Comments by "marre sjepie" (@marresjepie1887) on "Paul Massaro: How Russia Corrupted the West | Jake Broe Podcast (E012) @apmassaro3" video.
@stevemcgowen Ireland does its best, indeed, to be the dark-money laundromat, but it doesn’t come even close to the London Laundromat. Whole banks and trade-houses in London run on dark money from oligarchs, blood diamonds, illegal weapons trade, drugs money. And when they get wind of the authorities being more than just casually interested, they just move to the Caymans, sit low for a bit, and after a year or two, they’re back at Main Street. And Westminster doesn’t do a whole lot about it, since many of those in parliament have stocks in those banks and trade-houses. It’s been a public secret for decennia..