Comments by "Grenade Tennis" (@hughjass1044) on "Hodges: 'Ukraine will liberate Crimea by the end of August IF...' | DW News" video.

  1. Points to consider - 1) Putin is into this thing WAY over his head. He's now well past the point of no return. There is NO turning back now. He couldn't quit now even if he wanted to. He'd be dead in a week. 2) There is now no way for him to achieve an outright victory on the battlefield so what's left? What advantages does he have and what can he use? The answer - numbers. And he has those in abundance! 3) When you don't care about cost, when you're prepared to throw away a million lives if that's what it takes, and when you see that your enemies' allies are only giving them penny packets of weaponry and are fussing and fretting about even doing that much and have to be arm-twisted and badgered into every single arms shipment because they're stark, raving terrified of you and collectively soil their clothes whenever anyone says the word... gasp!... escalation!... what do you do? How do you leverage that fear and turn it in your favor? 4) You wear them down, that's what you do. You send wave after wave of bodies and wave after wave of vehicles. Yes, the bodies are barely trained and even worse equipped and the vehicles are complete junk but they all make the Ukrainians use up ammo to defeat them and make the west have to supply more. It's called attrition and the Russians can keep this going practically indefinitely. 5) I've been saying it for a year and I'll keep saying it. Russia WILL drag this out as long as they have to UNLESS we in the west stop pissing around, step in and put an end to this thing, once and for all!