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Actual Justice Warrior
Comments by "tcorourke2007" (@tcorourke2007) on "Sunny Hostin SIMPs For Cape Cod Killer" video.
@maxwellschneiter (cc: @andrewbradley3305) First off, you'll note I said "kinda racist". My intent was to point out your comments were at worst mildly or inadvertently racist and at best easily construed as racist. Accepting your elaboration in good faith, I would still caution you against the idea of decrying a woman's consensual sexual encounter with a stranger as emblematic of her flawed character. Particularly when I doubt you hold men to the same standard. Instead, I would encourage you to focus your anger on the situation at hand: this scumbag raped and murdered a woman, likely in front of her child, and a race grifter is attempting to free him, leveraging the popularity of a crime drama genre, in order to advance her own career.
I'm no grievance studies professor, but the idea that claiming the victim had consensual sex with a black garbage man is "defamation" is kinda racist.
Is that you, Elon?
@sonmi2246 Not "furious" or "disgusted", but DEFAMED. Regardless, I doubt your principal concern from the grave would be the potential imputation your sexual reputation, lolz.
@EPCauto2 I don't know, I don't follow you on Twitter.
@misanthropicservitorofmars2116 He's Dutch South African American... by way of Canada.
@andrewbradley3305 You are not qualified to discuss the intent of the statement, given that you didn't author it. But your even your claim that the victim having consensual sex with a stranger is slanderous is, in itself, misogynistic. I don't believe any of this horrendous man's lies either, but don't let your hatred for him allow your mask to slip.
@paulghignon4092 Lolz. Imagine being the person so daft they immediately conflate nuance with racism and defending murderous rapists.
@Mangraper Well, that's almost a sentence. Go ahead and grab yourself biscuit.
@CC-pj7iy Yeah, I guess I'm just more concerned about the whole "raped and murdered" element of the transgression.
@sonmi2246 #1, I watched the same video you did, spare me the blow by blow. #2, your statement is implying that the murder would have been acceptable if the sex had been consensual. Bro, get a grip on yourself.
@david-468 I'm not trolling, I'm just tired of repeating myself and fending off allegations by illiterates (present company excluded) that I believe or support this monster. My original point stands. You can read my numerous defenses, if they haven't been down voted into oblivion. And you should concentrate on what is being said instead of making assumptions about people and their motivations. I'm 50. 2007 was the year I started using YouTube.
@sonmi2246 "...had so little self-respect... that she would allow a complete stranger into her house... to have sex with him." Yeah, I'm sure you would be white-knighting for that women just as hard, lolz. At any rate, I already told you the guy is clearly the murderer. So stop cherry picking from what I said the things you choose to believe.
@david-468 Better than using insults.
@david-468 You are racist. Instead of explaining why, I'm just going to randomly claim that people can't do a thing that people constantly do, because I don't actually understand the definition of another thing.
@deltathetraveler5541 So is the wife of a garbage man also a hoe? Or does she get an exemption? Lolz. I suppose if I had your grasp on logic, I would be contemplating suicide too. P.S. It's "Return to Monke", dufus.
@maxwellschneiter I gave no credence to his ridiculous narrative. All I did was point out that claiming "this woman isn't some whore that would f*ck a lowly black garbage man on the living room floor in front of her child" implies that such a woman would be deserving of being murdered. Accept the criticism or don't.
@lvl5charmander Reply in under 5 minutes or your next one is free.
@mtnentertainment3454 Kindly point out exactly where I made any value judgement about the standards. You could just propose we roll back suffrage. No need to go full ISAIF.
@EPCauto2 OK.
@EPCauto2 And you said NAACP, the "C" of which stands for the fourth n-word... so I sure as hell hope you are Afri*an Ameri*an.
@kimmmwest4641 Your lack of offense is the worst defense possible.
@Eye_Of_Odin978 Stop trying to attribute motives to me, you're way off. The narrative this monster is offering is merely a ridiculous attempt to concoct a story that explains why his semen was found in his victim. It is the idea that "she would never stoop to having sex with a stranger, particularly a lowly black garbage man!" that implies that doing so would justify what happened to her.
@Falconlibrary The "whole debate" IS that I'm "crying racist". And YOU'RE tired? I've been trapped in here for 5 days.
@AzayBae OK, your moral outrage is not limited to race. Nice to know...
@lozzibear1989 You're right. She already had a child out of wedlock, why not have spontaneous sex with a disgusting, random garbage man, race irrelevant.
@timfool If merely pointing out that saying "a rich white lady would never stoop so low as to f*ck a lowly black garbage man" seems a little racist amounts to virtue signaling, I guess I've gone "woke", grandpa.
@BWanderers No reasonable person believes what this monster is claiming. To say "she would never have sex with a negro trash man" is as unnecessary as it is ignorant.
@mtnentertainment3454 Your holding both women AND men to 1913 standards?! 🤯
@Mangraper Two comments, zero substance. Are you capable of meaningful discourse or is your mind just a collection of 'you live in your mom's basement' insults?
@xenn4985 I made a valid point about latent racism in the original comment. A bunch of idiots incapable of understanding nuance took it as a defense of the perpetrator. Many of those idiots made random speculations about me, just like you are doing here. Regardless, feigning concern about someone's mental health as a backhanded insult is low, even for the YouTube comment section.
@xenn4985 I thoroughly explained my point, so go back and actually read what I wrote. Your assertion that I'M racist is beyond inane, as is the idea that I don't want people being mean to me.
Hey @maxwellschneiter, if I wanted to be a total d!ck I'd point out that @CumiaBites (aka the "RACE WAR NOW!" guy) seems to agree with you 😉
@sonmi2246 Again, I watched the same f*cking video you did, repearedly regurgitating your outrage doesn't prove you care more about this woman's fate than I. And if the armor fits... Frankly, you fools are whining about the "slanderousness" of the murderers ludicrous version of events, how horrible it would be if everyone thought you f*cked a random stranger or gasp a black garbage man. Meanwhile, I'M the one who's focused on the actual story, you know, the RAPE AND MURDER.