Comments by "Matthew Nirenberg" (@matthewnirenberg) on "El Salvador is Giving Away FREE Second Passports" video.

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  6. Cost is irrelevant. Very few of the "riff raff" would even qualify for this new program. How many people that most would consider to be "riff raff" are highly experienced engineers, scientists, doctors, etc.? Very few. Heck the courses, experience and equipment for much of these things far exceeds $100k. Also the type who would be considered "riff raff" aren't going to move their entire life to one place and contribute to the country. As for El Salvador being the BTC mecca then the primary thing they need to do is try to force the other major countries to quit treating BTC as crypto for tax purposes. BTC is legal tender/currency in El Salvador, therefore it should be treated globally as any other currency is. However currently BTC is taxed to insane levels in most western countries as they treat it as crypto, not as a currency. Last I checked, I didn't have to track the gains and losses (for tax purposes) for having 500 Euros in my wallet from my last trip to Europe - yet for BTC that must be tracked and then taxed at a much higher level because the tax department consider crypto to be a "special asset" subject to high tax instead of being a currency (which it legally is thanks to El Salvador). The western countries want it every way (that benefits their theft... sorry I mean taxation) when in reality that just isn't workable. Either BTC is currency and subject to normal treatment like Euros or USD, or there's a lot of work that countries like El Salvador need to do in order to have their legal currencies respected.
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