Comments by "Anders Juel Jensen" (@andersjjensen) on "Why Putin Had to Eliminate Prigozhin Now" video.
You're showing really clear signs of distorting the presented facts to fit your pre-existing narrative. AKA "coping".
Russia is a kleptocracy and an oligarchy. Everyone is willing to back-stab everyone and everyone's mission is to stuff their pockets. The few buffoons like Shoigu and Gerasimov who're loyal to their master are nothing but useful idiots who do not understand that they have been allowed to stuff their pockets so Putin can always charge them with corruption. Shoigu, in particular, is the obvious case. He has always lived on a ministers salary. He has no side business. Yet he owns several mansions. If he ever steps out of line he will be charged with corruption, get 25 years in jail and die from "medical complications" within a year or two.
Prigozhin is no different. Except he realized, waaay to late, that becoming popular and looking competent is the big no-no in a dictatorship. Only Putin can look truly competent. So when you have military success where "Putin's military" failed, and you become a popular military figure while Putin has to fire "his own people" you have insulted the bunker goblin beyond repair. Had Prigozhin not thrown his little temper tantrum he MIGHT have gotten to keep the Africa deal. But he was always going to be side-lined and erased from the public memory. But Prigozhin let his success cloud his judgement. He was, after all, just another "useful idiot" that Putin knew didn't have the political tact to play the game "should his head get too big for his hat".
Now someone else, who's entrepreneurial and success oriented, but ultimately not a great tactician, will get the Wagner 2.0 mission. It will be called something else. But it will function just the same: Create a military organisation that can be used to enforce Russia's kleptocracy. They will convince more African dictators that they can only stay in power if they side with Russia. But Russia will obviously "take a small cut". But once these idiots are fully dependent on Russia's shady side-military for protection they will be robbed blind and told to be happy that they get to smoke expensive cigars.
Girkin was the last "Prigozhin". He was useful for a time, because he was willing to do the dirty work. But when that got to his head, and he started opening his mouth a little too much, he too was neutralized.... You need to cram it into your head that there is only Putin. And there will only be Putin until someone takes him out. And what comes after Putin will be Putin 2.0. Which is Stalin 7.0 (or whatever number we are up to). Until the Russian people does a "French revolution" and eat the oligarchy the Russian pople will always get "the next Putin". Who will rob them blind and buy loyalty by letting his inner circle rob them blind too.... Because corruption is both the reward for loyalty and the knife that stabs them in the back when they step out of line. Unless they step TOO FAR out of line. Then it's going to be Polonium tea, "a failed robbery attempt", "fell out a window" or "air defence mistook it for a drone". New day, different "Prigozhin". New day, same old Russia. Hell... New centry, same old Russia.
Sorry man. I'm not trying to bring you down, but if you study how all "dynasties" have formed and collapsed it's always the same formula. And Russia has been following it with boring predictability since long before the communist revolution.