Comments by "marre sjepie" (@marresjepie1887) on "Kremlin Not Happy With Tucker Carlson Interview" video.
True, but it has to be put-up for a vote, and only Traitor Johnson, The Speaker, can do that. They cóuld remove/ignore him, but that would take 30 days. 30 days that Ukraine would pay for in more death and suffering. As far as I am concerned, Johnson and the traitor-caucus in the GOP, are playing with fire, risking a world war even, just to deny Biden a win, àny win. They're utter low-lifes. sociopaths at their worst.
Thàt's the kind of people that vote Trump. Utter simpletons, with a baffling amount of false nostalgia for a time that never was, a time where "Things were simpler" Longing for a time where their quarter-wit brains could understand "The World" They're the kind of people that hàte being civil, háte having to think for themselves, but at the same time think they're smarter than everyone else, and have this deep-seated persecution complex, because society at large criticises, and rejects their ideas and attitudes. They're the people that lóve Trump, because he's them.
If Trump èver gets in the White House again, it's not only Ukraine and Europe in general that'll be in trouble, it'll be the US too. His idiocy could completely Destroy the US from within. He already tried to undermine everything that the USA built since their independence from England with the failed coup-attempt, and it'll get worse if he ever gets his grubby hands on the reigns of power.