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Gino Pav
Comments by "Gino Pav" (@ginopav7712) on "Ukrainian Marines DECIMATED in River Crossing Operation" video.
Hey ding dong animator guy, you must drinks a lot did you herd how much ruski soldiers make fertilizer for flowers so far. What your war was for agains apparently denazified, desatanify, and dewaterverfy.
In my german neighbourhood we call it shlipstugen das dindongen.
These dicktater guys have the stangest washed up celebrity friends include: Steven Seagul, George Depardon (Assterix) and Woger Walters, Width the friend like that who need nemenies.
Ukropium: Element in the periodic table with atomic number 104, discovered by renowed russian scientologist Yvon Putzinmyassky and is claimed to cause at high doses the onset of satanism. Ukropium is extracted from the mineral Propagandanite and is only found and currently mined in russia from the Larvarov ordivician limestone formation.
Putzins asked one of his generals how many soldiers are Kaputs in special operations, The general replied 3.5, Putzin say 3.5, the general then saids 3.5 to the power 5. Putzin say you mean 350 000 kaputs. The general say that is true. Putzin say that is definition of decimated are you nuts or somesing.
The olders I get the least youger I am. I try like the guy who say ( The older I get the more interested I become in the logistics side of warfare) he gets amazing 1.6 Likings and 93 repels for that. I thinks i minced somesing or his words must be so many profound like a profit, or maybe its just trolls who no read english very wells and not realize he not say anything too extrordinairily. I hopes i get 1600 likings or even no likings. Witch me luck.
Camouflage guy a russian scholar and emeritus professor of history in russia predictihg Putzins will losed election. For sure i no votes on him, he like old basement sofa full of coffee stains and chewed by pet dog, its time to change for new younger dicktator.
I am from Kyzyl-Mazhalik and what was in Putin head when invade, he send all my friends to front and most are Kaput now. He never send the rich kids in st-Petersbourg and Moscow. Ever since Putzin there we are get poorer and poorer, no paved roads, no toilets, no run water and now send us to front to become hamburger patty. Asking all my fellow russian citizen no to vote for Putzin in next elect.
Putzin aked one of his genirols, Why did the chickren cross the playground ? The Genirol replied To gets to the other tide."
The older i get the more I am interested in making sure there is always a toilet not to far.
Putzin asked one of his genirols, Why did the chewed gum cross the freeway ? The Genirol replied because the gum was stuck to the chiken foot..
Putzin aked one of his genirols, Why did the whale cross the ocean ? The Genirol replied To gets to the other sliide."
The more i get welfare the more interested i become in my age. ( lets go 1.7 K likes)
Russia hi tech with Notty Noo Noo, next biggest thing after the Lada
The older i get the more i have trouble finding my dentures (1.8 K likes)
The older I get the more interested I become in the logistics side of welfare. :yt: This the youtube staff, this comment is veryr profound and deserves many likes at least 1.6 K like the one below, please help get record likes:yt:
Yekaterina Duntsova was the runner ups for the Putins, but she gets disqualifad because 100 mistakes on applicate form. Nobody mention the applicate form only has 2 words to fill out that is her name. The head of electors commitee say "You are a young woman, you have everything ahead of you, but maybe consider stay away from windows.
I hads goodjob in russia 8 to 5, get drunk at night. Now i get draft and leaves for Fronts Tomorrow. I am not sure why Putin send us make no sens, i have my life, my wife and 4 kids. why not the kremlin send their own kids. Many of my friends are no more, no more answer the phone on top of that i have many Ukrain family there. Wish me luck, i will probably not come back.
Woger waters (silly wabit) do the interview with iron face Olga (IFO) and he being asked if he move to rusky. He thank for the invite but very strange he never give Iron Face Olga an answer. I suspecting he prefer the democartic luxury of his own motherland, where he say what he want and not even obligate to answer IFO. Who the hell you want to move there anyway, not even Woger the Wabit.
Putzin give his candadicktator for next democartic dicktater election in Russia. I no vote on him, time for change, we dont needs old cabage fart guy, who mess up everytings.
Not sure if you reads the news, but many russan use as chiken father in Advika. Maybe cheks its out. By the way is that a telescope on your table, looks like celestron I ahve the same . Very intersting.
Guliani declare backrupty after he realize he cannot collecte enough alumminum cans along highway to pay many million dollars in the fines.
🔴Your camouflage blazer is quite the fashion statement, who is your taylor, he is very Swift.🔴
Putzin, go mad, I am russian soldiers on fronts thats not enough, he wanting us to have more kid upto 8 and because short manpower he wanting my wife to works too. How do he want us to have kid when on front for over 1 year and then my wife have more kids and go to work. I already have 4 kid i no see them for long times. No vote the Putzin.
The more welfare I get the more no interested in getting older.
Because the Puzin, eggs no more afford in russia, he say becose manopoly i say no true, its because he send take all the chicken to the front for new attack idea from is general. On tops that i cannot makes the pay anymore my laon at 16 % for the lada. I have to give lada to bank, no big lose it no start and steering wall fall off and no guareantea. Maybe i waer army close and stratup youtube chanel; propagands like this one to pay for all this infaltion in russia.
I am russian soldier on the fronts, you Mr. Nowitall with the big accent and in army suit why not stop pretend in army and come and help us instead of sit on large buttocks old day. Just if you wonderin the pay is good but takes long, i no receive pay yet for year. Also, if you do deciede to help bring extra prepartion H and tourniquits and dont take tank duty they have been blowing up all the time.
I am russan soldier on fronts, i try to call putzin on year talks on tv, line always busy. IF you speak to someone knows the Putzin could you ask my question : Is that true only 300 russian solders kaput since start special operation, 2) Is true your kids and of Larvarov and Peskoff on fronts and nots living Paris with champain 3) did you knows the shell from korean guy keep blowing up by themselves 3) do you wearing high heels to look bigger, do you have stunt Putzins 5) Are you taking vacate in Margo lego florida 6) Is that true there a arrest waranty for you war crimes 9) can we vote for an other party during russian election like Nalvany 10) Did you find who did it. Thankyou. Sorry steal trouble wil spillcheker.
Not sure about you Mr army camaflage suit siting in warm office, but i think its more likes russian navy decimated and other side haves no navy. Go figor.
i haves scoop for you appartemently Putin has the tops secret US binder everybuddy looking for, trumps gives that to him for gift for the russian dicktator day. You nows anyting for a good friends, i keep you update.
Please vote for the Putzin in next elect in March and save our democartic rigths. Come to think of that nobuddy else to voting for in Russia. Ya that is the true.
The more olders i get the more i become interested in the logistics of welfare. This words gets 1700 likes do you beleive that reality. Its amazings so profind, like words of potery. @ianhugeballs
The more ims interest in welfare the olders I get ????? need more likes 👍X1700=👌
Another evils guy from the west, lilke silly child in soiled diaper not say the true. I drink another vodka to dat.
the older i , forget again.
This is no yoke.
you serious
wow getting likes, even bad speiling
the older i get, the more... i forgeting
this channel is the trur source news
vere is the beefs
no way
Putzin give his candadicktator for next democartic dicktater election in Russia. He also pass new law for the ballots to be print with check mark on his name to save the time for the counting. He very shmart.
The older i get ............ (wow 1700 likes)
Verey profond
Correction 1.7 K liked, wow, so profound i cant even explains.
whom ordereded the Pizza.
The older I get the more interested I become in the logistics side of Welfare. Hard to beleived 1700 likes must be trolls or russian Krills. Maybe the krills put on a bit too much butters, Reply
The moldier it gets the more interesting I become interested in bacteria.
My friend Yvan Hold up egg in store to look expire time, he get arrest and 7 years in labour camp. Just like the blank paper. This is no yoke and my friend not happy labour camper. Me No vote the Putzin any mores.
How come you asking for comments and peoples puting likes , Its like trolls that putting likes because they no reads enlish @J..P..
yes running lows on toilet hygienic paper, china paper really rpough on the butt.
The older i get the more older I am.
The older I get , The more interested i becomes in getting younger.
Its usually Sniker bars they are high in energy and if you eat too many they make excellent laxative. @aidanmacdougall9250
Does your dog bite, I thought you said your dog no Byte. Its not my dog. (Clouseau 1976)
Apparently Puzin sees no futur in Politics after bad careers move and he start to sell Ladas at Rolfs. He say he start new lines of car called the Rolfswagen. Sounds familiarite.
I am the inventor of the revolutionnary heater adverstise on youtube and the ear wax remover, please give generouassly to the russain soldier clean fresh underwear fund and you have chance to win free heater.
Like Putzin once said I would rather have a bottle in front of me rather than of a frontal lobotomy. I just adding bits russain humour to your funny channel. Great propagandum keeps up the works.
You are english just as bads as mines. Thats why I gets spill chekers. Ya, das good.
As I gets older I realize more an more dumkofs in the world and logibstikcs are portant for make the ice cream in fantasy kaland.. @ljoe7038
who ordered the Pizza ?
Yes you get 1600 likes