hell those who are to go to hell.” So its destiny again and one more contradiction in Muhammad’s words when he said every Muslim is born as a Muslim, as in Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6426: Messenger of Allah said: “No infant is born but by fitra (a Muslim). It is his parents who change him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist.” A person said: “Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion if they were to die before that (before reaching the age of maturity) when they can differentiate between right and wrong?” He said: “Only Allah. Who apprehends what they would be doing?” But wait, the boy who was killed in Qur'an 18:74-80 had parents who were good believing Muslims! Qur’an 18:80: The boy, his parents were good Muslims, and “We were afraid that when he grew, he might be unjust and an infidel!” So it’s not parents anymore, as Muhammad said in Sahih Muslim, Book 33, Hadith 6426! We continue with the topic of Destiny by turning to Fateh Al-Bari Fe Sharih, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of 'Qadar (Book of Destiny), p. 497, and Sahih Muslim, Bishare'h Al-Nawai, p. 155: Allah wrote down the decrees of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth. Then Muhammad said in Sahih Al-Bukhari: In Musnad Ahmad (5/332) and Book of Al Turmzi (Tafser Al Qur’an 3344), and Book of abu Dawood Al Sunna 4649 and Book of Musnad Ahmad 1/129, Book of Ibn Maja (the interdiction 78) and in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Jihad and Sair (2742) and Sahih Muslim 112, Muhammad said: …the man will do the work of people of hell but he will go to heaven! And the man will do the work of heaven but he will go to hell!(Go back to pages 280-281; read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 549) …and these who do the work of happiness they been controlled (by Allah) to do so, and these who do the work of bad they are controlled (by Allah) to do bad. This means that Muhammad admitted that work is not the reason for salvation. Is it luck? Maybe Christ! it luck? Maybe Christ! Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  276. ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES: • Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), but somehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are not from these two worlds! • Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets • Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432) • Muslims are the hypocrites (Qur’an 4:142) • All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Qur’an (Qur'an 4:46) • Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40) • Beheading nonMuslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4) • Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171) • Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; only nonMuslims do so (Qur’an 53:27) • Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad), (Qur'an 6:101; 72:3) • Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42) • Allah’s two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no left hand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the left hand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has and uses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allah’s two hands must be right (undefiled) hands • Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27) • Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22) • Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questions and no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102) • Muslims cannot take the non-believers (nonMuslims) as friends (Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81) • Satan is a friend for all non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 7:27; 30) • Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims (Qur'an 8:73) • Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they are from the non-believers (nonMuslims), (Qur'an 9:23) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannot name one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc. (Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44) • Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in their own language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah is in the Russian language? • Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds of commandments: ones which are valid to practice and others which are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either there or missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice them anymore (Qur'an 2:106) • Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Qur’an (Qur’an 22:52) • The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is a Muslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers (Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house as mentioned in Qur’an 5:97 • The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22). We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus as Jesus is alive while Muhammad is dead! • The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154) • Allah is the best of deceivers (Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50) • To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception (Qur’an 13:42) • There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives (Qur’an 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93) • Allah might deceive and mislead the one he has already guided! (Qur’an 9:115; see Tafsir Al-Jalalayn transl. Feras 'Hamza, and Tafsir Ibn-Kathir, Vol. 2, p. 395 {Arabic}) • Allah will make an ugly behavior look like beauty to the infidels in order to make them go further astray! (Qur’an 6, Verse 137) • The females are not equal to the males (Qur’an 3:36) • Muslim men can beat their wives (Qur'an 4:34; 38:44) • Muslim men can marry up to four women at the same time and have intercourse with an unlimited number of slaves outside of marriage (Qur’an 4:3) • Muslim men can rape a married slave woman (Qur'an 4:24) • Muslim men can rape their wives and force them into bed anytime, anywhere and at any circumstances (Qur'an 2:223) Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  277. So why Prophet Muhammad has the same authority as his god?👇_________________________ MUHAMMAD, THE GOD Muhammad named himself God. In case you might wonder what I’m talking about, did he not repeatedly say that he was the slave of God? We need to know that Muhammad made a jump, from someone who did not have faith and did not know the scriptures, to someone who became a prophet of God overnight, as shown in the following verse of Qur'an 42:52, Muhammad Pickthall translation: And thus have We inspired in thee (Muhammad) a spirit of Our command. Thou knowest not what the scripture was, nor what the faith. But We have made it a light whereby We guide whom We will of Our bondmen. And lo! Thou verily dost guide unto a right path. How can Muslims claim that Muhammad was a follower of Abraham when he did not know “what the Scriptures were, nor what the faith” is? This shows us that Muhammad himself was a kafir (infidel). How can an infidel who did not know what faith meant and had never heard of the Scriptures, as revealed to us in the verse, suddenly chooses to be a prophet and place himself as God? Well, Muhammad used the name of God to make himself God. I will prove to you that Muhammad’s real name is Qathem ( ﻣﺜ .) ﻖMuhammad changed his name when he was 30 years old, and he did so at the instigation of his wife, Khadija, and her cousin. At that time, Khadija and her cousin worked out a plan to make Muhammad the ruler of all tribes in Arabia. They knew that it was easy for Muhammad to control and dictate authority over the people, if he claimed that his authority came from God—so they proclaimed to him, “By the name of God, you are God!” Muhammad takes the place of God (Sunan Ibn Majah, Book of Jihad, Hadith 2859): The Prophet said whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whomever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whomever obeys the Imam, obeys me and whomever disobeys the Imam, disobeys me. Qur’an 4:80: He who abides by the Apostle, he indeed obeys God. However, [those] whom obey him not, Allah is watching him (as a threat), We have not sent [one] to watch over them. As we see in the above verse, there is a written approval in the Qur’an for Muhammad to take the place of God. This then means that the laws of Islam have two sources: Muhammad and the Qur’an (which comes from Muhammad anyway!). The fact is that the main sources of the Islamic law are solely from the actions The fact is that the main sources of the Islamic law are solely from the actions and speeches of Muhammad. 1. Muhammad’s recitations (Qur’an); 2. Muhammad’s speeches and orders (Sunnah); 3. Muhammad’s actions (even the simplest or silly ones, like how to pee) (Sunnah). Clearly, Muhammad and God became one. The word of Muhammad is the word of God, and the order of Muhammad is the order of God. Muhammad takes precedence over God (Qur’an 4:80): Whoever obeys the Prophet, he indeed obeyed Allah; and whoever did not obey, we send not a protector over them. It is more important to obey Muhammad than to obey God. This is why we notice that there is a huge interest on the part of God to satisfy the sexual desires of Muhammad, and whatever Muhammad wished became law. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  283. HE, AS A MUSLIM, CANNOT TAKE YOU AS A FRIEND! We read together many Qur’anic verses such as 3:28, 5:51 and 60:1, which all lead Muslims to follow this direct order: you are not allowed to befriend disbelievers. However, we then might meet a Muslim who seems to be a nice person. How then can we explain this? If a woman or man was born Muslim and does not happen to hate anybody in particular, Allah says in Qur’an 3:28 that this Muslim is no longer a Muslim. Therefore, this individual has lost Allah’s protection against the swords of Muslims. They speak to us in a friendly way, even though their “hearts hate this!” Does this mean we have a friendship? No, they are deceiving us. They claim to be our friends, but with their lips, not with their hearts! The interpretation of Qur’an 3:28, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, translated by Mokrane Guezzou, explains it this way: Safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this. Now, after having read and understood its clear message, its meaning and its own interpretation, should I ever trust a Muslim? How can the United States government offer them positions where the general population’s lives are at risk: airports, the FBI, the CIA, or even holding positions such as army officers, just like Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major? Maybe there would be a Muslim, who’s never practiced Islam or perhaps who’s never even read the Qur’an. What is my guarantee that he eventually won't open this book and read this verse or many others which are filled with hatred, and won’t turn into a terrorist in a second? The Qur'an is the most satanic book that you can ever put your hands on. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  284. You should not bother about them. Their prophet hates Jews and they listen to him. _________________________ WHY DID ALLAH TURN THE JEWS INTO PIGS AND MONKEYS? Qur'an 2:65: You have been informed about those who transgressed on Saturday, so we said to them, “Be as filthy monkeys.” Qur'an 5:60: We made from them the monkeys and the pigs. I suppose Allah was angry with the Jews who went fishing on a Saturday, the Sabbath day, so he cursed them by turning them into pigs and monkeys. My question is, why hasn't even one Jewish man or woman during the last few thousand years been transformed into a monkey or a pig? Note that Allah never released the Jews from the Sabbath day. Note also that the curse is still active today. Take a Jewish guy fishing with you next Saturday and bring a video camera along with you. Watch if your Jewish friend becomes a monkey or pig. If he remains a man at the end of the Sabbath day, then Allah's curse must be ineffective. Since Allah does not want Jews to do any work on Saturdays, why does he allow Muslims to work on Fridays? Allah transformed the Jews into monkeys and pigs for fishing on the Sabbath. Here is the story in Qur’an 7:163: Question them regarding the village standing close by the sea. Behold! They misbehaved in the concern of the Sabbath. For on the day of their Sabbath their whale did come to them, but on the day other than Saturday, they came not: this is how We arranged a trouble to them, on behalf of their sin. Let us read Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Qur’an 7:163 (Ibn Kathir, print. 2002, published by Dar-'Tiba, Vol. 2, p. 163): While their fish came to them floating to the top of the water on Sabbath day, and being visible on top of the water, according to Al-Dahhak, who reported it from Ibn ‘Abbas Ibn Jarir who said, "Allah's statement (but on the day other than Saturday, they came not: this is how We arranged a trouble to them, on behalf of their sin) means, this is how We tested them by making the fish swim close to the surface of the water, on the day which they were prohibited to fish. And in remainder of the week, the fish would be hidden from them on the day when they were allowed to fish, (this is how We arranged a trouble to them,) so that We tested them... We tested them... The double standard of Allah is shown in this story (Qur’an 2:17): Allah hath forbidden to you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. However, but whoever is driven to a necessity (like starving) not desiring, nor exceeding the order of Allah, no sin shall be upon him; surely, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. • So it’s fine for a Muslim to eat pork if he has to break the law of Allah due to his hunger. • Then why is Allah not being at all merciful toward the poor Jews, whom he caused to suffer hunger six days a week, and afterwards the fish came only on Saturday. How many weeks can the Jews fast with no food at all? Which means, it was Allah’s own handiwork and crime, and subsequently he desired to punish them for having to fish on Sabbath? • Allah told them not to fish on Saturday, but he made the fish come only on that day! • How will these poor men feed their family six days out of the week if Allah makes the fish disappear and he then makes it come up on top of the water on Saturday only? • Is that justice? Allah is playing with the Jews, forcing them into hunger so they will break his orders; and subsequently he exacts his punishment on them by transforming them into rats and pigs and monkeys! • It's very clear that the one who made up this story has an evil mind, explaining to us that Allah makes us suffer only for his human type of amusement—the enjoyment of watching little children get so hungry six days a week, all just to enhance his own self-esteem. EVEN RATS ARE MADE FROM THE JEWS! Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 524: It is reported by Abu Huraira: “The Prophet said, ‘A clan of children of Israel was lost. No person knows what they acted. However, I do not see them except that they were cursed (by Allah) and transfigured into rats, because if you put the milk of a she-camel in front of a rat, it will not drink it, but if you put in front of milk of a she-camel in front of a rat, it will not drink it, but if you put in front of it the milk of a sheep, it will drink it.’ I told this to Ka'eb who asked me, ‘Did you hear this from the Prophet?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ Ka'eb asked me the same question several times; I said to Ka'eb ‘Do I read the Torah?’” (i.e. I tell you this from the prophet.). Let us study the logic of Muhammad concerning what an animal will not accept. What an animal does not accept as drink means the animal is from the same ethnic group as you. But Allah transformed them into that kind of animal as punishment for some wrong deed based on this? We are going to use Muhammad’s logic of this brilliant discovery to learn about another mystery: Donkeys do not drink whiskey or alcohol, and Muslims do not drink alcohol. Therefore, donkeys used to be human Muslims and Allah turned them into donkeys? Remember, I am not calling Muslims donkeys, absolutely not, but I am trying to be smart like Muhammad by using his logic. After all, isn’t he the best example to follow? Then I have a question about how Muhammad even came up with such an idea? Muhammad cannot stop thinking about the Jews. Even when he ordered Muslims to do things, he based his orders not on Allah’s teaching on right and wrong, but on doing the opposite of the Jews, as we see in many hadiths. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  292. False prophet Muhammad's commandment: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 13: "I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (doing Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me." ................................................ PEACE AGREEMENT IN ISLAM I am not sure if you understand how dangerous Islam is. As you've seen, Allah hates Christians and orders the Muslims to fight to kill them. There are about three billion humans who are Christian and have to be fought by Muslims. The choices are to pay in submission, convert or be killed. Add to that what the last hadith revealed. What we hear about Islam and Muslims from political leaders, like Obama and other western liars, is ignorance. Their foolishness is making them blind. All they care about is just pushing it away until tomorrow to see what is coming! What is coming is ugly. The earth will be covered with blood, for Islam is a beast hungry for blood. Some might say, “What about some Islamic countries that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until that signed a peace agreement with Israel?” Yes, it's true, but it's temporary, until Muslims have the power to take Israel and the entire West down, as we see Allah ordered in the Qur’an. It is explained in Qur'an 47:35: Cry not and ask not for peace as long you have the uppermost and the strength and Allah will reward you for your deeds. It's so clear that Muslims are not allowed to go for peace, because Islam is against any kind of peace. There are conditions when Muslims can agree about peace, and Allah approves it as long as it's temporary. If Muslims cannot beat the Jews, it's okay to have a treaty. Muhammad did this himself with the Christians and the Jews. He did this when he was weak. If he had gone to war, he would have lost, and they would have been able to kill him easily, so Muhammad signed a peace agreement and then broke it when he became strong as we see in Qur'an 9:1: Freedom from any obligation or promise or treaty of peace from Allah and His messenger toward those of the Mushrikeen (pagans and Christians and Jews) with whom ye made a treaty. As simple as that is, why would any country in the world trust a treaty made by Muslims? It's based on foolishness and ignorance. This is what Israel is facing now. They are being forced by the USA Government to accept such treaties. Soon Iranian Muslims will have their nuclear weapons, which some Muslim countries already have. I guess the party of bloodshed will start in less than 25 years. It's just a matter of time when we will see the Muslim population growing fast in the West, and then they will force their own agenda over the world. They might even be able to use western countries’ nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, and then they could nuke any country that does not accept Islam. I am saying, if they could! I am convinced that if Muslims had an army as powerful as the United States’ army, they would make one speech saying, “You've got three days. Either you convert or you die.” This is why Muhammad sent three letters to the three kings of the three largest kingdoms around him at that time, threatening them to convert or go to war! Terror was the way for Muhammad to have victory. Read Qur'an 8:12: When Allah inspires the angels that I am with you (Muslims) I will cast terror into the hearts of the Disbelievers, so cut their neck and every finger tip of them. This is how the Muslims made George W. Bush go to the mosque like a puppy. The same happened for all who came after, even from Hillary Clinton to Obama. Many after them will bow to Muslim kings, because they are afraid of the Islamic terror. Maybe you do not understand what I am trying to say yet! How many movies have been made against Christ? How many books? How many lies? At the same time, who dares to speak or to make a movie against Muhammad?! Why, even in Hollywood, did they have a conference to change the way they look at the Islamic world, and then forced all movie makers to make positive movies about Muslims? Terror is powerful! They will try to silence anyone who will speak the truth. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  296. Do not marry him. Once you do, you will be subjected to his religion 's law. Go watch "Not without my daughter " film in YouTube. It is based on a true story. _______________________________ Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.” WOMEN ARE SEX TOYS In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.” will keep cursing her until morning.” You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p. 17: The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning. I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases. Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,” by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman): The prophet Muhammad said: 44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.” “If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!” 44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.” 44842- “If a man liked a woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!” Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684: Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old. Qur'an 2:223: Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like… In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61: Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back. • Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah. • I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven. This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life. • Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that. • The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!” • This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34: Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great. Source: The Deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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  298. ​ @Perceval777 they will do force conversion to Islam and if they don't obey, they will kill them, rape their women and loot all their properties. ............................................................. This is something you always hear in western countries. Most of those who say it are just trying to prove me wrong! First of all, I am talking about Islam, not Muslims. The word “Muslim”, means nothing if the person doesn't practice Islam. Maybe he isn't playing the deception game as those who committed the atrocities of the September 11thevent, as they went to strip clubs and drank! Why? To deceive the FBI in case they were being watched. You should know that the Qur’an says that Muslims are not allowed to take us as friends or protectors, as Qur’an 5:51 says: Take not Christians and Jews as friends and protectors, they are friends to each other, and if any of you take them as friends, he is one of them an unjust to himself (which means he is out of Islam, and he will be punished by death). See the Yusuf Ali’s translation of Qur’an 5:51: O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other, and he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people. By the way, a Muslim may say to you that this is about not taking a friend from those who are at war with them! If you both were at war, why would that person take you as a friend anyway? The fact is, yes, “do not take anyone we are in war with” includes all Christians and Jews, for Islam divides the entire earth into two parts; Land of Peace and Land of War. There are even those who try to fool the West about the so-called peaceful Islam, like Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi. He said in Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper in London on July 19, 2003, “It has been determined by Islamic law that the blood and property of the people of Dar Al-Harb (house of war—any land that is not submitting to Allah), where Muslims are in war and battle, is not protected.” Now this is a man who works hard trying to give a better appearance of Islam in the West, but he did agree that all of those who are not in a sublimation stage to Islam have to be killed. He is basing this on his prophet's words (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387): "I have been commanded to fight (fight to kill) all the people up to the time that they say: 'None should be worshiped but Allah.' And if they say so, and pray like we pray, face our Qibla (direction of the Kaaba) and butcher the same as we slaughter, then and only after that their blood and property will be protected from me...” I think these are very clear words from Muhammad: convert or die. This will take us to the word “Islam” which Muslims claim means “peace”. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
  299. Don't be too sure. When more Japanese become Muslims, Japan might ended up like U.K, France and Germany where they want their Islam laws and culture to replace Japanese ones. ............................................................... It upsets me when some ignorant person goes on TV and gives us his rubbish saying, “Islam is peace and peaceful” or even, “Islam means peace!” I do not need to remind you about those who lie, like President Obama and other western leaders, saying that Islam is peace. Either they are unbelievably ignorant about Islam, or they are simply liars. First of all, Islam does not mean peace. Peace in Arabic is Salam. Does Islam look the same to you? ﻟم ﺲand ﻟﺴﺄ م Islam is totally the opposite of the word peace. I'm not sure how good your memory is, but do you remember this hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. I, p. 13 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 387. “I have been ordered by Allah to fight to kill (do Jihad) all the people until they say that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property (their Honor) are safe from me.” The same story can be found in Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Numbers 29, 30 and 32. Excerpt from Qur'an 49:14 (Mohsin Khan translation): …say, “We have surrendered (in Islam), for faith has not yet entered your hearts…” In the coming chapter, we will see how Muhammad proves that the new Muslims did not accept Islam by faith, but by the sword. He's telling them in clear words, “You cannot fool me by claiming that you converted, because you only did after you surrendered yourself to my sword.” This is what Islam means exactly. Qur'an 49: 14 (Mohsin Khan translation): The Bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islam),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger (SAW), He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." If Islam is peace, why was Muhammad ordered to fight until we convert? If we convert and become slaves of Muhammad, because he is the real god of Islam, not Allah, then and only then will our blood not be shed and our women will not be enslaved, raped and killed. If a Muslim kills you, he will not be punished for it, for your blood is free. Notice, if you kill a cow in Islam, you have to pay the owner for it, but if you kill a Christian or a Jew, your blood is free for Muslims, as we see in this following hadith. Source: The deception of Allah by Christian Prince
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