Comments by "Grenade Tennis" (@hughjass1044) on "Support for Ukraine is shifting among Republicans" video.
@youtubewatcher2 Well, ex-CUUUUUUUSE me, there Mr. f*cking world expert on everything! I had no idea God Almighty his own self would be reading my post. I'll surely try to do better in the future. Am I allowed to go on living on your own precious, personal planet while I do so?
I happen to be of central European extraction, know-it-all, and have spent, and continue to spend, a considerable amount of time in Europe so just perhaps, I'm privy to a few alternative information streams Your Holiness is not. Perhaps I know a thing or two you don't.
And just so I know for nest time and have it straight - the way to "unity of purpose" is to eschew and dismiss any sort of daft notion like calmly pointing out an error and offering an alternate viewpoint in a respectful civilized manner and instead just load up on the hyperbolic attack, judgment and hate with all manner of preconceived notions, assumptions and labels.
Have I got it right?
Second thought, never mind. There isn't going to be a next time. I have neither the time, energy or patience to waste on pseudo-intellectual jerks like you.