Comments by "Grenade Tennis" (@hughjass1044) on "" video.
"We should have seen this coming....." The theme song of the entire last century.
There's not a single major event in the last 100+ years that we haven't had ample, ample warning of. Hitler was very clear from very early on about what his intentions were. In fact, he wrote a whole book and told us about it in great detail. Putin as well, is and was, a prolific writer and his wishes, thoughts and ambitions were and are, well known.
Well over 50 years of Syrian history should have made abundantly clear what would happen there. Likewise with the debacles in Iraq and Afghanistan. The situations in Cuba, Vietnam and Iran were primarily of our own making and all could have easily been avoided.
What kind of industrial grade idiots deliberately and intentionally guts and hollows out their own manufacturing sector and with it, their middle class and to make it worse, sends it all to our primary strategic enemy?!
Financial analysts and experts by the thousands saw the train wrecks of both the 1929 and 2008 stock market crashes coming a mile away. I wasn't alive in 1929 but I well remember reading and hearing the alarm bells a year and a half before 2008.
All these warnings... loud, clear and unmistakable... and yet all of these events still happened. It's not that we should have seen them coming, we DID see them coming. It's just that our leaders chose to look away.